Willgurht wrote:
crippan wrote:
If we get a 1on1 tourney with many signups we probly can get it on one of the bigscreens. Sounds hard to get a commentator for the game when those guys from ITG and TSN get payed alot for their shoutcasts, I doubt they do it for free and I dont know if i wanna listen to a shoutcaster that have no idea of the game. Think its better that some from the community will do the shoutcast.
Im not really interested in DH. But i watched a qw game with some ITG shoutcast. Sounded very profesional and good, even thou they didnt really knew QW. Qw and q3 isnt that different really.
Proffesional shoutcaster > expert knowledge if you have to chose between the two.
Especially with the way modern QW is setup for spectators. When I was doing a lot of big game commentaries around 2002-2004 I think one of the main things I gave to the listeners was an overview of the overall game situation, like where RL players might be, time to powerups and so forth. But nowadays we have gameclock, moreinfo and teamoverlay for specs. So there isn't so much need for that kind of info, it's more about commentary style and that kind of thing. Of course some guy who doesn't know the individual players may not be able to give so much insight into what that player may be thinking or about to do, but there you go. Again, for Duel competitions in-depth knowledge maybe isn't so important as being a 'pro' commentator with a lot of routine and charisma.
Anyway, moving back on topic. Week 9 would be a lot better for me personally as I would have a realistic chance of attending. The timing of winter QHLANs has always been one of the main reasons I haven't gone before.
Regarding the Dreamhack thing, I guess some lessons can probably be learned from Reunion LAN which was a bit of a disaster from a QW perspective.