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European Quake League
2007-09-07, 11:27
126 posts

Jun 2007
Would like to know which maps we need to prac beside tb3 since most of my team doesn't know maps like cmt very well.
2007-09-07, 13:49
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
cmt3 e2m2tdm cmt4.. but dunno how the status is on the maps for the upcoming eql
2007-09-07, 14:02
569 posts

Feb 2006
cmt3 + cmt4 ofc. great maps for 4on4.
2007-09-07, 15:56
1435 posts

Jan 2006
Great maps for 4on4, everyone in low divisions votes for them - "omg we will learn that map, other teams will suck in there and we will own!!" - and then noone plays those maps because they didn't have the time to learn them. BG.
It's like that every season. I think it'd be better to stay with tb3 this season.
2007-09-07, 15:58
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
tb3 please
2007-09-07, 17:09
80 posts

Jan 2006
tb3 + cmt4
2007-09-07, 17:14
156 posts

Mar 2006
the boner three \o/
Save a cow, crucify a christian!
2007-09-08, 15:57
312 posts

Feb 2006
tb3 cmt4 and e2m2tdm would rule the world
2007-09-08, 18:06
27 posts

Feb 2007
I would be ridiculously, over-the-top delighted if E2M2 or E2M2TDM were to be featured in EQL 6. I don't like Kenya maps, though. While they're oftentimes well designed and executed, they typically lack that genuine old Quake feeling, which I hold very high and regard as more important than such superficial properties as "playability". Self-satire aside, though, original Quake maps ftw and down with Kenya.

Besides E2M2 or E2M2TDM, I'd also appreciate any of the good old maps E3M2, E3M3, E3M6, E3M7, or, to the extent of their existence, any TDM editions of these maps, to be included in the map pool. Featuring them all would probably bring about too hefty a map pool, but I'd be delighted to see any of these maps make a return. They all deserve it.

It goes without saying that TB3 should continue to be the core of the map pool of any 4 on 4 league or tournament apart from the ones specifically crafted to target Kenyan audiences.
2007-09-10, 01:05
229 posts

Aug 2007
I agree totally on everything ncr just said.
TEAM QUAD [need nothing]
shaga loses another friend
shaga discovers blast radius

2007-09-10, 05:53
6 posts

Oct 2006
TB3 will be enough
2007-09-10, 06:19
569 posts

Feb 2006
ncr wrote:
...lack that genuine old Quake feeling...

I think this kind of feeling is long gone (if it ever was there, maybe e1m7 in netQuake) and it all depends on when you started to play qw. Today i think we should play maps that actually are good for 4v4 and not some shit maps that happened to be released in the pak0 or pak1 files. If you wanna rot in RL-box @ e3m2 with ur qwcl-2.10 go a head. I think most of the others are past that stage. I am.
2007-09-10, 07:49
27 posts

Feb 2007
The 'genuine old Quake feeling' in all likelihood lives on with whoever has felt it, and it is of course unique to each individual mind. If you have associated it so strongly with E1M7, then that's your version of it, and I respect that. I, on the other hand, get this feeling on most original Quake maps in most situations. Please bear in mind that what we are discussing here are feelings, a phenomenon that is most individual and so complex that we (at least those of us who lack psychological education) are probably best off regarding it as more or less arbitrary. It is also something quite personal, and care must be taken not to hurt someone.

I agree that we should, at least in the prime leagues and tournaments, play maps that are proven to be suitable for 4 on 4. The big three have been extensively evaluated over a period of over eleven years and have always belonged to the 4 on 4 canon of Quake. There is no reason to believe that this should change any time soon or, indeed, ever.

The discussion on whether there is a need for more maps than The big three is an old one. Every once in a while, someone suggests that the map pool be enlarged in order to create variety. This person will typically either speak of ExMx maps or CMT maps, usually (always?) CMT3 and CMT4.

I suggested the inclusion of E2M2/TDM, optionally along with a number of other ExMx maps, because those maps would cater to my taste as regards map design and they have a sentimental value to me. I cherish the feelings those maps bring about in me. Their playability might be disputed, but this they have in common with the CMT maps, which were featured in one division (division 4) in the previous season of the EQL and were played extensively solely by one team. If anything, there seems to be a consensus that the CMT maps shouldn't belong to the 4 on 4 map canon, much like there seems to be a consensus that the only original Quake maps that should belong in this canon are DM2, DM3 and E1M2.

As to whether we in fact need more maps than TB3 in the canon, I really don't think so. In fact, I think it's blatantly obvious that there is no need for variation other than what three original Quake maps provide us with. To stumble upon a couple of clans practicing anything but TB3 is a rarity, even off-season.

So we don't need more maps than TB3 in the EQL. Judging from convention, there seem to be no other maps that reach their high standard of playability. But if additional, playability-wise inferior, maps were to be added, I know what I'd prefer, and I have spoken my mind on the matter.
2007-09-10, 08:41
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
i think e1m6 is far greater than the cmt maps but i know most ppl dont like that map or even tried it
2007-09-10, 09:27
1265 posts

Jan 2006
doing a 4on4 league with just 3 maps is nice for the narrow-minded only.
5 maps is the way to go. i would go with the cmt ones - "everyone" knows them and are generally accepted
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2007-09-10, 10:01
229 posts

Aug 2007
Why not add kenya 4on4 tournament instead of messing up with eql6? That way everyone could play them if they like.
TEAM QUAD [need nothing]
shaga loses another friend
shaga discovers blast radius

2007-09-10, 10:47
2059 posts

Jan 2006
shaga wrote:
Why not add kenya 4on4 tournament instead of messing up with eql6? That way everyone could play them if they like.

Because no clans play in those, and guess why!
2007-09-10, 11:31
135 posts

Jan 2006
Same story every year :E.

Willgurht wrote:
i think we should play maps that actually are good for 4v4 and not some shit maps that happened to be released in the pak0 or pak1 files. If you wanna rot in RL-box @ e3m2 with ur qwcl-2.10 go a head. I think most of the others are past that stage. I am.

I agree. All ExMy maps (including E1M2 and TDM versions of others) are really sad for 4/4. Since E1M2 is part of TB3 it's not possible to get rid of it but at least lets not add other shitty ExMy maps into the pool. If both teams want to play some custom map then rules should let them but don't force other people to waste 20 minutes if they don't want to.
2007-09-10, 11:56
569 posts

Feb 2006
I think qw would benefit from a tb5 in 4on4, as we have a tb5 for duel and 2on2. However it has been discussed so many times which these 2 maps should be and i dunno if we really need to do it again. I think we could just vote each season if we want some extra maps (cmt3+cmt4 etc.) or not in each division.
2007-09-10, 13:15
42 posts

Apr 2007
tb3 ftw - a quakeworld blog in the 21st century
2007-09-10, 13:20
27 posts

Feb 2007
Hooraytio wrote:
i think e1m6 is far greater than the cmt maps but i know most ppl dont like that map or even tried it

E1M6 sounds interesting. I know that it's been used as a 4 on 4 map, but I haven't tried it myself. How about a prac on that map one of these evenings?
2007-09-10, 13:47
891 posts

Jan 2006
e1m6 is one of the worst maps ever made imo.
I say tb3 ftw, and agree with Shaga - if people really want to play customs then make another league for that.. don't fuck up eql6.
Join us on
2007-09-10, 17:02
715 posts

May 2006
I think enraged would deserve a tryout, the mapper who did it is active and it could be tweaked into becoming a good map.
Check the post here.
Download the map here.
---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-09-10, 17:03
192 posts

Mar 2006

But cmt4 really motiveted my players in former times, to start and play 4v4 more often. Why? Because u get weapons more often, and its really possible to get a decent score, even against better clans. That helped alot to keep playing qw for new players. Dm2 on the other side, where greatly hated because they were raped to much each time. So add at least one custom map, so motivation is given to less skilled clans.
2007-09-14, 06:35
12 posts

May 2007
leave EQL as is. tb3.
2007-09-14, 06:47
226 posts

Mar 2007
I'd discard Dm3 since it's been played TOO much. And even if it wouldn't be played on EQL it would still be the most played map anyway..
2007-09-14, 07:10
12 posts

May 2007
I'd discard Dm3 since it's been played TOO much. And even if it wouldn't be played on EQL it would still be the most played map anyway..

move to Poland, you'll be vomiting on dm2 :/
2007-09-14, 07:19
637 posts

Jan 2006
do add cmt4, excellent map - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
2007-09-14, 10:36
312 posts

Feb 2006
how about... you make tb3 as the standard, but if both clans agree you can play other maps as well! so the people who doesnt like kenya arent forced to play it, and those who like it can play it together! i think this would be the best solution
2007-09-14, 14:03
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
We made a mistake during the signups, we forgot to add the voting for maps in each division, There will be TB3 only in EQL6! sry for that guys..
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