
Member 27 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I currently play WASD setup and use my right hand for the mouse, however I am left handed..
I tried this evening to play quake with my left hand on the mouse and I can barely navigate the map..
Just wondering has anyone made the switch from right to left? did your aim eventually improve? is it worth it do you think? seems like it will take a few months to get used to...
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I have a question: Why?  I know several left-handed people that play with the right hand on the mouse and it works fine for them. I even know of a right-hander who uses a left-hand mouse! I think it's mostly a matter of what you're used to really, much like inverting the mouse pitch or not.
Member 637 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
left hander here with a right handed mouse http://slip.4.pl/ - unblocking myspace facebook firewall
Member 27 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
why? its quite simple, I believe my aim will be MUCH better with my left hand..
I write with my left hand, much more coordinated with it, I am artistic, etc..
My aim is decent with the right hand, I would say div2 aim, but I want to make the switch to left and I want to know if anyone has tried it and has it been successful? or just a waste of time? by the looks of it I would have to invest ALOT of time, a few months at least, into the switch..
So any opinions from anyone who has much appreciated..
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I swtiched from invert to normal mouse once, played with invert few years. It was pain, but think only for few weeks or so, actually u get used(some reasonable level) after few days intensive playing I think.
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Hand of preference is merely a sign of which hand you've used the most in a given task. That is to say, while you might be left-handed in most things you do, that doesn't automatically give you a better aim with your left hand than your right while using a mouse. You'd actually have to practice as much with your left hand to learn a new task as you would with your right.
One can actually train oneself to become ambidexterous, if one has enough patience to learn all tasks with both hands. It's a lengthy process though, as once the mind grows out of the childhood's ease of learning, relearning tasks with your other hand is usually a painfully slow ordeal. Writing a few papers every day with your other hand is only the beginning. You'd have to do all the day-to-day tasks, such as brushing your teeth, etc.
I'm rambling. But anyhow, my point is that you won't innately be better with your prefered hand at a given task, unless that task had some sort of link to a task you've used your hands for before (for example, if you've learned to write with your left hand, you'll find that drawing with your left hand is much easier than with your right, but juggling balls might not be).
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I'm left handed, i have my right hand on WSAD and left on the mouse.I have good aim, but only with non-instant hit weapons. So railgun in q3 sux in my hands, but rl and pg dont. I use rmb for jump, middle for shoot best non expl weapon and lmb for shoot best weapon (rocket>shaft). If you have always played with right hand on the mouse, there is no point to change that, because your brain has adapted over the years to control mouse with right hand and you won't have better aim with left.
Member 163 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Im left handed, and use a right handed mouse setup. End of story.
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Member 27 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Thanks guys... Ill stick the right hand then
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm left handed and I use only left hand for mouse for more than 15 years now. I never ever considered right hand for that, it was natural to me to use it with left hand. When I try right hand I'm not even div50, div150 maybe  . Anyway, I don't think switching now would be good, especially if you got div2 aim atm. Switching process would take maybe even years and that would be wasted if you couldn't become better which is quite possible, especially if you're gaining from your 'better' hand on the keyboard. Rafael Nadal is right handed but plays tenis using left hand and his aim is quite good  .
Member 113 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I can't tell you much about gaming but I use my left hand at work (used to use right hand) and right hand when at home. It took me about 2 weeks before I was comfortable with the off hand (im right handed), adjusting to gaming will take a lot more time but I never went through with since it wasn't my goal.
Member 6 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I write left handed but I'm pretty much ambidextrous. Played quake right handed for around 4 years, then switched to left handed. It took some practice but after about 6 months my aim was better than it ever was righty. I don't feel like playing right handed held me back, but it was a matter of redeveloping all the extra coordination that I'd already gained from playing tennis, writing, etc left handed. The process of switching was pretty weird. At the beginning of the day I'd be completely unable to do a particular move, and then it would gradually click. Some things that took a year right handed took an hour to relearn lefty. This basically went on for weeks. Felt like I was taking steroids or something.
Administrator 654 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
If you ask me, you get to a point where your mind takes over the aim and not your hand :-) Once you've gotten the basics with your sensitivity and so on, the aim comes all from your head. Most of the aim isn't simply following a target and sticking to it (like one would assume shaft is), but it's all about prediction and knowing which way your opponent is gonna turn and when he's gonna turn, if he's gonna jump, if he's gonna try to escape, whatever he's gonna do - it's all in your head. This includes your shaft aim as well ^.^ If you focus only on following a target with your crosshair during a shaftgame on pov with no regard whatsoever of where you predict your opponent is gonna turn you're gonna notice your shaft percentage won't be that high, but when you really try you'll also notice that you're not actually trying to hit that mark on your opponent but meanwhile predicting his moves and thus preparing your brains for what's to come! The reason to why some people might aim better with one hand than the other is most likely that they put intensily much more heart into getting used to it and thus practicing way more  <3
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Well, I use my right hand sometimes during the day when I know it's my own hand. But at night I sometimes sit on the left hand and wait for it to fall asleep, it makes it feel like someone else!
Member 245 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i'm actual dual handed as dakoth describes. neverless i play quake with my left hand. (and why are we talking in a 3 year old thread?)
News Writer 438 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Im left handed, and use a right handed mouse setup. End of story.
Remove this topic. hrhr
Member 4 posts
Registered: Dec 2009
Just for confusion, I am a right handed person (somewhat ambidextrous) using a right-handed mouse with my left hand. I picked up the habit of using the mouse left-handed as it made the most sense at work, I wrote notes, right-handed, while using the mouse left-handed. Still find it handy to this day.
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Just for confusion, I am a right handed person (somewhat ambidextrous) using a right-handed mouse with my left hand. I picked up the habit of using the mouse left-handed as it made the most sense at work, I wrote notes, right-handed, while using the mouse left-handed. Still find it handy to this day. sick skills 
