
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
LGC is back in businessIdea: this time, there will be a winner every week. Every week there will also be a new povdmm4 map (trinca has the waypoints for them, right?) 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
and in 14 days you are too busy at work 
Member 2 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
elo, I have a question. Is it possible to upload more than 1 demo? Or once you uploaded one you're done? greets  LS Dragilla
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Yes, the best score should remain visible.
Member 6 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
soo, someone beat my score already =D so i can try to beat it, fun !  []'s
Member 122 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
For the stupid people like me explane please how to upload demo. I've used IE6 and Opera9 for two days, turned off firewall and stuff, but all I'm getting is button turning to "patience" mode. And I've been patient... WTF? Does the upload feature works at all? -- "Dag eats little Reloads for breakfast." (c) :-)
Member 6 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
it takes a while Unreal wait a bit
Member 6 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
btw Unreal, u beated my score? tell me so i can try to beat it =D
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
soo, someone beat my score already =D so i can try to beat it, fun !  []'s I watched your demo and copied your moves, but couldn't play more than 20 minutes. Teh abuse kinda works but I get like 0-2 spawns behind the sidebar so my scores aren't really improving. With great luck +10 I think I could get my score a bit closer that way but I don't know if I have the patience since my wrists (both of them) kill me around 1 hour mark playing lgc :E
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
ive had no problems with firefox, mozilla... i havent actually tried msie
and opera did not work last LGC. this is an opera problem. you need to download latest opera which, last time i checked, was not even on their site.
just use firefox
ok, i fixed some of the code, it should work with MSIE now. if it still doesnt work with opera i dont thinn i can fix anything else
Member 6 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
soo, someone beat my score already =D so i can try to beat it, fun !  []'s I watched your demo and copied your moves, but couldn't play more than 20 minutes. Teh abuse kinda works but I get like 0-2 spawns behind the sidebar so my scores aren't really improving. With great luck +10 I think I could get my score a bit closer that way but I don't know if I have the patience since my wrists (both of them) kill me around 1 hour mark playing lgc :E gege, i made a higher score already, but i only played 1hour straight in the first day i was trying to beat you, since i was rusty, cuz i'm not playing qw atm. and i'm not using the same tactics i used in the old LGC, since it doesnt work properly anymore, i'm trying to make a new efficient one..but its difficult ;(. what i do : i play like 6 matches in a row, i give up for a bit, some hours later, i play again..and sometimes i get lucky. i also noticed this bot gets more difficult when the match is near the end, he starts to hit like 70% lg, and hiding a lot, i've managed to get 63% lg / 150 frags with 15 seconds left in clock, and lost all lg because of that, and ended up with 58 lg and 154 frags  , and btw, its possible to get 180 frags..in some games i was able to make 60 frags in 1 min, if u do a perfect game u can end up with 178-180 and high lg %
Member 6 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
hey phil, i noticed today that the LGC2 is calculating the wrong scores, like for more, or for less, in my case for more, it was supposed to be 9585.8 i think and it is 9591 if i multiply every other u'll notice how the calculation is wrong.
Member 3 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
hei phil... I posted my demo thx PS: i´m brazilian 
Member 3 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
yeah mur.. my score was calculated for less than it is  3 points less
Member 78 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
mur: how do you see your lg% while playing, the +weap_stats command wont work for me in lgc2 :/
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
1) the scores are correct. they seem wrong because i round everything from four-decimal-precision, so that it can fit in the tables using the actual, unrounded values, mur's score is, for example: 57.4317 * 167 = 9 591.0939 (57.4317 is 568 hit lg / 989 fired lg) note: I can actually use more than 4 decimal points, but I think this is enough to properly sort everyone (I doubt somebody will have to be decided by 0.00009 lg%  ). 2) for lg% while playing, use +wp_stats just like in ktx/ktpro 3) duke, welcome  you can set your country flag in your profile! 4) finally, notice that i have implemented a lot of new features in lgc over the past couple of days: * every week is a new round! * dont worry, old rounds are saved: just click "history" * if you want to see all rounds, including old IBC and LGC1 demos, click "hall of fame" * there is also a Leader timeline table, above the Toplist. it is who was the leader first, and for how long
Member 78 posts
Registered: Aug 2006
Thnx, yeah +wp_stats did the trick 
Member 122 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
!phil the site works in Opera now. Thanks. -- "Dag eats little Reloads for breakfast." (c) :-)
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Well I had a few goes at this and part from one game where I shafted 46.1 I can't get anywhere near my old score from IBC (6215.2). The major problems I have are:
1) Getting close enough to the bot to be able to fire and not waste cells. E.g. if I respawn behind bars on one side and he is on other side of map 2) shafting bot when he spawns behind bars 3) Timing release of shaft button so as not to 'overshaft' and waste cells
Of course I am rusty now compared to a couple of years ago and also TFT monitor instead of CRT, but I need to improve somewhere. For IBC I tweaked settings quite a bit (v_viewheight higher, lower fov, mouse1 for shaft, increased viewsize etc) so maybe I'll have to go down that route again.
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I was trying to upload a demo made by mur, but I'm getting this error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/lgc.quakeworld.nu/main.php on line 272 this week, we are only accepting demos recorded on 'amphi2' you tried to upload a demo recorded on 'amphi2"|' https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
You can submit only autorecorded demos. match_auto_record 1 gamedir lgc2 exec lgc2.cfg Read and follow the rules.
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
No Renzo this is a bug in my code. I'll fix later today and I will tell mur when he can re-submit
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Is there really no way of disabling rl totally, either from bot or server somehow. I can't tell you how many times I've gone mad when having a good run and then that mofo shoots 1-2 rockets to knock me off and own me / delay me enough to lose the good score. Especially on pov, was having an awesome run, going for top3 placement at around 8000+, bot shot me directly from spawn with rl enough to get me in the air a bit, then basically 100% lg'd me into the ceiling all over the map and ended behind me for my last spawn to ruin that one too. Suffice to say, that ended my povdmm4 portion of lgc instantly 
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
It just shows that you dont have the balls to participate in lgc.
bottom line is, everybody is playing vs the same bot. and the same bot has shot the same rockets when out of lg distance, since 2004 when the first IBC was. if you cant dodge the rockets, too bad. but whats even worse, is if you cant upload a demo because you dont like it, when somebody like reppie gladly uploaded a 3000 demo.
if you upload a score, and get a better score later on, you can upload the better score to override your old one. but dont come whining to me about the bot, if you havent uploaded ANYTHING
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Member 284 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
It just shows that you dont have the balls to participate in lgc.
bottom line is, everybody is playing vs the same bot. and the same bot has shot the same rockets when out of lg distance, since 2004 when the first IBC was. if you cant dodge the rockets, too bad. but whats even worse, is if you cant upload a demo because you dont like it, when somebody like reppie gladly uploaded a 3000 demo.
if you upload a score, and get a better score later on, you can upload the better score to override your old one. but dont come whining to me about the bot, if you havent uploaded ANYTHING So we should continue to embrace whatever's been in place since whenever  Like wasd, what a totally inefficient placement for movement keys for right handed players... I didn't ask the rockets to be removed just for my games, I would simply like to see lgc be pure lg, plain and simple, whether or not I ever upload anything. If your position is that I'm not worthy to speak on the subject before I upload something then so be it.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Hey I uploaded my demo, but I when I change my location in the profile, it doesn't change my flag in the lgc page. What should I do?(Btw I'm from Brazil)
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Hangtime talked about overshaft, so I've implemented some statistics about that. You can see them by clicking on the links under the "LG%" column For example, hangtime's demo: http://lgc.quakeworld.nu/?action=detail&demo=314 has an overshaft of less than 2 cells which is pretty good because most of the ones i looked at so far are 2-3 cells ! (which adds up significantly, as you can see by the penalties) If you find some bugs in this statistics code (i include summary and detail output) or if you have more ideas for statistics like this, tell me! Niomic: didn't mean to be so angry with you, but if nobody wants to upload demos to LGC, whats the point in the first place? But I think you are right, removing rockets would be best, and I will think about doing this in the future (along with removing the (useless?) bot ping/pl code, making the bot 13ms just as the player is) Helm: writing "Brazil" in Location is not enough. What if somebody writes "Brasil" or "BR" or "Brazil!!!" etc? If you want the flags to work, you should go to the frong home page http://quakeworld.nu and then click manage your profile, miscellaneous, and you can set your country there  (Or, I can also override it for playes whos country I know, and I didn't know your country before, but now I do, so I set your flag to BR in LGC  ) edit: [14:44:39] <\phil\w3rk> undershaft is how many cells you waste before one hits [14:44:42] <\phil\w3rk> for the first time [14:44:55] <\phil\w3rk> overshaft is how many cells you waste before turning lg off after a kill [14:45:13] <\phil\w3rk> to get undershaft 0 you would have to always start shafting with a hit [14:45:26] <\phil\w3rk> to get overshaft 0 you would have to turn off lg immediately after a kill which is a lot harder
Member 17 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Hmm I knew that just writing Brazil wasn't enough. Btw, Thanks Phil!!!
Member 2 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
on dm2dmm4, can we use the YA traps?
