Ok this is what i got(from strife eq260.cfg).
Who could help me add the lines to make it report cells and/or rox if over 10 and got no weapon? So its easier to shot m8s for ammo.
Im redoing this script but i post original so other also can change ez if they want, guessing alot of ppl base their cfg's on this one. (im not good at this codethingy i just change the colours and add and remove stuff
Would be very appriciated
edit: Oh, and it should seperate from the other cells and rox, as in having a weapon. So that i could colour theese rox and cells. But still not have to have coloured if carrying a rl or lg. Mayby if health under 10 carrying lg and got more then 20cells (this last is utopia i guess But i want it to differ from $rockets.
alias _report "if $health < 1 then _lost else _report1"
alias _report1 "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _report2 else _reportp2"
alias _report2 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then .report3 else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report4 else .report2"
alias _report4 "if $cells > 14 then _report5 else .report2"
alias _report5 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then .report2 else .report"
alias _reportp2 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then _reportpow else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _reportp4 else _reportpowwpn"
alias _reportp4 "if $cells > 14 then _reportp5 else _reportpowwpn"
alias _reportp5 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _reportpowwpn else _reportpowrlg"
alias _reportpow "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowq else _reportpow2"
alias _reportpow2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowp else _reportpow3"
alias _reportpow3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowr else _reportpow4"
alias _reportpow4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowpr else _reportpow5"
alias _reportpow5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowqp else _reportpow6"
alias _reportpow6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowqr else .reportpowqpr"
alias _reportpowwpn "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowwpnq else _reportpowwpn2"
alias _reportpowwpn2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowwpnp else _reportpowwpn3"
alias _reportpowwpn3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowwpnr else _reportpowwpn4"
alias _reportpowwpn4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnpr else _reportpowwpn5"
alias _reportpowwpn5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnqp else _reportpowwpn6"
alias _reportpowwpn6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnqr else .reportpowwpnqpr"
alias _reportpowrlg "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowrlgq else _reportpowrlg2"
alias _reportpowrlg2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowrlgp else _reportpowrlg3"
alias _reportpowrlg3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowrlgr else _reportpowrlg4"
alias _reportpowrlg4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgpr else _reportpowrlg5"
alias _reportpowrlg5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgqp else _reportpowrlg6"
alias _reportpowrlg6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgqr else .reportpowrlgqpr"
alias .report "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .report2 "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .report3 "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowq "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {q} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {p} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {r} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowqp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qp} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowqr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qr} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {pr} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowqpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qpr} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowwpnq "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {q} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {p} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {r} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnqp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qp} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnqr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qr} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {pr} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnqpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qpr} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowrlgq "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {q} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {p} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {r} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgqp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qp} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgqr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qr} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {pr} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgqpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qpr} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
Who could help me add the lines to make it report cells and/or rox if over 10 and got no weapon? So its easier to shot m8s for ammo.
Im redoing this script but i post original so other also can change ez if they want, guessing alot of ppl base their cfg's on this one. (im not good at this codethingy i just change the colours and add and remove stuff
Would be very appriciated
edit: Oh, and it should seperate from the other cells and rox, as in having a weapon. So that i could colour theese rox and cells. But still not have to have coloured if carrying a rl or lg. Mayby if health under 10 carrying lg and got more then 20cells (this last is utopia i guess But i want it to differ from $rockets.
alias _report "if $health < 1 then _lost else _report1"
alias _report1 "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _report2 else _reportp2"
alias _report2 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then .report3 else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report4 else .report2"
alias _report4 "if $cells > 14 then _report5 else .report2"
alias _report5 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then .report2 else .report"
alias _reportp2 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then _reportpow else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _reportp4 else _reportpowwpn"
alias _reportp4 "if $cells > 14 then _reportp5 else _reportpowwpn"
alias _reportp5 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _reportpowwpn else _reportpowrlg"
alias _reportpow "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowq else _reportpow2"
alias _reportpow2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowp else _reportpow3"
alias _reportpow3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowr else _reportpow4"
alias _reportpow4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowpr else _reportpow5"
alias _reportpow5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowqp else _reportpow6"
alias _reportpow6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowqr else .reportpowqpr"
alias _reportpowwpn "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowwpnq else _reportpowwpn2"
alias _reportpowwpn2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowwpnp else _reportpowwpn3"
alias _reportpowwpn3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowwpnr else _reportpowwpn4"
alias _reportpowwpn4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnpr else _reportpowwpn5"
alias _reportpowwpn5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnqp else _reportpowwpn6"
alias _reportpowwpn6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnqr else .reportpowwpnqpr"
alias _reportpowrlg "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowrlgq else _reportpowrlg2"
alias _reportpowrlg2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowrlgp else _reportpowrlg3"
alias _reportpowrlg3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowrlgr else _reportpowrlg4"
alias _reportpowrlg4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgpr else _reportpowrlg5"
alias _reportpowrlg5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgqp else _reportpowrlg6"
alias _reportpowrlg6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgqr else .reportpowrlgqpr"
alias .report "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .report2 "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .report3 "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowq "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {q} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {p} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {r} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowqp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qp} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowqr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qr} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {pr} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowqpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qpr} %A%a/%h $l"
alias .reportpowwpnq "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {q} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {p} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {r} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnqp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qp} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnqr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qr} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {pr} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowwpnqpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qpr} %A%a/%h $l %b"
alias .reportpowrlgq "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {q} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {p} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {r} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgqp "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qp} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgqr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qr} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {pr} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"
alias .reportpowrlgqpr "say_team $\$nick $eq_blue {qpr} %A%a/%h $l rlg:$rockets"