There's been a few people asking for more radar pics for more maps. I've been meaning to make a tutorial, but ... it hasn't happened
Anyway, the program used to create them is pretty self explanatory with nice instructions, download it here:
To create map outlines this program is nice:
http://uttergrottan.localghost.net/ezquake/dev/tools/bsp2bmp-0.0.15b.zip (not written by me)
And here are the PSD source of my radar pics for DM2/DM3/E1M2/Aerowalk:
A short description of the process:
1. Create a radar pic, save it as png
2. Run ezQuake and do:
A. Load the map in question
clearlocs C. Go into corners of the map (they're easy to match on the radar pic later), and using
addloc to name them. Make sure you name these so that you will remember which is which!
D. When you've added a bunch of these spread all over the map (10+) do
saveloc somename.loc. A good idea is not to save this loc over your existing .loc for that map, so don't name it dm6.loc if you're doing dm6
3. Start QWlocationmatcher.
4. Read the instructions on what to do.
The program works by creating a conversion formula for converting quake coordinates -> pixel coordinates on the radar image. This formula is then saved into the png metadata, and read by ezquake when drawing the radar.
The program isn't very well tested, so I'm sure there are a bunch of bugs.
Phil did one for DM6 before, http://uttergrottan.localghost.net/ezquake/dev/tools/dm6.png
Zalon has done one for DM4 http://www.zalon.dk/junk/dm4_almost_alpha.png but it's not finished yet.