so ppl can have used diff. physics in other trick movies?
with like another gravity etc??
No, what peppe is referring to is the jump fix in KTeams and derivative mods (like KTPro) which makes you jump off of downward slopes without losing any height off the jump. Original QW physics deducted your downward velocity from the height of your jump. KTeams doesn't - jumps of off downward slopes are always 270ups upwards velocity (like jumping off of flat ground). peppe just meant that some people in the past have used the old downward-slope physics, whereas people now tend to use the KTeams jump-fix style of downward slope jump.
FBCA has the jump-fix, but ZQuake derivatives have a cvar to override it (pm_ktjump) which defaults to different values in different clients (something to check in your trick config).
has any1 been using diff. mods on any movies or how could we be sure that ppl are using mvdsv with 77fps etc peppe ?
We post the demos publicly:
allowing you to do a /serverinfo to see what server, mod and other settings (like pm_ktjump) are in use, show_speed to check speed, f_fps, yada yada. OFC somebody could hack up a server, client or mod's serverinfo/userinfo strings to emulate other stuff, but when you know the max velocity boost of an explosion, how many rockets off a flat surface is needed to get to point b and so on like I do, you can pick bollocks.
P.S MVDSV is just one server. I use FuhQuake as server for speed running.