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Rookies' Corner
2007-12-19, 08:41
1 post

Dec 2007
Yes well, like most players. I come from a big game such as UT2004 and UT3. And I was browsing the web as usual when I discovered nQuake. I thought, I'll give this a try shouldn't do any harm.
When it downloaded all the files and nQuake was installed I did some basic config changes using fQuake (Changing enemy, team skins etc). Also I used, found a reasonable server and connected. I thought there should be nothing special about this game, I played the public and really enjoyed the game. You're not distracted by huge graphics, the games that fast paced people can't whine, it looks like a game were you really have to put some effort in to be the best.

Also I came here for tips aswell for.

- Start up guides.
- Strategy guides.
- Low graphics configs.
- Basic tips.
- Demos.

Basically things like that, so thanks for reading.

2007-12-19, 08:47
401 posts

Mar 2006
You're so cute
2007-12-19, 09:12
888 posts

Jan 2006
nice, welcome to qw then

this is teh place for demos:

other links:

maybe try the wiki for some more info:

good luck
Join us on
2007-12-19, 12:25
1026 posts

Feb 2006
nQuake comes with 3 demos showing some nice 1on1, 2on2 and 4on4 games.. you might want to watch those
god damn hippies >_<
2007-12-19, 13:58
715 posts

May 2006
Graphics can be found @
Old tips, might be outdated by something else by now @
Aerowalk strategy guide @

---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
2007-12-19, 17:11
2059 posts

Jan 2006
2007-12-19, 19:13
344 posts

Apr 2007
Lovey wrote:
Yes well, like most players. I come from a big game such as UT2004 and UT3. And I was browsing the web as usual when I discovered nQuake. I thought, I'll give this a try shouldn't do any harm.
When it downloaded all the files and nQuake was installed I did some basic config changes using fQuake (Changing enemy, team skins etc). Also I used, found a reasonable server and connected. I thought there should be nothing special about this game, I played the public and really enjoyed the game. You're not distracted by huge graphics, the games that fast paced people can't whine, it looks like a game were you really have to put some effort in to be the best.

Also I came here for tips aswell for.

- Start up guides.
- Strategy guides.
- Low graphics configs.
- Basic tips.
- Demos.

Basically things like that, so thanks for reading.


*hugs lovey*
2007-12-19, 19:38
251 posts

Jul 2007
Welcome Lovey.

On IRC you can always join #qwhelp or #qwrookie to get help or to find other players who are new to QW.
2007-12-19, 21:51
705 posts

Feb 2006
watch griffin demos
2007-12-20, 12:33
212 posts

Apr 2006
I would start playing the Singleplayer campaign, then watch the QDQ demos. Seriously, nothing impresses one more at the start than this. You will see what is possible and you can set yourself some goals to achieve such as "I want to be able to make this jump!" etc.
2007-12-20, 15:23
252 posts

Dec 2006
If you're using ezquake (recommended) you can use '/cvarlist *searchterm*' to find variables and same format for cmdlist to find commands, '/describe command (or variable)' to see a description in the console.

Ezquake manual at

Some commands I think are important (and my values) are fov 110, v_viewheight -6 (makes your view the precise centre of where your fire comes out), in_dinput 1 (direct input for mouse), cl_independentphysics 1, cl_maxfps 154, or 308 or highest multiple of 77 your pc can handle while still reserving enough cpu time to processing mouse input, cl_nolerp 0, b_switch 1, w_switch 1 (these make sure you dont autoswitch to weapons on pickup), cl_bob 0, cl_bobcycle 0, cl_bobup 0, sys_yieldcpu 1 (always seemed to improve mouse, may be a fuhquake legacy, dont use if you have shitty processes hogging cpu in background), show_fps 1, v_pentcshift 0, v_quadcshift 0, v_ringcshift 0, v_suitcshift 0, v_contentblend, gl_cshiftpercent 0, cl_bonusflash 0, v_kickpitch 0, v_kickroll 0, v_kicktime 0, scr_consize .95 (size of console), scr_conspeed 99999.

Minimum Graphics/max visibility settings cl_gibfilter 1, cl_deadbodyfilter 2 (gibs and bodies are instantly removed, if you can handle their absence , r_fullbrightskins 0.4, r_drawviewmodel 0 (gun model, fractional values are possible).

I'll have a think about what information you ought to know soon }

You've made my day, welcome to the qw brotherhood! Tell a friend!
'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin
'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin
[i]'i shoulda won all
2007-12-22, 00:09
685 posts

Jul 2007
Start up EZquake and type 'help' in the console. Lot's of info is all there, including how to move.
2007-12-22, 01:36
355 posts

Jun 2006
Runamok.foe wrote:
r_fullbrightskins 0.4

Why only .4? :{{{
2007-12-22, 11:17
312 posts

Feb 2006
i'd rather use fullbrithskins 1 and a decimal on the drawviewmodel if i used gl
2007-12-22, 17:12
108 posts

Jun 2006
U can get realy accurate rl aim in qw.
The rox are much smaler than they look, u can shot rox tru openings thats are just one pixel big, even the rox looks like its bigger. Like u can shot downwards with the crosshair just one pixel over the edge.

My rl aim always improved when i changed to smaller crosshair. Before i was aiming at the feet at players, now i aim between the feet. (ppl fly more then when u hit them) And also on maps like dm2 at water area, u have much more "room" to aim between all the pillars and stuff.

So if u run in 640x480 these crosshairsettings is awsome:
crosshair 4 (just a square)
crosshaircolor 0 255 0
crosshairsize 0.5
(and use v_viewheigth -6.10)
This give u a one pixel brigth green dot that actuallu looks bigger than a pixel becouse the color stand so out.

And also try to use mouse on 1000hz, and a maxfps thats about 1/3 of max fps u can get. If u have to high maxfps, mouse feels kinda slow, that ppry have to do with qw eating all cpu, and theres nothing left to read mouseinputs.
Use in_mouse 1. 2 couses neg accel on fast movements. (do in_restart after changing in_mouse)
And use win sens on the 6. notch (usaly theres 11notchs to chose from)
the 6 notch give u a 1:1 ratio ingame, any more and windows just dubble the pixels for a mouse sample.

A good way to improve rl aim is playing midairbots with backpacks off (so the damn bot doesnt get okta quad). Do 10mins round without moving, just stand still and airgib. U will get a feel how much the rox bumps ppl around, and after a while u always have the second rox where it will be with pure reflexes.

after u have found a good sensitivity stick to it.
i have had same sens for about a year now, even the mousechord is always in the same way. One day i changed the mousechord around, and my aim got bad. Even the mouse sens was the same, the force i used to move the mouse changed.

i use about 15cm for a 360. I guess anythig from 10 to 25cm for a 360 is sutable for qw.
PPL that use like super low cs sens on about 40 cm or more for a 360 doesnt do so good in qw, at least not in 4on4. In 1on1 u usaly know where the enemy is so its not a problem.

and do not use sys_disablewinkeys 1. have it at 0. 1 fucked up my qw quite good for some reason. (got realy choppy)

edit: this is the best progam for overclokking mouse
2007-12-23, 14:33
31 posts

Nov 2007
You might want to check quakeworld wiki for some map-specific guides. I've recently gone through the "big" maps and given them a consistant layout, and I'll get around to the Kenya maps sometime soon.

Currently the DM2 and DM6 guides are the most complete, and they are by no means complete, so if any of you fellas feel like adding to the various articles, feel free.
2008-02-09, 10:26
252 posts

Dec 2006
How are you progressing Lovey?
'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin
'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin
[i]'i shoulda won all
  17 posts on 1 page  1