1 post
Jan 2008
I'm trying to make the transition from fuhquake to ezquake. Unfortunately, there's one thing that's really bugging me and preventing me from adopting ezquake. I'm able to see the top scores at the bottom right of my HUD in fuhquake. In equake this area is blank. I absolutely hate pressing tab to see scores because it adds a lot of unnecessary text to my screen. I also don't like taking my fingers off a movement key unless it's for a teambind =P.
Here are screenshots of the 2 different huds:
Please let me know if there's a way to get this functionality in ezquake. TIA!
Happy New Year,
26 posts
Jan 2006
Start using ezquake 17**. I have the same problem with the new hud and haven't been able to get the scores at the bottom.
1435 posts
Jan 2006
251 posts
Jul 2007
I'm using the HUD teamfrags element and it works without problems, i.e. with a completely customized HUD (scr_newhud 1). So you could try "scr_newhud 2" - which allows you to mix the vanilla HUD with the new HUD elements - and "show teamfrags". Maybe some
adjusting is necessary.