updated 2009-01-15:
- updated geolite country ip database
- updated filters
- updated server lists using the most common qw, q2, q3, d3 and q4 master servers from importing text files (anyone can do this) into ASE from:
q2: page saved as text file
d3: maxbrowse D3Servers.xml renamed to text file
q3: maxbrowse Q3Servers.xml renamed to text file
q4: maxbrowse Q4Servers.xml renamed to text file
note: ASE won't find new servers automatically due to the ASE pingers and scanners going offline in may last year, you'll have to manually add new servers yourself. pinging and scanning however still works, albeit slower than before.
i'll continue to periodically update this archive with servers until a worthy replacement comes along. if you actually still use ASE as well and don't want to wait for my updates, you can import server lists yourself as well, takes about 10 seconds
