
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Yeah, it is very difficult indeed ;P
Member 5 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
WASD + right mouse button since Duke3D 
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
that is sooo fake blaps  ))
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
yeah i gotta admit i have trouble getting my rjumps up to a proper height using mouse1 and space. for example getting up bigroom->tele high on dm2 is a total bitch unless i either put jump on mouse or bind a key to both fire and jump Spell "mogul," Bateman. How do you spell mogul? M-o-g-u-l. Mo-gul. Mog-ul. Ice, ghosts, aliens-
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
niggah stole my keyboard! bind space +jump 
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mouse2 all the way for jumping/rj-ing. it makes bunnying and rj-ing so much easier to time, keeping the hand coordination all in one part of the brain. but you have to find what clicks best for your setup; nothing can be done without some trial and error and tweaking.
Member 245 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
mouse1 +forward , move left . move right alt_GR jump mouse2 +rl mouse3 +shaft space +gl
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Spell "mogul," Bateman. How do you spell mogul? M-o-g-u-l. Mo-gul. Mog-ul. Ice, ghosts, aliens-
Member 13 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
r forward d moveleft f back g moveright mouse2 jump
I believe that the wasd (esdf, rdfg, arrow keys etc., or upsidedown, as in qwes with s as back) style system, with either space or mouse2 for jump is the most commonly used. In second would be the asd mouse2 type system where mouse2 is forward, or another movement key, and space is usually jump. There have been some other configurations used by reasonably strong players, but they are rare. "sd mouse2 with space for back" system as I creatively call it, was used by pietro, where s and d are strafes, or in pietro's case j and k. In these systems the pinky usually hits the jump key, in pietro's case 'g', or in someone who uses s and d as strafes I have seen the 'a' key used. Those are the only configs for quakeworld that i've seen by good players, but blaps may have shattered my reality if his config is real hehe.
-Volshebnik Волшебник
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
blaps = n00b and yes, his config is real unfortunately :\
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
w: +forward s: +back d: +moveright a: +moveleft
space: +jump
Member 35 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 171 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
mouse1 +forward , move left . move right alt_GR jump mouse2 +rl mouse3 +shaft space +gl So where is your +back? I know you've got one 
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Am I the only one who uses +moveleft/right on the same line as +forward?
Q = +moveleft W = +forward E = +moveright S= +back
Space = +lg Mouse2 = +jump
Member 8 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Z - +moveleft X - +moveright D - +jump mouse1 - +back mouse2 - +forward ctrl - +attack
This config has it's roots in the Wolfenstien 3D default bindings, even though mouse control wasn't really used much then.
Member 37 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
arrowup - forward arrowdown - back arrowleft - moveleft arrowright - moveright shift - jump ctrl - attack pageup - lookup pagedown - lookdown
Mice are so overrated.
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
w: +forward s: +back d: +moveright a: +moveleft ctrl: +jump being a left hander i cant play with mouse in right hand and all the decent mice curve the wrong way.. ie desinged for right handed people ... 
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
always been a space jumper, since the contact with mouse2 cfgs i had has been few months ago. and thats definitly too late to switch i guess  nah....ive played this since demo was released (10 years!) and was a space hopper until about 3 months ago now im mouse2 and its strange at first but movement is far better after change. wasd - move m2 - jump space - fire shaft! personal pref tho imo
Member 68 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
R: +forward F: +back D: +moveleft G: +moveright mouse2: +jump space: +ssg s: +grenade mouse1: +attack mouse4: +sg
Z: RL Bind, T: Shaft Bind, Q: SNG
pwned! _________________________________________________________________________________ There's so much stupid ppl in this world, I tried to figure out why there's so much of them and came to realize that t
Member 55 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
my setup's close to skv4r's and SamoN's, only a bit weirder, cause I'm lefthanded. mouse2 = forward mouse1 = back del = strafe left pgdn = strafe right end = jump home = rocketjump (NOT +fjump  ) OH! And I got +attack on right ctrl!  I'll make weapons of my imperfections
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I have m2 +forward and spacebar +jump
There might be a merit in having W forward and jump on the mouse ... especially back when the mouse buttons wore off fast (I remember I wore out the right button a new optical mouse in like a month.. And I realised it was because I kept holding the right button down, while the left button i wasnt holding down that much (my LG fire is on shift))
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Haven't played Quake in 4+ years (not sure exaclty, not to long after Q2 came out) or any multiplayer game (fuck railgun, ruined everything  ), just downloaded it again. Nobody talked about strafejumping back then, gonna take some time before I can be any good at it, strategy changed a lot and duels are played dm 3 rather than dm 1. mouse2 forward q left w right x backward a jump Since you don't strafe both ways at the same time I can use whatever finger is free to jump.
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Haven't played Quake in 4+ years (not sure exaclty, not to long after Q2 came out) or any multiplayer game (fuck railgun, ruined everything  ), just downloaded it again. Nobody talked about strafejumping back then, gonna take some time before I can be any good at it, strategy changed a lot and duels are played dm 3 rather than dm 1. mouse2 forward q left w right x backward a jump Since you don't strafe both ways at the same time I can use whatever finger is free to jump. This has to be the most fucked up setup for quake I've seen. How can you possibly bunnyhop around the map when you have to constantly press jump (a) and alternate between q and w all the time. You have do it if you want to move fast. Well I guess you are pretty hardcore  mouse2 +jump ftw
Member 10 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
God punished me to be left-handed so enter +jump and arrows for movement Winners never whine, Whiners never win
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
WASD & SPACE DAMNIT! 'nuff said Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
wasd for movement and shift for +jump
Member 93 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I am mouse2. I did try to switch to space for jump but couldnt really get into it.
I think Space is the best for jump tho tbh. Using space (or any key) to jump and mouse to move forward would result in better movement/aim I think.
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I am mouse2. I did try to switch to space for jump but couldnt really get into it.
I think Space is the best for jump tho tbh. Using space (or any key) to jump and mouse to move forward would result in better movement/aim I think. And why is that?  its all what u are used to isnt it?
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
mosue 2 for jump m1 for +rl m4 +shaft m5 +best wep except shaft/rl/gl my movement will be unique i think  e - forward left shift - back a - strafe left f - strafe right no, I don't have to big hand 
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
mosue 2 for jump m1 for +rl m4 +shaft m5 +best wep except shaft/rl/gl my movement will be uniqe i think  e - forward left shit - back a - strafe left f - strafe right no, I don't have to big hand  lol  thats strange
