Ok I get this very weird problem in ezquake. I don't get this in any other game. When I press shift and alt together I get huge fps drop and my mouse gets stuck for a split second. Enough to get you killed. I don't get this in FTEGLQW.exe, CPMA or Bioshock or Crysis or any other game. I use 1.8.3 but same thing happens in 1.8.2 and latest nightly build. So it seems its just ezquake.
Its really weird because I put bare essentials into new quake dir without any config files and still when you press shift+alt this happens. It also doesn't matter what shift and alt are bound to the fps drops, always
Does anyone know how to fix this? It would be very much appreciated.
8800GTS 512mb
Windows XP Home
Its really weird because I put bare essentials into new quake dir without any config files and still when you press shift+alt this happens. It also doesn't matter what shift and alt are bound to the fps drops, always
Does anyone know how to fix this? It would be very much appreciated.
8800GTS 512mb
Windows XP Home