User panel stuff on forum

Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
The RL Trails 1(less often), 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 disappear with long distances. Anyone can check this with map ztricks2 portal 1 for example. After firing maybe 3 RL it starts disappearing trails, sometimes no trail at all.
How to solve this ?
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Try increasing r_particles_count
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Try increasing r_particles_count Doesnt work, i tried even 16384, 50000, no results
Member 84 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Matrix, it seems this problem is related to r_drawflame. Try turning it off and see if it helps
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Matrix, it seems this problem is related to r_drawflame. Try turning it off and see if it helps Did not solve, even if it would, then i wouldnt have flames on dm6! I was just playing FFA with more than 10 players and trails were disappear with r_rockettrail 3 aswell. I know im not the only one having this problem and im sure alot more players have it but just dont know it.
Member 22 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Its not related to the cl_newlerp feature introduced in ezquake 1.82 is it ? Default of 0.1 led to disappearing rockets/trails for me ... either set it to 0 (disabled) or make it higher than 0.1 eg 0.3
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Its not related to the cl_newlerp feature introduced in ezquake 1.82 is it ? Default of 0.1 led to disappearing rockets/trails for me ... either set it to 0 (disabled) or make it higher than 0.1 eg 0.3 I have it disabled (0), what could be happening is that even value of 0 aint working, but im just guessing
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
When koov, cy, myth, trax, a few more na qwers and I were playing the mod Zerg Rush, we had this same problem. Turning up rate to 25000 or higher fixed it. Unfortunately I can't use this online as every NA QW server has rate restricted to 10000.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
It seems that I was getting this problem with particle_count < 8192, I found alot of particles didnt "die" when toggling from classic to qmb particle mode, even though they weren't drawn. Thus the particle count was fubar'd. 
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
When koov, cy, myth, trax, a few more na qwers and I were playing the mod Zerg Rush, we had this same problem. Turning up rate to 25000 or higher fixed it. Unfortunately I can't use this online as every NA QW server has rate restricted to 10000. If you enter the server "Dybbuk Gehenna #1|" and set rate 50000 server allows 30000, trails still disappear so its not a rate problem. It seems that I was getting this problem with particle_count < 8192, ... Like i said on post #3: i even tried 16384, 50000. Along with 4096, 8192, ... It is not an r_particles_count problem neither. Im hopping some ezQuake developer check this since its a BUG ?!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
are you using gl_part_* particles or gl_particle_* particles? I am checking this forum but ezQuake developers aren't obliged to check it /me sings the "this is not the place to report bugs" song
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
are you using gl_part_* particles or gl_particle_* particles? I am checking this forum but ezQuake developers aren't obliged to check it /me sings the "this is not the place to report bugs" song I'm sorry, i didn't find a forum for Bug Report, if there is one can this topic be moved? I'm using nQuake, i modified config.cfg a bit but those gl_part_* and gl_particle_* i didn't touch. //Particle Effects gl_bounceparticles "0" gl_clipparticles "1" gl_part_blobs "1" gl_part_blood "1" gl_part_explosions "1" gl_part_gunshots "1" gl_part_inferno "1" gl_part_lavasplash "1" gl_part_spikes "1" gl_part_telesplash "0" gl_part_trails "1" gl_particle_blobs "0" gl_particle_blood "0" gl_particle_blood_color "1" gl_particle_blood_type "1" gl_particle_deatheffect "0" gl_particle_explosions "0" gl_particle_fasttrails "0" gl_particle_fire "1" gl_particle_firecolor "" gl_particle_gibtrails "0" gl_particle_gunshots "0" gl_particle_gunshots_type "1" gl_particle_muzzleflash "0" gl_particle_shockwaves "0" gl_particle_shockwaves_flat "0" gl_particle_sparks "0" gl_particle_spikes "0" gl_particle_spikes_type "1" gl_particle_trail_detail "1" gl_particle_trail_lenght "1" gl_particle_trail_time "1" gl_particle_trail_type "1" gl_particle_trail_width "3" gl_solidparticles "0" r_particles_count "2048"
Member 405 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
r_particles_count required vid_restart or client restart. Set it to some huge value, like 32000 or something in cfg and restart client.
There two version of particle systems, standard and gl_, they use different particles limit, standart allow 8192 active particles gl_ allow 32768.
Member 150 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
Thanks, didnt know a vid_restart was needed. I've set r_particles_count 4096 inside cfg seems to be working, if not, i just have to set it higher. Problem solved, Topic considered closed.
