1102 posts
Jan 2006
I just wrote
Could someone test the KDE and Gnome methods?
1435 posts
Jan 2006
I don't really get why people hide their advices into such wiki articles where noone except themselves finds it. We'd gladly include those tips in official ezQuake documentation under some linux tips page, but how on earth am I supposed to know that there is shitload of such things under "Smooth Quake on Linux"?? When the original page started on wiki it was supposed to give tips on maxfps and system finetuning so that you get smooth picture and mouse movement in the game. Launching qw:// links has as much common with that as "How to cook a turkey" article inside a book about quantum physics.
1102 posts
Jan 2006
Relax! I was wondering where to post it, thought about posting it in these forums or the wiki. I decided for the wiki as 66% are untested. That "Smooth Quake in Linux" simply emerged into something more common, maybe it should be renamed into "general qw on linux tips" or something.
I was to ask about adding it to the official docs once I knew it works.
edit: I mean, I would have posted into this forum's HOWTO section if it was fully tested.