63 posts
May 2008
is there any gib models out ther that are spacificly shaped for cirtain monsters?
i saw stuf like grunt/player legs and stuff but i cant remember where
any will help expecally shambler arm gibs and stuff

56 posts
Jan 2006
a few customized heads over @
havn't seen for monsters tho :/
He is lifeless, he that is flawless.
63 posts
May 2008
hmm ok ive been carving them off of the last death frame and putting them in mod stuff
303 posts
Jun 2007
Look promising. That's lot of meat here
Lol @ wolfenstein mod

63 posts
May 2008
no , thats just the map [i used it cos its got like 10 shammies on it, in one room] ans so far its going well but i should start naming the skins so the gibs get nicly look
thismod so far is just a buncha stuff put together, like some gyro [wich i hope will help with anti spam a bit] thats mostly used to make a crazy weirly magnetic vortex that takes in grenades and nails [and rockets will go for a cycle around too]
i also put grunts shamblers shub and chiothron [err chi..chorikhjvaljsb] well, the first boss in to multi player [but they don't respawn grunts and shammies] and i tried making shub killable but it crashed quake ... and i cant get cha...err the first boss to rise form the pit because thers no rune to take <

that was alot of typing