anywayz.. pple have some advanced binds that makes ur key do two different things depending on the situation.. eg: on teamplay, whenever i press "V" it says:
Waiting for %L .. if I do have the item that is on %L , it says :
Soon %L ( for the teamies to go take it ) .. if there's a teamate nearby and i aim on him whilist i press C, it says:
Streetrobban Take %L! ; that way i have more then a function on a unique key.. that goes also for other situations.. as for whenever i press 4 it says "
Trick %L so that te teamates now ur up to a trick on that location.. if ur under water on Dm3 for exemple, it will say: " Discharge !! " .. so that te teamates will know u'll discharge ..
these are being widly used i guess.. i first saw it on DEFs config.. also.. there is a possibility to make sucessive strokes on a unique key make it have different functions.. so if you wanna use it for a weapon change for exemple, if I strike Q twice ( and i don't have shaft ) it will make me go to SNG, if i do it once it will handle me SSG, while if I do have LG it will always go to LG ( untill i run out of cells ).
for the first given exemple, i guess that this would do:
alias _take "if $health < 1 then _lost else _take_try"
alias _take_ga "if $armor < $tp_need_ga then _wait else _soon"
alias _take_lg "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_lg then _soon else _take_point_it"
alias _take_point "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then _youtake else _take_point_1"
alias _take_point_1 "if $qt$point$qt != $qtrl$qt then _take_point_2 else if $qtrl$qt isin $location then _point else _take_point_2"
alias _take_point_2 "if $qt$point$qt != $qtlg$qt then _take_point_3 else if $qtlg$qt isin $location then _point else _take_point_3"
alias _take_point_3 "if $qt$point$qt != $qtra$qt then _take_point_4 else if $qtra$qt isin $location then _point else _take_point_4"
alias _take_point_4 "if $qt$point$qt != $qtya$qt then _take_point_5 else if $qtya$qt isin $location then _point else _take_point_5"
alias _take_point_5 "if $qt$point$qt != $qtga$qt then _take_try_ra else if $qtga$gt isin $location then _point else _take_try_ra"
alias _take_point_c "if $qt$point$qt != $qt$tp_name_cells$qt then _wait else _point"
alias _take_point_it "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_blue then _take_point_c else _wait"
alias _take_ra "if $armor < $tp_need_ra then _wait else _soon"
alias _take_rl "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_rl then _soon else _wait"
alias _take_try "if $qt$point$qt != $tp_name_nothing then _take_point else _take_try_ra"
alias _take_try_dm2 "if $mapname != $qtdm2$qt then _take_try_ya else if $qtsecret$qt = $qt$location$qt then _take_ra else _take_try_ya"
alias _take_try_ga "if $qtga$qt isin $location then _take_ga else _take_try_rl"
alias _take_try_lg "if $qtlg$qt isin $location then _take_lg else _take_point_it"
alias _take_try_mega "if $qtmega$qt isin $location then _wait else _take_try_ga"
alias _take_try_ra "if $qtra$qt isin $location then _take_ra else _take_try_dm2"
alias _take_try_rl "if $qtrl$qt isin $location then _take_rl else _take_try_lg"
alias _take_try_ya "if $qtya$qt isin $location then _take_ya else _take_try_mega"
alias _take_ya "if $armor < $tp_need_ra then _wait else _soon"
bind v "_take"