
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
!!! UPDATED 4/8 !!! Hi guys!, started to play some qw again after some years of WoW and also started to making maps again (did some maps 4-5 years ago..) and now i have a new 1on1 map called sagge, its not 100% finished so its still kinda beta stage and i putted up an server for you guys to try it out and i love to get some feedback  (server is located outside Luleå, Sweden).. IP to server: or download at: http://shub-hub.com/files/maps_multiplayer/saggetest3.zip and here are some screens enjoy.. When love and death embrace
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
dont know where to upload =/, but connect to the server and download it! When love and death embrace
Member 126 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
upload the bsp file somewhere that i can directly download it from and i'll put it on xs4all.
Member 89 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
looks aerowalk inspired judging from the screens. both textures and armor placement  if its atleast half as good i guess its worth playing. 
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
sagge is swedish for cum 
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
So here are my general thoughts about this map. that quick match we played shows main problems, (if someone is wondering i only managed to kill Sagge about twice xD), and i was bunnying around it today, and get few more ideas. First: Bridge It's too easy to fall in lava. Wide space on one side of bridge looks boring. I suggest to move bridge more to center, leaving space on both sides so lava will be still dangerous, but paople will drown in it less.you can raise lava level a little, cuz right now it's very hard to get out of it with rl jump, and sometimes even if you have mega and RA you aren't able to get out of it. You can add ramp/slope to a wall also (green on sshot), it would fill empty space nice. Second: Tele exit corridor near mh It's waaaay too long and tight, and this combined with another issue (Third point) and only one way out makes it difficult to get out of it. Enemy can spam you to death with grenades, and because corridor is L shaped, he don't even need to see you. Third: Two teles connected by bridge There are items only on ends of these passages, rest is empty and long. If you running from teleport one to teleport two, you can be easily spotted and enemy will know where you will exactly get out, and if he is in upper level, he can easily be at tele exit sooner than you, casmp here, and shoot rocket right in your face. I really like this map, it have much potential. Just make it a little tighter, so corridors won't be so long, maybe add another way from bottom to top (lift or jumppad) and tweak item placement.
Member 173 posts
Registered: Jun 2008
I liked the map - it feels quite, umm, natural - the only thing I would like is, as Herb said, another way from bottom to top. The tele by GA should go to top so you can tp from bottom to middle then from middle to top. (IMHO)
Member 85 posts
Registered: May 2007
The server is down? :<
ps. the ramp thing that Herb suggested could actually work. If you could jump by the ramp to mid-level, that would be cool.
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Thx for the feedback guys! since the map is only test so far it helps alot to get some tips! you think stairs from middle to the "get out of ra tunnel/mega tunnel" would be nice?, then you have 2 escape routs when getting out of the tunnel. maybee also add ramp from bottom to middle or will it be to many ways to get up? And about the "long tunnels" it was just me figuring out it would be to easy to just hump granades all the way to the tellys if the tunnels is to short? correct me if im wrong. If i have some time over tonight i will implant some changes and maybee put up temporary server to try it out so keep your eyes open guys!... and sorry for the bad spelling  , have passed many years since i went to school.. over and out! /Sagge When love and death embrace
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
dont know where to upload =/, but connect to the server and download it! You can upload your files to http://shub-hub.com/ the password is ilovetheshubhub! But please, use bsps with different names in the beta versions! https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Member 11 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
!!! Upgraded !!! some fixes/changes is done and i want to get some feedback guys so plz connect to and check and the new stuff! cya guys /Sagge
ps. Im trying to figure out if i need to change place of any items etc, maybee move quad up to mega and mega down to quad ?
http://shub-hub.com/files/maps_multiplayer/saggetest3.zip to download When love and death embrace
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
..., maybee move quad up to mega and mega down to quad ? Nice one! https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
!!! Upgraded !!! some fixes/changes is done and i want to get some feedback guys so plz connect to and check and the new stuff! cya guys /Sagge
ps. Im trying to figure out if i need to change place of any items etc, maybee move quad up to mega and mega down to quad ?
http://shub-hub.com/files/maps_multiplayer/saggetest3.zip to download Dunno if u have fixed it already, but set the servers maxfps to 77, nothing else 
Member 126 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Up on xs4all, small map though 
