
Member 39 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Just the log from irc, maybe the idea will be interesting. [20:42] <+witka> we have me3 bot on #qw.ru and I added it to #duelmania [20:42] <+witka> it can show pings from qwforward proxy to any qw server [20:43] <+witka> !ping qw.playground.ru:30000 qw.foppa.dk:27502 [20:43] <+witka> 20:40] <me2> ping for - 33.4 ms [20:43] <+witka> from any qwproxy [20:44] <+witka> the fact is that qwfrwrd proxy gather pings to the qw servers [20:44] <+witka> my bot just query this info [20:48] <+witka> I can send you a perl script for this if you know perl  you could in theory created script to upgrade your db at least from qwfrwrd proxy
Member 39 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
21:58] <mush> any way to integrate that and johnny_cz ping tool to eql or duelmania websites ? [21:59] <mush> example: user logs into eql website, goes to a future match [21:59] <mush> setups linup for his and enemy team [21:59] <mush> click a button FIND THE BEST SERVER [22:00] <mush> which would search in johnny cz databases and qwfwd pings for the selected players [22:00] <mush> and it would deliver the best server, plus, settings for each player to get optimal ping [22:00] <mush> 
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Wow, just noticed lots of people submitted their pings again. Thank you all! During the summer I thought the interest died out, because I had to erase the whole database, and after that only 2 people submitted their pings. Witka, thanks for the offer, I'll try to incorporate qwfwd routes, I'll try to do it on my own first, will let you kno in case I want your script.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
21:58] <mush> any way to integrate that and johnny_cz ping tool to eql or duelmania websites ? [21:59] <mush> example: user logs into eql website, goes to a future match [21:59] <mush> setups linup for his and enemy team [21:59] <mush> click a button FIND THE BEST SERVER [22:00] <mush> which would search in johnny cz databases and qwfwd pings for the selected players [22:00] <mush> and it would deliver the best server, plus, settings for each player to get optimal ping [22:00] <mush>  this was just an idea, when i wrote that i just wrote it, didn't think much about it. i think its a cool idea, but in the way I described it, it wouldnt work - its too narrow-minded. I would prefer having this in a independent website (not eql or duelmania or any league for that matter), part of qw.nu network. the main feature is described, which is the ability to choose players from a list, preferably organized by nickname or by clan, and merge the submitted pings from all of them (using johnzz tool) with the previously collected qwfwd ping times. the output would be a single server and "instructions" for each player to get the optimal ping (either by using a qwfwd proxy or simply by direct connection). for this to work, *everyone* must submit their pings into johnny_cz tool, on a regular basis ( i'de say at least twice a year, or everytime they change ISP/location). in addition, should be possible to submit several locations for the same player. at this time this is just an idea, if there's enough interest, some discussion will be raised and, oh well. the future is foggy =) never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Wow, just noticed lots of people submitted their pings again. Thank you all! During the summer I thought the interest died out, because I had to erase the whole database, and after that only 2 people submitted their pings. Witka, thanks for the offer, I'll try to incorporate qwfwd routes, I'll try to do it on my own first, will let you kno in case I want your script. johnny, like i have said previously, i think this tool has *great* potential. it just doesn't have the visibily it deserves. (also the tool could be more automated) kisses! never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Yeah JCZ I've always been a fan of this tool, so after I saw it'd been updated I promoted it on IRC a bunch of times. Even if we have one player from each country submit a pingdump it's a huge help.
Another feature could be for 4on4 matches - mofo have players from all over europe, it'd be great to be able to input 8 players (as two separate teams), and find a server where the ping average will be the same between teams. Though this may be a ton more work, or just an expansion of what's currently in place, not sure.
Member 117 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It is useful, but routing does change remember :/ Example, I used to get 34ms to pangela and now it's over 50.
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
johnny, i know it's not really intended for american users, but can you add US west/east/central as an option? because pings can differ by about 60ms
Member 55 posts
Registered: Oct 2011
Sorry for upping that post, but just to say I've contributed by sharing my .log file.
However, the main problem of that tool is that the values given can be wrong (because of non-perfect internet stability the time we did the pinging session), or even modified by hand... (even if that would hardly be the case)
If it could be implanted through a new ezQuake version for exemple, that would be better, or being updated each time we're refreshing our serverlist, etc... (Just an idea, even if that sounds really stupid, and sorry by advance)
Anyway, I love that tool, johnny, keep up the good work (as always :> )! BaseQ.fr Administrator o/
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Yeah, those are valid points. That's why the tool does 5 pings and then discards the worst and the best one and uses the average of the remaining three as the result. But yeah, if you run it when your line is saturated, too bad. Also yeah, pings can be manipulated, but the gains from that are minimal.
Initially, this was part of ezQuake, but it was quite difficult to get the .log from it, so that's why I made separate easy to use app.
Also I'm working on something that'd be gathering the pings in ezQuake again, but somewhat in automated way, on the background basically. I am still not happy with it tho and it's not really finished yet.
Thanks for the feedback!
News Writer 493 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Whoopsie ... will try to fix it ASAP. Thanks for noticing.
Edit: Still working on it, the hosting guys are kinda zzz... I definitely want to get it back online ASAP.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
