
Member 18 posts
Registered: Sep 2008
Hi, i know that many quake players thinks halflife deatmatch sux. But did u know that hldm can be faster then quakeworld? With "gauss gun" combo and bunnyhopping u can jump through maps like a sonic.
Here is a 40 min videostream from the best hldm player ever was. His name is Garpy
On the stream he played 2 maps. Bootcamp and Stalkyard. Every mach takes 20 min. He destroyed the player called "Lax". The match was 5 years ago.
Here some trickjump movies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcx9kagj8g4&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL1-tPj_QTM&feature=related
since valve removed bunnyhopping in hldm we switch to a mod called "adrenaline gamer mod". its a pro mod version of hldm. in this mod we keep the old hldm gameplay.
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
OK, convinced me. This skill will be enough to rookie div. so u can call them out to us 
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I've tried it few years ago. Didn't like it because of hp/armor stations, jump enhancement powerup, and uber strong weapons, especially exlosive ones. And the fact that bunnyjumping was so hard compared to Q2/Q3 strafejump. It looks like Garpy deserves the name of best hldm player. But what i've seen from these vids there is too much flying and jumping around, not enough real fight.
And no, Quake players don't think hldm sux. But Deathmatch Classic is another story xD
P.S. I hate Sonic.
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
i liked halflife deathmatch (classic deathmatch i think it was called?) the weapons were slightly different but it was all mostly faithful (i only looked at dm6). i never had any reason to play it online though oh, you mean the other hldm. yeah i saw like one demo (out of curiousity) and yes the guass jumps were all over the place. but i dont think that being "faster than quakeworld" is a positive thing any more than being slower is. quakeworld has the speed dialed in just right 
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
The google vid looks cool, but not necessarily faster in terms of gameplay then quakeworld. And indeed - who cares if it IS faster. Speed is not the only reason why people play qw. I did enjoy HL sp a lot though... What a shock when that came out back in the day! I remember I was used to hide behind some object, then come out and shoot, and hide again when confronted with difficult monsters in doom and quake... Well, when I was hiding behind a box in HL1, the marines just threw a grenade OVER de box and I was dead before knowing what hit me  I think no game at all had that kind of A.I. until Far Cry came along. In Far Cry I experienced the same, rare, top notch A.I..... I scared a soldier away... then later, he came back with his friends  Even though Carmack is an engine genius, I don't think ID Software ever created A.I. at that same level.
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i liked halflife deathmatch (classic deathmatch i think it was called?) the weapons were slightly different but it was all mostly faithful (i only looked at dm6). i never had any reason to play it online though oh, you mean the other hldm. yeah i saw like one demo (out of curiousity) and yes the guass jumps were all over the place. but i dont think that being "faster than quakeworld" is a positive thing any more than being slower is. quakeworld has the speed dialed in just right  err.. he wasn't referring to the DMC mod (Deathmatch Classic) he was referring to original HLDM... you know.. with the crowbar, crossbow, gauss gun etc. i was blown away when i watched that Garpy movie a few years ago.. too bad the Google video quality is piss poor.. there are some shots in there that are mind boggling i would upload it to Wipido, but they have a gay 512 MB upload limit (which prevented me to upload DDE3 too)
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Looks a lot like warsow. It's frustrating to watch players jumping around instead of fighting close combat.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
this garpy dude is playing hl very close to perfection  me and my friends played this on a lan a while back, it was mostly total carnage since we played 6player ffa and not anywhere near this
