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LAN tournaments
2008-09-15, 12:22
5 posts

Apr 2007
Ok seriously this is pissing me off a bit.

Nah but really, why don´t u guys ask for more hlp? and keep ppl updated with latest news even if its just a new brand of soda that will be avalible.

What im talking about here is what me and BPS was discussing last qh-lan which imo really sucked.. it was my first qh-lan and i was litterly dissapointed. thou i had over 40 degrees of fever did not hlp but enough about me..

Ok this is what I want at this next QH.

- OK venue no chocker here i guess, that we need a bigger one or atleast not a fucking dump.
The biggest issue about the last place, is without a doubt the fucking tard that lived there and messing up the atmosphere.
And that it was SOUMI COLD..
The spec area imo sucked also u/we need to get better screens and why not have a lcd or 2 or why not an intranet that ppl can look at updates and brackets / Games online.
( for those who where at DH setup there was good imo with the gameing area and their specarea is awesome thou they got a real grandstand, perhaps that’s to expensive but still something to try aim for?

More clan / match info, admin have to work alot more serious at the leagues and ofcourse ... the teams really have to be more serious about the matches and schedules.

PPL .. lets get a more tasty menu this time, sure gorbys and pan-pizzas work for a lan, but wtf its not that big of a work to do a gathering list @ 1 certain point each day that some1 makes a big order of pizzas or burgers from, a local grill / restaurant and that u pay at the venue and a admin makes the order and the pickup.

Spec area really should have firm and clean setup of both spec screens and chairs.
IMO atleast one person should be in charge of that it got chairs and that the harware really works.
also that "PHIL" can participate as a commentator in every important game that includes finals + 3th 4th place in both Group A and B, or some1 thats willing to do the work.

OK alot of txt but i guess the points that im trying to make here is make it better .. take more money for entrance fee so u can get prizes unless u get a nice sponsorship with not just hardware for the venue but also prices.

- Better info of matches brackets and so on.
- Public screen(s) with tourney info.
- A nice setup and working specarea.
- Better café/food/restaurant possibilitys
- Game prices / Hardware / cash / Symbolic (worthy) prices.
- Clan promoting, cash pot to help forgeiners to come abroad?
- Hardware rental, make it possible for all distance travelers to get a nice hardware setup (sry but I just threw away 3 working 19” CRT monitors).
- Decent local and public spec opportunitys "in game"
- Traveling info, maps "packet prices" pickup dopoff transfers.
(c´mon ppl with cars take a 5/10EUR fee to pickup ppl @ ARL AIRPORT / STHLM C TERMINAL to make it cheaper for all traveling contestants.
- Interviews of the contestants, im sure that most of the QW-scene are interested in a few words from the players (star-players) like a confession stand.
- No alcohol rule.. well sux let ppl drink beer.. thou it can be on a restricted basis, perhaps u don’t have 2 go around with an open beer or have 20-30 beer cans at u r comp?
- Also more trash-cans (not more trashies we got 1 and its enough) but serious why not make ppl thow their filth at a nearby trash can so it will be more clean for every1 and less to cleanup for admins?

Well since I don’t know anything about this 2009 QH – lan ill keep my anger inside until further updates.

AND PLZ .. keep unnecessary comments to your self or your mums .. I don’t care I just want decent info and comment that have with this venue and questions/issues to do.
Trying to ignore the idiot´s but they are to many
2008-09-15, 12:41
126 posts

Jun 2007
Who's your daddy?
2008-09-15, 13:05
1754 posts

Jan 2006
I'll try and answer these questions statements in the order they've come.
First of all, we've asked already! we have asked everyone in Stockholm to attend and help us, noone stands up and says, sure I'll help. This not counting bps and XantoM that have done more than enough for this shit to actually take place.
And we do recieve help from the lan-organisation Hazard, them I'd like to thank especially for doing crap-stuff like taking kiosk-passes.

And let me just point out, I don't think we should deserve this critisism just because you feel that someone stirred up your shit.

- OK venue no chocker here i guess that we need a bigger one or atleast not a fucking dump, the biggest issue about the last place what i guess without a doubt the fucking tard that lived there and messing up the atmosphere, and that it was SOUMI COLD.. thou the spec area imo sucked also u/we need to get better screens and why not have a lcd or 2 or why not an intranet that ppl can look at updates and brackets / Games online.
( for those who where at DH setup there was good imo with the gameing area and their specarea is awesome thou the go a real grandstand, perhaps that’s to expensive but still something to try aim for?

We know that last years venue sucked, man let i go! we joke about it nowadays because this time we HAVE got ahold of a nice indoor warm cozy venue. Do you actually think we knew that those guys LIVED there? I was fucking shocked by that aswell, atleast I didn't know. And from what I believe the others didn't either.
ok so spec-area sucked, not much creative work there I must admit, but dude... lcd-screens? We don't gain profit off this stuff, we don't collect money to buy in that sort of equipment. We scrape off with bare minimum, everything goes for prize-money and venue-payments.
And Dreamhack is a company, they make profit off low-level people working there for free right? and they have quality sponsors cause they host some of the biggest tournaments in e-sports mkay? Who would sponsor this lan when barely 200ppl show up to play quakeworld?

As far as clan/match-info goes, we put up the brackets, YOU play and we post it. That's that. We post the games on the qhlan homepage..
And if you have a problem with players not playing their games, don't wine on tourney-admins. They can't force people to connect n frag, that is your own responsibility.

The food we stand for is just stuff to keep you satisfied to a certain level, we're not a restaurant man. We have other things to do. We give info on close by restaurants or just burger-joints, the walking or ordering is up to you. But sure, perhaps we can make a big order once or twice with attendees getting served and don't have to lift off their seat. OK we'll give it a try!

Commentary by phil, good idea! did you ask him? He pays enough money to get here and I don't think working is what he plans to do when showing up, right?
And chairs cost money, we rent to get tables and chairs for gaming, add 1000 for spec-chairs or whatever the cost may be, reduces the prize-money.. And this time we might set up the spectating area so we don't have to get chairs, and just use the platform that is made for watching the sports that take place there.

We are chasing sponsors but that is hard.

And now to the final points you've taken so far,
-Info on brackets etc. Sure online news-posts on games, I'll try and do that then. Brackets are posted on the website as I said earlier
-public screens, like on the website? only adds on xantoms work, which I don't want to interfere with now that he's worked so much already, but there will be info-screens on the lan. Monitors set up with random information, schedules etc. as always
-specarea is hard, I'll try to get some more work on that with the GEv-dude I talked to when visiting the venue..
-café/kiosk/food-blablabla, we have a small kiosk yes, drinks and simple food, that's it.
-We TRY to get as much prize-money as we can! as I said, we're not taking any of the money! We don't have sponsors to hand out all kinds of hardware but we try with SoD and his company
You want like trophys? sure, costs money, less cash-prizes..
-oh I'm sorry, we only store like ¨20 17"-CRT monitors for the fun of it! No man that's what we have, computers we don't swim in them.. That's why we ask other attendees to bring their 2nd computers to help out!
-We always have cams up, atleast that's my experience
-Travel-info, good point! coming up! and we do pick up most players who ask us if they can't find another ride, often for a VERY small charge. Only enough to cover gas-prices.
-Interviews yes, that demands a lot of work though. But we might make it happen, even if Locktar/Para/mawe/reppie have been interviewed 1000 times
-Ok first of all, I've already said that the no-alcohol rule is because if we get caught with drinking me have to pay like 10 times the actual rental-price, so just DON'T! NO NO NO
if you do, and we get caught, no prize-money ((
If you must drink, do it on a bar close, but DON'T and I say it again because I love caps, DON'T SHOW UP DRUNK!
-We always set up large plastic bags(they're big n black, hard to miss) at the end of each table, you need a personal trash-can? bring it yourself!

I'm the only one posting shit in this forum, and still doing that, so keep your rants to yourselves and your mom.
2008-09-15, 13:34
5 posts

Apr 2007
Seriously ASSWIPE .. i was not trying to offend the crew or your work, as i said .. ASK for hlp, no i havent been askt.. and well Xantom perhaps has alot of work on he´s table .. but have you asked i bet there is alot of ppl that will more than gladly hlp for some kind of small benefits perhaps?

I was just making points of what could make QH-LAN more fun and ppl actually show up.

Well i dont know why u dont take out some profit.

Let´s perhaps make it political, ppl that pays alot of money just to get to sweden or down to sthlm perhaps they should pay a different amount?

otherwise ppl that cant afford paying 500SEK instead of 300SEK get a job..

Marketing and promoting is the key.

What do players want for QH, All div1 clans .. OLD-SCHOOL players like Griffin..

bribe them kidnap them .. threat them.. wtf .. ?

Stop being so childish and think of my statements as whine or accusement.. i stated that i wanted you to see it as a helping hand even if u might find it rough.

(15:23:20) (@StorslaskarN^) DONT I SAY DOOOONT!
(15:23:24) (@StorslaskarN^) SHOW UP DRUNK!
(15:23:32) (@StorslaskarN^) Jösses(oh my)
(15:23:43) (@StorslaskarN^) Jaha dĂĄ blev de avsmak direkt dĂĄ (Well didnt make it more tasteful)
(15:23:54) (@StorslaskarN^) pĂĄ QH-lan ) (at QH-LAN
(15:25:04) (@StorslaskarN^) För trolighetsfaktorn att jag betalar 1-2k för o åka ner o spela quake en hel helg är stor (Most likely that i pay 1-2 000 SEK just to go down and play QUAKE and only QUAKE for a weekend.)
(15:25:18) (@StorslaskarN^) Betalar ju isf för 1-2k för o åka ner o träffa leffar o hinka bägare (If im coming im paying 1-2 000 SEK to go down and meet some "LEIFS" and dring beer.)

This is perhaps not the most serious guy @ QW - scene thou (it´s moreass) he got a point .. i bet quite alot of ppl does not attend qh-lan to only play qw.
Trying to ignore the idiot´s but they are to many
2008-09-15, 13:36
126 posts

Jun 2007
Lurifix wrote:
Seriously ASSWIPE ..

Stop being so childish and think of my statements as whine or accusement.. i stated that i wanted you to se it as a helping hand even if u might find it rough.

Yeah, i can see your point!
2008-09-15, 14:10
2059 posts

Jan 2006
How many are you in the crew as it is now? How many of them are hardcore Quakeworlders and how many come from the LAN organisation crew?

It's a great amount of work to pull stuff like this together - even reporting results and doing online coverage requires the attention of one or two people (at least) throughout the LAN if you want it done properly, and they also want to play some games, chat it out and have fun.

Also, there's alot of points on your list that the crew can't do very much about (good players not showing up etc).
2008-09-15, 14:12
1754 posts

Jan 2006
First of all, marshall already replied in a way I agree with.
Then second of all, and third and fourth and so on..
That sounded like whine to me, like "why don't you do it like this or that?"
What would be more fun was if more clans/players showed up, not more than that required. Promoting doesn't do it all, people still have to book flights/boats and that week just to show up. Some fancy advertising won't make that all go away.. people want to think about it, that's the idea I've gotten while talking to people.

Here's an interesting idea though that we fiddled with during the venue-looking. Since you already pointed out that we want div1-players.
Would you pay more as an entrance-fee if that made the prizemoney bigger? Would more div1-players show up then? 2nd question relys on the first more or less.

And how am I being childish? I haven't really said anything stupid from what I can see myself, enlighten me please.
Furthermore, do you guys REALLY need to drink to hang out? isn't it enough just getting together? I know we have allowed alcohol on previous lans but this one, this venue depends on the no-alcohol policy! What's so hard to understand about that?
And I don't trust moreass' judgement for 5 cents since he hasn't shown up himself anyway.

Critisism isn't really a helping hand, thanks for trying though.
2008-09-15, 14:17
1754 posts

Jan 2006
As it is now? pure SLA(QHcrew), would be like 10 tops..
hardcore quakeworlders. let's see there's me... aaaaand maaaaaybe lorn but he's all on work and girlfriend so yeah, just me..
I know Ake, lotsa work, but I'm hoping that everyone will help out when it all comes to putting it all together.
Won't be many QHcrewers playing, don't think I'll play much either
2008-09-15, 14:58
890 posts

Jan 2006
There should be more hardcore qw admins to push it though in an even better way, and this is mainly the problem as I see it - there's not enought people behind it.
On the other hand, the venue looks great (I've seen it) and everything is set, except for smaller details, for having a really nice LAN.

Wasn't there another thread about collecting money to pay griffins attendance? And as an answer to your question peppe: yes, it would be interesting to pay some extra (what's money?) to get some skilled players there. I'm ready. Where do I pay?
Join us on
2008-09-15, 15:17
569 posts

Feb 2006
hmm. My previous post got lost. Anyways

I tried to help organizing qhlan-tournaments last year. Dunno if I will help this year, depends on how much influence i'm allowed to have

Some things to consider for 2009.

*Tournament webpage. Last year we used km-league to admin the tournament. This page looked promising (support for group-games + cup play offs), but we never really tried it before the LAN. Unfortunately we ran into some weird bugs, and zalon had to manually hack the player db to get it working. We lost atleast 5-6 hours here.

-Use a tested web page (that is known to the qw-community!). If no one has time to test a web page that support divisions, groups and play-offs before the LAN, rather use php-tourney (that only supports Single/double elimination). Obviously there are some drawbacks with DE. Tournaments take really long time (in the later stages not many games run in parallel) and many of the players only get two games. But this is better than an untested page.

*Number of tournaments. Last year we had 1on1 2on2 and 4on4.

-It is really hard to run 3 big tournaments in 3 days. Any little delay will cripple at least one of the other tournaments, and delays will happen. If we decided to focus on only 1on1 and 4on4 (drop 2on2), it would be possible to provide more and better news coverage. Usually it is the same players who will reach the later stages of each tournament. For top players (and admins) this leaves very little time to socialize with others etc... Think I've been on atleast 3 qhlans and every time, all players are tired and exhausted when it is time to play 4on4. The game mode I know most of the participants at qhlan prefer to play.
2008-09-17, 16:54
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
lurifix has spoken

obey, or perish

peppe has also spoken

cower and snivel, ye mortals
2008-09-21, 23:16
284 posts

Oct 2006
Willgurht wrote:
*Number of tournaments. Last year we had 1on1 2on2 and 4on4.

-It is really hard to run 3 big tournaments in 3 days. Any little delay will cripple at least one of the other tournaments, and delays will happen. If we decided to focus on only 1on1 and 4on4 (drop 2on2), it would be possible to provide more and better news coverage. Usually it is the same players who will reach the later stages of each tournament. For top players (and admins) this leaves very little time to socialize with others etc... Think I've been on atleast 3 qhlans and every time, all players are tired and exhausted when it is time to play 4on4. The game mode I know most of the participants at qhlan prefer to play.

The time issue is only somewhat straining for those who can make it to the finals in every tournament. For a player like me, who probably wouldn't make it that far in any of the tournaments, because it's very unlikely to find a good 2on2 partner or 4on4 clan, it's nice to have more tournaments. And personally I enjoy playing and watching 2on2 a lot. If you don't think you have time to play the tournaments and drink beer too, just don't join one of the tournaments (2on2?). Simple as that

But I really don't know if I'm coming yet, so few suomilainens going if any, no persuader, no dies-ater ;<
2008-09-22, 02:07
1754 posts

Jan 2006
Well, niomic that's why we kept the 2on2 in another version of competition! now it is a ladder instead, so that those who have time can play 2on2 AND compete at the same time!
2008-09-22, 06:04
569 posts

Feb 2006
niomic wrote:
The time issue is only somewhat straining for those who can make it to the finals in every tournament. For a player like me, who probably wouldn't make it that far in any of the tournaments, because it's very unlikely to find a good 2on2 partner or 4on4 clan, it's nice to have more tournaments.

I would agree with you, if tournaments was run in knock-out style (single/double-elimination). But the plan is to split the tournaments into 2 or 3 tiers (pro/rookie) and use the group + play off format. This way, we can ensure that most players get to play quite a few tournament games.

niomic wrote:
And personally I enjoy playing and watching 2on2 a lot. If you don't think you have time to play the tournaments and drink beer too, just don't join one of the tournaments (2on2?). Simple as that

Im mainly looking at this from an tourney-admins pov. Problem is that when running a full scale 2on2 tournament, 4on4/1on1 can't go on at the same time. Due to some delays last year (in the 1on1), the 2on2 tournament was reduced to almost nothing and only a very few teams got to play perhaps 1 or 2 quality tournament games. I think 2on2 is a good way to play qw and some div0 2on2 finals can be fun to watch.

An ongoing ladder with semis + finals would be much easier to schedule.

niomic wrote:
But I really don't know if I'm coming yet, so few suomilainens going if any, no persuader, no dies-ater ;<

Itsinen said he was going. But dunno about rest.
2008-10-01, 05:54
10 posts

Jan 2007
2on2 = ladder? count me out lol
2008-10-01, 10:10
569 posts

Feb 2006
Inferno wrote:
2on2 = ladder? count me out lol

How would you do it then?
Cancel 4on4?
not allow those who enter 4on4 to take part of 2on2?
extend the LAN by one day?
all tournaments as single elimination?
Small 8-team (or 4-team) 2on2 invitational tournament with single elimination?
play tourney games until kl 05.30AM when everyone is to tired to care about anything?

I think Lurifix's idea with this thread was to discuss possible solutions...
2008-10-01, 14:51
1754 posts

Jan 2006
Inferno, go to Dreamhack if you want a huge 2on2-tourney with cash prizes, 3 tournaments is too much for this lan. As willguhrt already said
2008-10-01, 17:32
173 posts

Jun 2008
Lurifix wrote:
Traveling info, maps "packet prices" pickup dopoff transfers.
(c´mon ppl with cars take a 5/10EUR fee to pickup ppl @ ARL AIRPORT / STHLM C TERMINAL to make it cheaper for all traveling contestants.

I don't know about over there but in my experience, as soon as you take ANY money for transport, you are driving "for hire or reward" which is normally not covered by insurance and therefore means that you could be driving illegally.

Basically, I don't want to put people off - but check your insurance/laws - it may be OK to split the cost of fuel.
2008-10-01, 19:53
569 posts

Feb 2006
Grump wrote:
Lurifix wrote:
Traveling info, maps "packet prices" pickup dopoff transfers.
(c´mon ppl with cars take a 5/10EUR fee to pickup ppl @ ARL AIRPORT / STHLM C TERMINAL to make it cheaper for all traveling contestants.

I don't know about over there but in my experience, as soon as you take ANY money for transport, you are driving "for hire or reward" which is normally not covered by insurance and therefore means that you could be driving illegally.

Basically, I don't want to put people off - but check your insurance/laws - it may be OK to split the cost of fuel.

that price would be the cost of fuel for basicly.
2008-10-04, 00:55
28 posts

Aug 2008
Why so many demands? Of course they have the purpose to make the lan as good as possible (yes?). Still, asking isn't enough; point solutions. Anyway, this will be my first lan (I hope) and for me, the idea of playing with a nice connection is just the realisation of a dream! SUPER! eheh I bet the other Portuguese players think the same.

About the rest; everything is ok for me. I could play quakeworld in the middle of the snow if I had to.
"Together we stand, divided we fall"
2008-10-04, 01:35
1754 posts

Jan 2006
:> thanks for your point of view meugnin, perhaps your words show the ones that are not pleased with what we do, that we're actually giving you guys something instead of nothing
2008-10-04, 18:12
28 posts

Aug 2008

What exists in Stockholm that is good to see?
And do you think it's better to pick a hotel in the center of Stockholm even if its a more expensive one or is it better to pick one that is cheaper but not so much in the center? (cause I'm going few days before the lan too).
"Together we stand, divided we fall"
2008-10-05, 00:13
2059 posts

Jan 2006
There's always the royal castle and also "Gamla stan" ("Old town" translated directly to english) which are popular targets for tourists. And also the night clubs around Stureplan with all the stekare pouring champagne on silicon boobs 24/7.

I'd say it depends on how much it differs in cost if you wanna stay on a central hotel or not. If you pick a hotel outside of Stockholm you still have to pay for the transportation to the city centre (train, subway, whatever) which still costs. But perhaps it doesn't cost as much as what is added for a central hotel. I'm usually willing to pay a bit more just to get rid of the hassle to fix the subway tickets and other stuff.
2008-10-05, 17:48
28 posts

Aug 2008
All right. Thank you.
"Together we stand, divided we fall"
2008-10-05, 21:22
1265 posts

Jan 2006
Ake Vader wrote:
...And also the night clubs around Stureplan with all the stekare pouring champagne on silicon boobs 24/7.

Meuguin is a lady. I guess she isnt looking for boobs.

She arrives before the lan. I will be staying for some more days. We both would like to know more about "cheap" hotels in central Stockholm, some recomendations maybe.

During the lan, I would like to have a nice resting place, to sleep some hours. is there such place at the lan or nearby? There is no need to be a hotel imo, but it would be nice aswell that info about nearby hotels (prices, location..) is available to anyone interested (non-swedish). And this should be at the qhlan homepage imho.

I take this opportunity to ask for anyone who has a 2nd computer, if they can, to bring it to the lan. At least we from Portugal will not bring pc's, only a laplop. We need monitors also. 3 are coming from pt.
Also to thank the ppl behind qhlan, we appreciate your effort.
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2008-10-05, 22:38
1754 posts

Jan 2006
thanks mushi, and we appreciate you guys showing up all the way from .pt
2008-10-06, 07:55
890 posts

Jan 2006
omg, even got this in portugese for you mushi:

since I seldomly live in a hotel in my own town I can't give any recommendations, but this one is atleast very close to the lan
Join us on
2008-10-06, 10:30
28 posts

Aug 2008
Lady? Who says I'm a lady? I'm the Stifmeister! :XXX gah! Nah, I'm not looking for boobs indeed; but maybe Mushi-boy is :X kidding! Mushi! NĂŁo te zangues comigo!

Yes, it would be very nice to have CRTs for us; so do the best you can to get some. If you can't it's ok; at least for me; I'm used to play with 60 Hz anyway. Mushi! Queres fazer equipa comigo em 2vs2? :X eheheh
"Together we stand, divided we fall"
2008-10-06, 12:02
1754 posts

Jan 2006
haha well the monitors we provide have been tested every year and they perform well at 100hz minimum, 85 etc...
and they are 17" this year aswell they don't grow
2008-10-06, 12:22
28 posts

Aug 2008
Well, my laptop is fine and enough for me. Still, please be sure to get one for Mushi-san. He well deserves it. IT WASN'T EASY TO CONVINCE HIM TO GO (neither my parents), so he needs to be treated like a prince - cof - (althought I wouldn't mind to frag him badly on a duel - I wish).
"Together we stand, divided we fall"
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