
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Some time ago a couple of guys tried to remake "deathmatch classic" on the source engine (which itself was a remake of qw on hl1 engine). That project died. Maybe it's worth making another try, but instead of creating everything from the scratch reuse community stuff like textures and models and concentrate on porting the core gameplay to the modern engine. Good source engine mods are getting free steam support and since recently are included in the list of user's uninstalled games which is a huge benefit for mod makers.
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
so these games can be downloaded if you purchase something. Where nquake can be downloaded for free.
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
nquake is free but you need to buy quake to get pak1 with all the maps. unless you do something illegal
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If there was a way to make a free QuakeWorld it would be done (with ezQuake of course).
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
If anyone were to make a free remake of QW on a new engine, I don't see a point in using a proprietary engine, there being so many great open-source ones around (Warsow/qfusion, ioQuake3)
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Tonik, make q3 connect to qw servers 
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Tonik, make q3 connect to qw servers  There's already a project going on under the name Q3W. More about that around 2029 or so...
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Almost anyone who is into online fps games owns a copy of either hl2,css,tf2,dods which all work through steam. There are approximately 15million active steam accounts, at least half of them own a source engine game and will always see these mods are available for download. Valve will add more in the future, hence there's a possibility that a qw mod might be included if it's done well. That's huge boost in publicity, no searching on the internet, just point and click.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
How about asking Steam to put nQuake on the list, since they sell Quake also?  I kinda wouldnt mind seeing a beefier DM for the source engine. But, it's hard to say what light can emerge from the TF2/CSS shadow....
Member 173 posts
Registered: Jun 2008
I did start a source mod - http://dmqsource.geeky.cc/
The physics is OK - although I added walljumps bc they are fun :-)
Biggest problem is maps + models. The mappers that I did know hated the source tools and at the time, that is all that was available (don't know about now).
Personally, if we can get mappers and modelers, I would prefer to do it in something like CryEngine - much better gfx. However, I think more people already have source than crysis.
Edit: I forgot to mention, the gameplay is actually the easy bit - just involves playtesting and tweaking code. The hard bit is the game assets - not much point in using existing stuff - thats already in QW ;-)
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
I did start a source mod - http://dmqsource.geeky.cc/
The physics is OK - although I added walljumps bc they are fun :-)
Biggest problem is maps + models. The mappers that I did know hated the source tools and at the time, that is all that was available (don't know about now).
Personally, if we can get mappers and modelers, I would prefer to do it in something like CryEngine - much better gfx. However, I think more people already have source than crysis.
Edit: I forgot to mention, the gameplay is actually the easy bit - just involves playtesting and tweaking code. The hard bit is the game assets - not much point in using existing stuff - thats already in QW ;-) That's great! I can do hammer mapping.
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
So? You make an awesome mod which is just like QW. I assume that Source's netcode is incompatible with QW's - of course it is. Why should the players switch over to the real QW afterwards? Or should the QW players switch over to Source-QW? Not going to happen and thus a wasted effort.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
So? You make an awesome mod which is just like QW. I assume that Source's netcode is incompatible with QW's - of course it is. Why should the players switch over to the real QW afterwards? Or should the QW players switch over to Source-QW? Not going to happen and thus a wasted effort. I would try to help recreate quakeworld on a modern engine that may have a broader appeal.
Member 173 posts
Registered: Jun 2008
So? You make an awesome mod which is just like QW. I assume that Source's netcode is incompatible with QW's - of course it is. Why should the players switch over to the real QW afterwards? Or should the QW players switch over to Source-QW? Not going to happen and thus a wasted effort. Imagine a world where 15 million gamers get exposed to a real FPS. For free. With zero hassle. If 0.1% of them played for a short while there is a good chance that they would improve. If 1% of those players looked for a bigger challenge, they would come to QW. Surely 150 new players that will stick around for longer than one map is a good thing.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Grump please contact me, i want to help mapping.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
It would probably be a good idea - it's only that the engines gets better and better, and to remake Quakeworld on one engine alone would take like...several years of coding if you sit 24/7 with coders that do it for free?
To even get someone to start such a project for real that has a somewhat good future would require a shitload of money (which don't exist). www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
How about asking Steam to put nQuake on the list, since they sell Quake also?  This sounds like a good idea to me. I think it is better to use steam to market qw, than spending a lot of effort making another deathmatch classic mod.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
How about asking Steam to put nQuake on the list, since they sell Quake also?  This sounds like a good idea to me. I think it is better to use steam to market qw, than spending a lot of effort making another deathmatch classic mod. That won't make a big difference since only source mods are going to appear in the "not installed programs" list, the rest of the stuff like demos and free games are usually shown only in the news for a short period of time when they first appear on steam.
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
How about asking Steam to put nQuake on the list, since they sell Quake also?  This sounds like a good idea to me. I think it is better to use steam to market qw, than spending a lot of effort making another deathmatch classic mod. That won't make a big difference since only source mods are going to appear in the "not installed programs" list, the rest of the stuff like demos and free games are usually shown only in the news for a short period of time when they first appear on steam. You might be right that being in source's not-installed-mod-list is better marketing than almost anything else. But is it realistic to think that some qw-dev would be willing to remake qw using another engine. Even if it would be possible to make such client compatible with todays qw-servers..
Member 173 posts
Registered: Jun 2008
But is it realistic to think that some qw-dev would be willing to remake qw using another engine. Even if it would be possible to make such client compatible with todays qw-servers.. Why dont you run around in dmq source in its very alpha state ;-) There is no point in remaking qw at all imo - both the client and server devs have done / are doing a great job and must have put thousands of hours into such a huge feature set. A source mod could be a good marketing tool to get new players - I know quite a few QWers have come from DMC (even tho they may not admit it :p) just because they wanted a greater challenge.
Member 202 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I gave it a try, bunnyhopping works as expected, even up stairs (like pm_airstep). Interesting choice to add a huge rock at dm3 pent and a tree at middle MH edit: for the source impaired, screenshots.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Adding a tree on dm3 is a surefire way to sell this mod to QWers!
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
While creating familiar gameplay on NEWer engines is appealing, it's counter productive to this QW itself.
Though, I'd be more worried that QUAKELIVE will suck some juice out of QW, especially if they can run CPMA!
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
I think there's great potential for qw remake. Let's just concentrate on getting it out the door. We could just port dm2-4,6 with plague's weapons and get basic gamemodes going and I think it could turn out pretty fun. It doesn't have to include everything and the kitchen sink in the first release, just the basic stuff that make qw enjoyable. Then we see what happens, if the mod will get more popular, we can release more updates and features and see how it goes. We can't just wait till there's 10 people playing nquake. The game should be substantially facelifted in order to get any significant player base.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I too think this is a useless idea that would benefit QuakeWorld in no way.
Maybe you are new to this community and missed the recent magnificient influx of new players?
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Those mods have been added to steam a few days ago, let's first watch how much their userbase increases and then start considering if it's really so much worth it?
Here are registered forum members counts of each of the mods as of today (2008-10-06): age of chivalry - 1685 diprip - 364 insurgency - 26054 synergy - 423 zombie panic - 9574 (quakeworld - 2128)
Update 2008-12-25 age of chivalry - 2448 (45% increase) diprip - 485 (33% increase) insurgency - 27058 (4% increase) synergy - 877 (107% increase) zombie panic - 10687 (12% increase) quakeworld - 2224 (5% increase)
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
problem is with these threads is that nobody actually votes on the poll and then some post long stories on ups and downs, then nothing will happen anyway... :/
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Heh, this thread has a poll, I haven't even noticed 
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I didnt vote because there is no option that fits my opinion.
