Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
long story short: installed 64bit version of xp, found out logitech hasnt made mouseware software for OS in guestion. and therefor im forced to run my mx500 without any additional software and cant use the customize bindings for the small buttons close to the wheel.
so the real problem comes when i try to get shaft alias work on button7, middle on of the 3 small buttons. qw reads the button as mwheeldown..but when i try to bind +shaft alias to it, everything seems to work ok, tho script is somehow not run complitely when i press the button.
it only fires sg (weapon in hand at that time). doesnt matter if i scroll the wheel down or press the button to execute the script.
it works great when binded to any other button of the mouse, exept those 3 small ones.
any ideas? :/
alias line:
alias +shaft "impulse 8 3 5 2 4 1;+attack" alias -shaft "-attack;impulse 2"
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
have you tried ( -m_mwhook ) in cmdline ? Allows you to bind up to eight mouse buttons on Logitech mouse. You have to use MouseWare. You must have mw_hook.dll in your quake dir (same dir where the game executables are). Works both when using -dinput and not using -dinput. The idea of doing this originally came from [EZH]FAN. It was first implemented by BorisU in qw262.
dunno if it works witout mouseware ... :{
mwheelbuttons needs ;wait command to work good for me ... all button recognized as mwheelbutton wouldnt work with that alias ..
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mwhook didnt do the trick, neither did few extra waits on the script line before +attack alias +shaft "impulse 8 3 5 2 4 1;+attack;wait;wait;wait" alias -shaft "-attack;impulse 2" with that script it selects shaft, fires once, then swiches to sg and right back to shaft and continues to shoot thats when holding down the button. if i press it once shortly, like trying to shot single burst. it works like its supposed. but not when pressed down. mwheels are abit tricky i guess :/
Member 61 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
yea , but are you shure that there are no working drivers for winxp64 ? first i have read this
"Q. Will there be a version of iTouch and/or MouseWare that will be supported with Windows XP x64?
A. iTouch and MouseWare are legacy pieces of software that are no longer in developement. Unfortunately, there will not be a releae of iTouch or MouseWare that will be supported in Windows XP x64. The devices will work as standard devices, with some of the enahanced features, however, you will not have the ability to program the enhanced buttons, they will only perform Windows XP x64 default tasks. "
but some people on http://forums.logitech.com/logitech/board/message?board.id=software_mice&message.id=1097 says that "2.60 version of setpoint for win xp64 works with the MX510"
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
ye i noticed that too other day, but couldnt find a working link to 2.60 x64 .exe, other versions i tried didnt recognize the mouse.
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
gladly there is one solution for the problem...get rid of weapon scripts
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Or install 32bit windows. Or do you have a lot over 4GB of RAM?
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
from what i read that button you're trying to use behaves like mwheel. it's triggered again and again instead of acting like it's pushed and held down? if you bind your alias to a mwheel and scroll with it does the same thing happen? just making sure i understand the problem.
Member 66 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Blaze: yes.
dEus: yes it does behave like mwheel indeed. and ye if i scroll wheel down to execute the script which happens also from the button im trying to get working, i get the same outcome. you got it right.