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Team Fortress
2008-12-17, 08:42
1864 posts

Feb 2006
If you want to participate in a mix team for tomtefortress, sign up here!
2008-12-17, 08:53
793 posts

Feb 2006
nice initiative Zalon!
ah what the hell, i'm in. should be fun to dust off the soldier boots agains. deusdeus@ irc.
hopefully some more dm'ers sign up so we get a couple of new teams.
2008-12-17, 11:49
889 posts

Jan 2006
nice, just read it's gonna happen in January! then I wanna try aswell, haven't played TF for ~10 years
Join us on
2008-12-17, 12:08
10 posts

Oct 2006
I have "no idea" what Team Fortress is . And me either have no team, so count me in too - horaayy!
2008-12-17, 12:48
312 posts

Feb 2006
Perhaps you'll get even two teams! The more the merrier!
2008-12-17, 14:39
129 posts

Mar 2007
Pick me pick me! Played to a reasonably high level in Australia. We never managed to see the wisdom of class limits though so it was 7 soldier/1demo fortress, so the ruleset might require a little adjustment

That is, my adjustment. I'm not suggesting rule changes!
2008-12-17, 17:10
4 posts

Dec 2008
I'm also in! Played TF a looooong ago trough a modem, with ping from 100 to 300 ))
I can play as a soldier in defence, or may be as a demoman (in case if there would be no more skilled demos)
Anyway we should discuss this.
p.s. a cfg for all classes is needed, I mean with all these TF team messages.
Your punkrock, our friendship!
2008-12-17, 21:57
793 posts

Feb 2006
we will need gren timers and.. and.. rj scripts
2008-12-27, 12:46
26 posts

Jan 2006
You can find a .wav grenade timer on the Tomtefortress website ( ).

Grab the other necessary files from there while you are at it.

As for RJ-scripts - they have not been allowed in our games, the server will most likely be configured with that kind of scripts disabled. Allthough the rules will not be too strict, rocket jumping is something that anyone should be able to do with the mouse

Some settings that could come handy to QWDM -players are:

default_fov yourfov - qwtf changes your fov to 90 whenever you die, for some strange reason. default_fov will get rid of the problem.
setinfo ec on - will execute quakefolder\fortress\scout.cfg when you change to scout (and similarly for all classes)
setinfo ch off - removes some unnecessary printouts when you connect to the server.

Useful commands
inv - Displays the number of remaining grenades, if you are carrying the flag etc.
flaginfo - Displays if the flags are carried by anyone (and by whom if they are)

Some kind of alias for throwing grenades:

All of these assume you have a grenade timer called gren.wav in your fortress\sound -folder

1) Simple "first press primes, second press throws" aliases
alias gren1prime "primeone; play gren; bind [gren1button] gren1throw"
alias gren1throw "throwgren; bind [gren1button] gren1prime"

alias gren2prime "primetwo; play gren; bind [gren2button] gren2throw"
alias gren2throw "throwgren; bind [gren2button] gren2prime"

bind [gren1button] gren1prime
bind [gren2button] gren2prime

2) Simple "pressing primes, releasing throws" aliases
alias +grenone "primeone; play gren"
alias -grenone "throwgren"

alias +grentwo "primetwo; play gren"
alias -grentwo "throwgren"
bind [gren1button] +grenone
bind [gren2button] +grentwo

3) [Recommended] Grentimer with msg_triggers

Either of 1) or 2) with "play gren" removed.
alias grentime "play gren"
msg_trigger grentime "renade primed"

This will make the timing more accurate and will not play the .wav unless the grenade actually was primed (can happen occasionally with 1) or 2) due to lag)

The following commands make grens a little bit more pleasant to use as well:
alias cleargrens "bind [gren1button] gren1prime; bind [gren2button] gren2prime"
alias f_death cleargrens

With the typical "press once to prime, another time to throw" -aliases you often have to press twice to prime after dying, these two aliases get rid of the problem.

* Not that msg_triggers do not work with the smackdown -ruleset. Make sure to use ruleset default in your TF -config.*
2008-12-31, 13:22
3 posts

Oct 2007
Hello! If its not too late I'd like to sign up for a team. I usually play customTF. Someone tell me what to do??
The beatings will continue until morale improves!
2009-01-04, 10:18
26 posts

Jan 2006
There have been some people here looking for a team, I suggest someone of you act as a leader and check if these people are still interested.
Try setting up some IRC-channel for a new team and asking around in #tomtefortress and #kvadd for more players, im quite sure you can find the players for 1-2 teams.

Actually, people without a team could gather at #tomteteam @ QuakeNet.
2009-01-09, 17:19
129 posts

Mar 2007
I've been away in Sweden (QHLan and holiday) for the past week and a bit, and away before that, so haven't been around to participate in team building. If any team needs an extra player with configs, map knowledge, and several tonnes of rust and probably 52 to 66 ping, I should be back on IRC tomorrow night/sunday morning so please let me know!
2009-01-09, 19:13
793 posts

Feb 2006
i so wanted to play. now i'm outside of the city on a bad wireless connection, i don't think i can play with it
2009-03-06, 13:27
13 posts

Mar 2009
Used to play about 9 years ago...

Got bored so dusted it off and started mucking around with it again. If there's some regular play or some regular servers, I'd be interested.
2009-03-08, 20:02
10 posts

Nov 2007
#kvadd @
Winners never whine, Whiners never win
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