
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
The new year has come, so perhaps we could get something new this year in QW too.
The truth is, in order to keep QW alive, we might want to consider few changes here and there, perhaps something new (like clan arena KTX style) but definitely something that will keep QW going and interesting.
This poll is not only a "poll", it's something I want to see people suggesting different things, and maybe some of those become reality in the future. So if you have ANY idea what you would like to see in QW, now it is the time shed your thoughts about it. The best thing would be that this stuff you're suggesting, would make former QW players come back and it would also attract new players too.
Remember to go in detail when suggesting new things, and why. Here's some list that we thought over with few QW clowns a while back:
- New "old" game mode, clan arena: slightly tweaked clan arena to KTX that allows more customization. - Slight tweaking to the tournaments, less divisions to make more matches per div. - New tournaments: Phil's been running his oneday tournaments, there is QWDL and EQL but what if there was also something else... - New/more maps? - Some sort of ranking system. - Match making. - And something else I forgot...
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
- Slight tweaking to the tournaments, less divisions to make more matches per div. I very much support this plan! Being an NQR admin it might sound like I'm just trying to smoke my own pole, but I think it worked quite well in NQR11. Nowadays the possibility of a clan going idle in mid-season is pretty big, and it really sucks if you only have 6 teams in a div of which 3 don't make an effort to play their games. So yes, bigger divisions please! Sure it will lead to more whine than usual, but people need to acknowledge that QW clans simply don't have the luxury anymore of having 10 more or less equally skilled clans to play against. Other than that, I really wish we'd have a big duel tourney again. Phil is doing a great job with the oneday thingies and QWDL turned out really nice too, but those tournaments should be complementing regular (big) duel tournaments, not replacing them. Duelmania (and Ownage) was always great fun, full of excitement, drama, dozens of specs, goldrush gambling, oldschool players returning, and so on. Please, please, please someone organise a Duelmania-like mega-tourney! _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 312 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Yes for clan arena! It's real fun and the servers are very few in numbers and high in ping.
And as for what I want from QW. I want high activity and the old superstars back. I'm highly sceptical though that there would be any simple method to bring them back or increase activity that doesn't involve money
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I want "new" maps. Not new as in new, but new as in not played much. For example hate, edc, gibbie's, efdat's, geodm1, gmdm1, tridm1-3 etc. Maybe for lower divs in qwdl? Clan arena would be fun too! I played so much quakelive recently 
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I want to make money playing qw  So many talanted players out there...
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I want to have commentaries on games more than just mvds on chtv, instead VODS on youtube weekly on random games played on the servers(or official games ofcourse), i am willing to sacrifice time on this. I need at least one co-commentator thou.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Clan arena and maybe new maps "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 18 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
QW already has lots of great maps for 4on4 like e3m2, e3m3, e3m7, e1m5 etc. Maps that we used to play when there was less talk and more play. What I "want" is the old guys come back but as poker is going so strong I don't see that happening. Or maybe they have just grown up (yeah, sure). To be realistic I don't think that anything can be done to get a lot of new players as for them QW is just a game among others and there are lots of shooter games today (plus there is no money involved). So quit nagging and just play and enjoy the game as long it lasts.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
QW is just a game among others and there are lots of shooter games today Ok but quakeworld is different and i think players who want a competitive,fast and hard game will found what they want only in quakeworld The main problem for the new players is: when we come we only see good players so we have a long long way to learn "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
mescon, recently commented on the upcoming CHTV ff-jerry -locktar showmatch "This makes me wanna take up QW again  Aaah, the good old days of aerowalk ownage and dm4 frustration, banging the mouse in the table, muttering to myself wondering if I have enough money in my savings account to afford punching the screen to the floor. I haven't played for years and years, but is LocKtar still a kickass dm2 player, or has he changed his favourite map? This would be nice to see. Is it still qizmo + mqwcl that people use?"
Member 18 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
QW is just a game among others and there are lots of shooter games today Ok but quakeworld is different and i think players who want a competitive,fast and hard game will found what they want only in quakeworld The main problem for the new players is: when we come we only see good players so we have a long long way to learn Sure we know that QW is different but they don't. And it is a problem for the newcomer that this is a hard game but what can you do. What i meant is that we should stop thinking what we want as we already have it and start thinking what we can give.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I would love to see ClanArena back up again, think about all the rookies that would play it and the regulars aswel! You can play for instance 2v5 and make it fair, would own big time
Member 188 posts
Registered: May 2007
I would like to see some CTF servers, with no special shit. 3 or 4 new CTF maps (symetrical ones, not single player maps transformed into CTF maps), DM phsyics, no runes, no hooks. I would love to jump on a server with a ctf going on. And since it would be new maps rookies and mediocre players playing CTF a lot could become equal to good DM player who are playing CTF just from time to time.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
i dont like ctf  but ill really enjoy clan arena and maybe some new maps for this clanarena (tiddles?) =) "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
News Writer 169 posts
Registered: Dec 2007
I would like to run a duel tourney that would use some different rules/map pools if someone wants to do that. Biggest problem right now is my lack of web skills, so if anyone got any of that please contact me 
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
A "How to setup your own server" guide with every puny little detailed included and uploaded to a server with 99,99999% uptime. People come into the various Quake channels fairly often and ask how to setup a server under <insert Linux dist here> and even if i want to answer, i simply can't. nServer (or whatever Empezar called it) would be totally OK too.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
get mescon back ruskie!! :-) still remember mescons little video of him owning dag at jumping through the tunnel @ dm6 haha
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i remember mescon as a sexy beast myself too, whine on him yourself -> http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=comments&pageid=570&aid=32390
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Shorter rounds (4on4). Being able to play a whole match within an hour would be nice.
Member 132 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I'd like to see all tridm* maps become popular and full md3 (especially ranger player model from q3 with ruohis' models) support.
4on4 with DMM3 Mine do no spaek engrish!
Member 226 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Give me more guides. Give me guides on 1on1, 2on2, 4on4 for all of the league maps.
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
yeah, guides could help a lot to the rookies but i still prefer the idea that once per a week a div1 give learning lessons through ventrillo while rookies watching the same demo 
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
- Slight tweaking to the tournaments, less divisions to make more matches per div. I very much support this plan! Yep. I think ppl automatically think high div1 vs low div2 and forget that there is going to be a lot of exciting low div1 high div2 games too and so on. I wish we would have real money tournamets where significant prize money is given not only to the winner but maybe 2nd and 3rd too. I think this is the only way to bring ex-players or new players into the game. Unfortunately it's very unlikely to happen.
Member 113 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
A completely free quake package (ie. no more pak1 downloads) in a single download making it even more accessible to people. It could also be directly included in Linux repositories and immediatley playable from any linux machine.
Member 28 posts
Registered: Aug 2008
"Together we stand, divided we fall"
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
2on2 tour. Just for you, noobgnin. http://www.challenge-tv.com/index.php?mode=comments&pageid=570&aid=32386
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Something that I always wanted to see was some kind of Davis Cup for Quake. If youre not familiar with it: Its a tennis cup with a cool format for nations. for more info(look it up on google) I think this wouldnt work with nations in qw, but clans maybe.
The way this could be done in qw would be something like this. DRz vs tVS (for example) BO3 1on1 Reppie vs Milton 2on2 Bps Locktar vs Blaze Ihminen 4on4 DRz vs tVS
Rules about order of game modes/choosing of maps etc needs to be discussed but most obvious would probably be DRz choose 1v1 and aerowalk, tVS choose 4on4 and dm3 decider is 2on2 (map is picked by removing)
Another cool format I think would be team duel tournament: DRz vs tVS (for example) BO3 (althou this mode is probably best in BO5 but dunno if qw is up for that) DRz choose aerowalk and puts reppie up, tVS decides to use blAze tVS choose dm4 and puts milton up, DRz choose Locktar decider map is picked by removing
(no player can play 2maps) A ESWC tournament in quake3 was actually done like this, and I loved it
YET another variant of this one, would be using the SC/WC3 system DRz vs tVS (for example) 4 players each [tVS]Milton vs DruidZ.mawe > [tVS]Milton [tVS]Milton vs DruidZ.locktar > [tVS]Milton [tVS]Milton vs DruidZ.reppie > DruidZ.reppie DruidZ.reppie vs [tVS]blAze > DruidZ.reppie DruidZ.reppie vs [tVS]Ihminen > DruidZ.reppie DruidZ.reppie vs [tVS]Diki > DruidZ.reppie
All 4 tVS players are out, DRz wins
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
http://wiki.quakeworld.nu/QuakeWorld_World_Championships_2004 that was very similar to your davis cup idea
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
