
Member 18 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Hey guys. I'm a pretty avid player of both Q3 and QW, and if there was one feature I wish QW had that Q3 does, it would be cg_simpleitems. Without md3 shader support for ezQuake yet (Though I saw it on the future features list) you can't make 'em 2D, so I've decided to take it upon myself to do the next best thing: model 'em! Now, I'm not too sure about the use of these types of models as far as tournaments go, but either way I'm sure some of you will get some enjoyment out of them. As for the designs, I tried not to just copy the exact images from Q3. The SSG and RL are very similar, but the rest are all original designs. (I wanted them to be unique to QuakeWorld.) Also, in order to maintain the atmosphere of Q1, I textured them as if they were runes, so you don't have to worry about them looking out of place. Here's what they look like: ...And this is some of them in game: There's also a completely new GL one designed specifically for QW, but I'll post that one a little later. All models are pretty much done, and will be available for download in the not-too-distant future at Quakeworld GFX, along with their HUD icon counter-parts. Comments and critiques are encouraged and welcome! 
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
https://tinyurl.com/qwbrasil - QuakeFiles
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
cool! looking forward to next update. Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
nice work, i want try it! "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
nice work, but i guess they won't work like simple items in q3, as they are sprites, and these are models.... These will look different depending on the angle you are looking from. However, these might look cool when turning around 
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Nice models! The benifit of cg_simpleitems was two fold. 1.> less taxing on gfx cards by only rendering a 2d sprite, and 2.> most these simpleitems are fullbright... this feature can be very easily achieved by precaching the simple item sprites at engine load time, then parse the entity's modelindex in gl_rmain.c and swap it out before its rendered.
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
really really nice, one suggestion tho for competitive play, try to make nail and lightninggun abit more different colorvise
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Awesome models! I'll use them for sure when they'll be available for download. Maybe i'll only change textures to single colored ones. Which format do you use, md3 or mdl?
And yeah, md3 support should be fixed asap, ezQuake already offers so much gfx tweaks and options it's almost unbelieveable it's not done yet. Simpleitems are imo best gfx invention since fullbright skins in terms of fast-paced gameplay.
Member 51 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I think that they tried to implement simpleitems fron Qrack to ezQuake once, but there was some bug and then it was all removed.. But these models looks very nice with those textures and all, would make great 2d objects too.
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
You can make proper sprites very easily, just rename them *.mdl/*.bsp and pay attention to origin.
I did this years ago to help boost my framerate, then external 24bit tex support came along so I helped lemike make sexy 24bit ones.
Member 1 post
Registered: Jul 2008
Member 1 post
Registered: Jan 2009
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
vb, how to make 24bit simpletextures?
Member 18 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
You can make proper sprites very easily, just rename them *.mdl/*.bsp and pay attention to origin.
I did this years ago to help boost my framerate, then external 24bit tex support came along so I helped lemike make sexy 24bit ones. I didn't know that. I'll have to give it a try. If it works out I'll upload both the 2D ones and the 3D models. The more the merrier! Anyway, the download link will be added tomorrow (Friday 21 Jan). I've been swamped with work because of the upcoming semester of school and I haven't been able to do much (other than study) this week. Stay tuned! :-D
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Tomorrow is Thursday 22nd, BootGuyJoe!
Member 192 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Member 18 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Tomorrow is Thursday 22nd, BootGuyJoe! D'oh, guess I was spending too much time studying.  Just woke up not too long ago, but I'm still planning on putting up the links today. Stay tuned. 
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
bsp models are actually offset awkwardly, so without engine support for it, your sprites for ammo/health will appear in slightly different places. Rotating stuff can be replaced with sprites without issue.
Member 18 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Tried out the method of renaming the image mdl and and swapping it with the model files, didn't work.
One quick newb question. (Since this is my first release of models) How do I link the texture to the model so that it'll find it no matter what directory you have nQuake installed in? Models and Textures show up fine when I have it in my C:\Program Files\nquake\qw]progs directory, but when I move to my D:\ drive the textures don't show up anymore. I'm using 3DS Max 2008, btw.
Edit: Was gonna upload 'em tonight but GFX registration isn't working right now, probably because the hosting switch. I'll bump the thread once the problem has been settled.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
The gfx site should be able to send out mails now, if you didnt get your password (you probably didnt). Just request a new one.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I tried doing some simpleitems for ezQuake  http://dev.zalon.dk/simpletextures.png
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Now you got it!!! 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
hehe SputnikUtah, but mine is cheating... It's just sprites 
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
True, for me I had to create sprite replacements for each .mdl. One could actually rename the backpack.spr to backpack.mdl for example, like this http://www.quakeone.com/qrack/backpack.mdl This is because, Quake might precache the file "backpack.mdl" but when it come to DRAWING, it uses the file header not the file extension to determine how its drawn. plop that into /id1/progs and now you will have a "simpleitem" (sprite) of the backpack Then use a backpack.tga and POOF you have a 24bit simple item! The only thing I did on my end was create it in the engine so I could toggle it in realtime vs the actual file shuffling in the /id1/progs folder  I might also mention that sprites are drawn fullbright, so in ezQuake all your backpacks are gonna glow in the dark. Is this legal in QW scene?
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
oh, i would be able to 24bit versions of my sprites that way? 
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Mostly all textures in newer quake engines look for a texture replacement for the old. Sprites are included. my "sprite" replacements look as bad as it gets, but thats just cause i need a placeholder for the 24bit texture.  I'll try to chalk up a tutorial and some files using ZQuake to implement r_simpleitems for QuakeWorld once and for all 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I couldnt find a way to use 24bit replaments for my sprites tho :/ Not with ezQuake anyway
Member 232 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Tried out the method of renaming the image mdl and and swapping it with the model files, didn't work. Did you put them in the right folders? Zalon: Experiment with folders also, it's def. possible but my memory sucks.
Member 18 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Hey guys, sorry about the long wait. Here's the finished product: Download it here: http://gfx.quakeworld.nu/details/311/ Working on vweps now...I'll post pics "when it's done"
Member 132 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Finally! Great job! Can you make simple powerups, armors, and ammo too? Mine do no spaek engrish!
