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Member 52 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Is using a cloth mousepade hurting me, or is not affecting me at all..
Ive played with the g5 and now i have a death adder..
Personally I like the g5 better but my girl bought the adder for me for christmas..
Anyways.. Ive always played with a cloth mousepad just your regular old 6 dollar mouse pad you can find anywhere..
I was wondering if a differnt mouse pad would help me out with fine tuning this adder in..
also what options in mousepads are their and if so are their ones made for the female gender in a gamming pad although i highly doubt it..
ok thanks..
Member 121 posts
Registered: May 2006
decent mousepad would sure give u a greater precision / result even if its still a cloth one ! Personally i've changed from some rispid plastic - some Func Surface 1030 clone to Razer Mantis Speed (cloth) .
never saw any girly themed one though.....
try some www.razerzone.com
Member 173 posts
Registered: Jun 2008
Search around, I think renzo did a great write up somewhere on this site. I use a steelpad 4d and it is great for day to day mouse accuracy - my qw still sux tho ;-)
Member 52 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Thanks guys. Ill be looking into geting one soon so im clueless on what brands / companys are out their so if you could throw some my way I know about the exactmat, so anymore i can look at guys??
Member 355 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
Razer, Steel Series, X-Ray Pad, Supermat, func pad, puretrak, Qpad.
Honestly there are so many of them and it all boils down to preference. One tip though: avoid smooth plastic surfaces because they tend to wear down quickly. A rough plastic surface will last you at least a year. I'm not sure, but I think puretrak and func allow you to customize your order (if done via their site) to have any image you want on them, so you could make a girly mousepad for your gf.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
I'm using the same mousepad for over 7 years now, it's cloth and it's perfect. Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 51 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I have used the same Func Surface for about 3 years now, first with my Razer Copperhead and now with a Razer Deathadder. It was a very nice mouse pad compared to my previous cloth pad, very low friction. Its not as nice today as when I first got it though, its torn down, but then again it was three years ago. Also heard that it "eats" the skatez on the mouse too when using the rough surface which also add to the more friction problem over time. Never had such a good aim with rockets and SG when I first got them, it was flawless. ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_smile.png) And Razers mouse pads sucks, very high liftoff distance according to: http://razerblueprints.net/index.php/component/option,com_smf/Itemid,99/topic,8016.msg65530/#msg65530 dont know how legitimate his statement is though.
Member 52 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Thanks for the info especially on the func pad wher I can customize it.. Since im playing on my girls computer it has to be her way or no way, it really gets aggrivating. I did how ever just pay my car off so this wont be a problem for much longer. What size pad do most of you guys play with?? I was thinking about the 14x11 since I then to be all over the place and readjust my cloth pad now thats 8x8 3/4 so i guess my next question would be Suede-Feel Hard Plastic Base or Machined Billet Aluminum then they have the optoin of how rough you want the surface and if you want a different surface on the back side different then on the front..
Member 51 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
I would go with "Soft-Feel, Hard Plastic" and "30r/30r (rough/rough)" because the aluminum probably gets cold and is more expensive and the smooth surface is not as nice to play on, cant really describe why but it doesn't feel as responsive, but then the rough side probably tears down the mouse skates faster.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hi, here's my contribution ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_wink.png) ive used cloth pad since the beggining, at first cheap ones, then better ones. I've tryed the rough ones (steelpads) but in less than a year i've given up because of the low friction they give. then i bought a razer mantis control (cloth) and its clearly the best pad i've ever used. I still use it, its resistant. Since I like cloth, because of the little friction it gives, this is perfect for me. you might want to try razer mantis speed, as it gives less friction, and it also has the nice cloth "feeling". but i own optical mices, i've read the laser ones don't like cloth because of the bumpy surface. never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 64 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
I've been using my combo Logitech MX500 / Icemat 2.0 (not the black one) for ages and it feels good.
The frosted glass surface does make a bit of noise when you drag the mouse across it, but it's nothing you hear while playing anyway. I should probably try another mousemat for reference. The Icemat might be crap without me knowing it =)
Best thing about the icemat is that you can clean it with soap/water and it's like new.
Member 108 posts
Registered: Jun 2006
steelseries qck cloth mat. A lot off the pros use it. The pad rubs the mousefeet so after 2-3 weeks use its very smooth and low friction. http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1588100 http://www.gotfrag.com/portal/gallery/1212/###
Member 121 posts
Registered: May 2006
QCK + Iron Lady Pink http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et5BJpWFfs0&eurl=http://vcs1.com.br/produto.php?codigo=297&lp=&feature=player_embedded
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Like flepser, I've been using the same cloth pad for around 7+ years (allsop raindrop). It's had that much use that if I run my fingers over the middle area, it's all smooth due to being worn down by millions of mouse strokes, whereas the less frequently touched edges have much more friction. I tried using some "smooth" plastic pads like Everglide etc some years ago but couldn't really adjust to them. I like my friction! ![](/images/smileys/emoticon_smile.png) Before that it was the 3m PMS, which was a nice surface but not durable enough (would only last a few months before the surface got wrecked and they would start to curl up).
Member 251 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Before that it was the 3m PMS, which was a nice surface but not durable enough (would only last a few months before the surface got wrecked and they would start to curl up). Heh... I remember how we (a clanmate and I) imported a bunch of them from the US back in the days because no retailer sold them in Germany then. It was a good pad but like you said, it also wasn't too durable. :/
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