
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Falzzi is most definitely better than me. I play him all the time and I've never once beaten him 2 maps out of 3. He doesn't belong in the division below mine, and Fern belongs no lower than my division too.
Member 2 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
just put me 1 div below the lowest norwegian, cant beat anyone in this country nowadays.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I'm not sure about mushi and div1  Last season he won against xenic 2-1, ok, but other matches were just walkovers + a win against a guy who didn't end last only thanks to walkovers.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think it would help a great deal in these discussions if everyone used the same division references (preferably old QWDL style as it ease the work for admins and is more accurate).  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
edvin fits better in div2 agreed! I'm not sure about mushi and div1 agreed again! I recommend div4 for the guy. _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 27 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I guess you could put me in div 4-6
Member 26 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Div 4-8 for me I guess. I just played with Riosat1y and we were quite on par.
Bamsen div4
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
edvin fits better in div2 agreed! I'm not sure about mushi and div1 agreed again! I recommend div4 for the guy. I won against mushi in the QHLAN 1on1 B-Tourney, and that was on lan with ping 12, so he should be weaker when playing from portugal :/
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I won against mushi in the QHLAN 1on1 B-Tourney, and that was on lan with ping 12, so he should be weaker when playing from portugal :/ Not always true. You are used to a low ping 13ms vs 13ms. He is prolly more used to 80ms vs 50ms (which many euros would have on a UK server).
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Right now the divs are bit bigger then they suppose too (10). We are just placing everyone where we think he fits best and then later on we try to make those small adjustments when we have all players fit in.
This is the list of the still unrated players: Really need some help on this
Domin fer flash Fluartity! glt halo hero indey jok knave kx mipa Mura n0lik nepra Nihti offo pangela phanter pharaoh pja R251 radzioH reka squeeze tuoppi vun web zerox
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
chad and nih about equal. about to divisions below myself.
raz0 equal to zalon.
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
IMHO: n0lik - div9/10 fer - div4/5/6 squeeze - div2/3 tuoppi - div2/3 mipa - div3/4
Too big divs - 13 players. Maximum 9-10.
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Riosatiy, dedi and leon atleast one div higher..zzzz
Member 5 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Halo and hero are fellow warsowers, who haven't been playing qw for all that long. Put them somewhere low.
Member 2 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
i think i maybe should be higher then div 12. or maybe i'm fooling myself 
Member 53 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Div 12 works for me, then I have a season to improve for higher grounds.
Member 122 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Sola, svyat and cthulhu are way better then me. They're raping me all the time we play. Jimo, on the other hand, is on the same level with me (he even won vs me last QWDL). Do I think I should go down one div.
BTW I think it's a bad move to abandon the 25 divs idea... I hoped that I'll slowly go up one div a season, but now it's all from the start again. I don't know players who I'll be playing against. :-( -- "Dag eats little Reloads for breakfast." (c) :-)
Member 230 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I played phanter yesterday on aero, 2 matches where he proved to be a little bit better than me so I guess he should at least be in same div as me if he's as good on aero as the other maps? I see that div 7 are really crowded as it is right now so maybe put me and maybe phanter one div down -> div8? At least I don't mind!
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I won against mushi in the QHLAN 1on1 B-Tourney, and that was on lan with ping 12, so he should be weaker when playing from portugal :/ EHEH. every one owned me at qhlan. by that perspective, i should be in div 10  anyway. this "system" of asking in the forum may be ok to ask seedings for a couple of players, but not for this quantity of players. Last season, we (admins) did an shared googledocs spreadsheet, where we typed the "skill" the player has, 1 to 100. Here's a screenshot . I think its better that way, i look at the divisions now and i feel scared. 10 players in each division, like we agreed last season. Grump, reply to email? never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
Want to see at this table. :-]
News Writer 646 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
so type in the url in the screenshot 
News Writer 280 posts
Registered: May 2006
so type in the url in the screenshot  Don't want to signup. Hagge, LethalWiz, sailorman => div4 Åke Vader, Creature, edviN => div3
Member 1754 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
mipa was in my div last time ye? so this time too I guess, knave is about my skill too I think. tuoppi would be 1 div higher then me afaik web is probably 1 div above me too
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
vvd, send me a mail and ill add u. never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 188 posts
Registered: May 2007
OK the Divisions are up now. We have 10 players per div, no DivZero, because not enough div 0 player signed-up and the 14th division is a big box full of surprise. It contains all the player we have no idea where to put.
You still have the possibilty to suggest changes, but under some conditions. If you say player x should go one div higher, then you have to tell us who from this div should go one div lower. If you tell us player y from div 6 should be in div 3, then u have to tell us who from div 3 should go to div 4, who from div 4 in div 5, from div 5 to div 6. Basically, that after each change there are 10 players in each div.
All posts containing only " move player x to division z" will be ignored.
Member 9 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i want to be in qwdl can u sign me up :/ FancY - K1D - CowarD - Stickman
Member 398 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I would rather be in div3  Suggested player to change with: Squeeze.. Why? Don't even think he has played that much duels, and I don't think he will be able to do much with his 120 ping 
Member 77 posts
Registered: Feb 2008
Get me a div lower and knave a div higher? :,/
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
come to me, Jimo baby 
Member 9 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Yeah i agree with Jimo i should be higher division.I am not experienced duel player at all but i know some of the basics maybe division 8-10 should fit me better but dunno what players to drop down? .And my Teammate Mura should be in division 13 instead than division 14 maybe swab him with nolik?
