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Client Talk
2009-03-04, 01:00
111 posts

Jul 2006
hi ...

how come that fuhquake with 85 hz 77 fps feels good and somewhat smooth (a bit tearing but not choppy)

and ezquake when i try indp . phys off 85 hz 77 fps its really really choppy?

i want to use 77 fps for several reasons, but its sooo unsmooth in ezquake :/

any settings to change or that can help for smooth quake with 77 fps?

using vsync 0, nolerp 0 pushlatency 0

2009-03-04, 01:08
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Run your monitor at 75Hz (adequate), at 77Hz (good) or at 154Hz (satisfactory).

Pushlatency setting does nothing on ezQuake, only the variable exists but there's no actual function.

Wrong forum, should be help or client talk, will be moved to the latter one.
Servers: Troopers
2009-03-04, 01:32
111 posts

Jul 2006
hi renzo, thanks for helping,

anyway to force 77 hz in 640x480?

I tried a program called reforce which works for forcing 120 hz in 640x480 (120 hz is max on screen)

but when I try 77 hz@640x480 and start qw display goes black and says signal out of range :F

any surefire way to force to 77 hz? since the display _should_ handle it fine ...
2009-03-04, 01:38
1329 posts

Apr 2006
NVIDIA drivers allow refreshrate finetuning up to 0,001Hz. Check "manage custom resolutions" menu in the NVCPL.
Servers: Troopers
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