News Writer
2260 posts
Jan 2006
found this on psp forums
I have uploaded a ready to go Quake with config files already set up for online play. I also added the pak1.pak and pak0.pak so all you have to do is open the ID folder and edit the AUTOEXE.cfg file where it says username so your username isnt "im to lazy to change my name". Its really simple. There is a read me with it to explain more. Also play on the first quake server. Its the square option on the server list. My name online is The Boogeyman. I hope to see more people playing. Remember Kernal mode is needed for the online play so this is only for the 1.5 people.
download it from
129 posts
Mar 2006
Jst got ma freebie psp with ma new mobile phone contract, the psp has version 2.5 firmware but found that some dood called fanjita has found an exploit in the game GTA: liberty city stories. I bought GTA, installed the eloader (download v0.97 here: and downloaded quake V2 (downloaded from here: I had to edit the cfg a bit, +mlook for a start
and away to do a few quick weap scripts (bind square "impulse 2; wait; impulse 4" LOL).
Now all I need is some clever peeps to do an ezquake psp client with particle effects
Why bother playing qw on a psp when I know it'll never come close to playing on ma PC?
Answer: I have no idea, quake for people on the move?
Anybody else tried this out?
Edit: oh and btw it works a bloomin treat...
54 posts
Mar 2006
I just got a PocketPC (i-mate JasJar) and am keen as a bean to get Quake working on it!
Anyone got any pointers?
129 posts
Mar 2006
The best version of quake for pocket PC is by Dan East, I'm a palm user though so never tried it :/
EDIT: This is probably obvious but both pocket PC and PSP version suggest using the shareware version of quake but just use your pak0 and pak1 files from full quake