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2009-03-07, 02:26
27 posts

Apr 2007
Can anybody please help me out with a fast FPS config.

2009-03-07, 10:31
60 posts

Apr 2006
Here you go. There's a few glows and other settings you could toggle for a few extra fps.

Also change cl_maxfps "1000" to whatever your highest steady framerate ends up being with ths cfg.

// FPS and EyeCandy Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09
// Resource #1:
// Resource #2:
// Comments Credit: JohnNy_cz & EZQuake Dev Team

// Don't filter backpacks.
// Default: 0
cl_backpackfilter "0"

// 0 Don't filter dead bodies.
// 1 Filter dead bodies after they fall on the ground.
// 2 Body will disappear in the moment last damage is done to it.
// Default: 0
cl_deadbodyFilter "2"

// Gibs are turned off.
// Default: 0
cl_gibFilter "1"

// Disable rotating models & bob up and down like in Quake3.
// Default: 1
cl_model_bobbing "0"

// All turned off.
// Default: 1
cl_muzzleflash "0"

// Turns off client-side vwep support (drawing of other players' weapon models).
// Effective after reconnecting, this will disable vweps support entirely: no
// vwep models will be downloaded, and no vwep info will be sent by the server.
// Default: 0
cl_novweps "1"

// Converts all rockets to grenades.
// Default: 0
cl_r2g "1"

// Turns reflections on walls covered with liquids (water, lava, slime) when set to 1.
// Multi-texturing is required for this variable.
gl_caustics "0"

// no fog
gl_fog "0"

// used for mapping, leave as 1
r_drawentities "1"

// Display no flames.
// Default: 1
r_drawflame "0"

// No explosion light.
// Default: 1
r_explosionLight "0"

r_explosionLightColor "0"
r_explosionType "3"
r_flagColor "0"

// Enable Grenade Trail
// Default: 1
r_grenadeTrail "1"

r_lerpframes "1"
r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"

// Disable rocket/explosion/flag/powerup light flickering.
// Default: 1
r_lightflicker "0"

// Powerup glow on.
// Default: 1
r_powerupGlow "1"

// Turn off dynamic lighting of rockets.
// Default: 1
r_rocketLight "1"

r_rocketLightColor "0"

// No rocket trail.
// Default: 1
r_rocketTrail "0"

// Disable lights blooming
// Default: 0
r_bloom "0"

// Disable faster variant of the blooming effect.
// Default: 1
r_bloom_fast_sample "0"

// Enables a flashing layer over players carrying powerups
// Default: 1
gl_powerupshells "1"

// This enables independent physics. This means that you can achieve
// more FPS in game then the server allows. Amount of FPS used to
// communicate with server is set by /cl_physfps and amount of graphics
// FPS is set by /cl_maxfps. Useless if you use vid_vsync 1.
// Default: 1
cl_independentPhysics "1"

// Sets amount of FPS used to communicate with server. This variable is
// used when +set cl_independentphysics 1 is set so your current amount of
// FPS is limited by cl_maxfps while this variable limits amout of FPS
// sent/received to/from server. When set to zero current cl_maxfps value
// is used. When cl_maxfps is set to zero too, client displays as much FPS
// as server and data rate allows.
// Default: 0
cl_physfps "77"

// This variable sets the maximum limit for frames-per-second.
// Default: 0
cl_maxfps "1000"

// Particle Effects
// OSF's Config Feb '09

gl_bounceparticles "0"
gl_clipparticles "0"
gl_part_blobs "0"
gl_part_blood "0"
gl_part_explosions "0"
gl_part_gunshots "0"
gl_part_inferno "0"
gl_part_lavasplash "0"
gl_part_spikes "0"
gl_part_telesplash "0"
gl_part_trails "0"
gl_solidparticles "0"

// Lighting
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// 1 Enable "fullbright" colors on bsp models (World, health boxes, etc).
// 0 Might give you a couple more fps.
// Default: 1
gl_fb_bmodels "1"

// 1 Enable "fullbright" colors on alias models (grenades, player models, etc).
// 0 Might also give you more fps.
// Default: 1
gl_fb_models "1"

// 0 No glow bubbles.
// 1 A glow bubble will appear on explosions and flag/quad/pent carrier.
// 2 Same as (1), but also around rockets in the air.
// Default: 0
gl_flashblend "1"

// Helps customize rocket light independant of gl_flashblend.
// 0 - treated as feature off.
// 1 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 2, but no dynamic lighting.
// 2 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 0 or 1.
// 3 - rocket light looks like with gl_flashblend 2, with dynamic lighting, exactly the same.
// Default: 0
gl_rl_globe "0"

// 0 Makes the map lighter, but fullbrights don't look as good. (0% overbrights)
// 1 Makes the map darker, but makes fullbrights stand out more (looks better). (33% overbrights)
// Default: 2
gl_lightmode "2"

// Zero disables lit files.
// Default: 1
gl_loadlitfiles "0"

// 1-Light shaft. 0-Dark shaft.
// Default: 1
gl_shaftlight "1"

// Switch on/off colour of lighting from glowing
// items (quad, pent, flags in TF, etc)
// Default: 1
gl_colorlights "1"

// Disable dynamic lighting
// Default: 1
r_dynamic "0"

// Disable light sources on the map.
// Default: 0
r_lightmap "0"

// Do not display shadows for entities.
// Default: 0
r_shadows "0"

// Turbulency and Sky Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

gl_caustics "0"
r_fastsky "1"
r_fastturb "1"
r_lavacolor "80 0 0"

// This variable toggles the use of VIS information from the map data. When this
// variable is set to "1" the game will calculate it's own VIS information on the
// fly instead of using the information stored in the map data, this will cause
// a severe performance penalty in the game. When "r_novis" is set to "1", the
// variable "gl_turbalpha" has a value lower than "1" and the server allows the
// client to display liquid transparently the player will be able to see through
// liquids. This is a nice effect to see but it is not recommended to keep this
// variable set to "1" because of the huge performance penalty.
// It is possible to enable transparent liquids and still keep this variable set to
// "0" (and thus not experience such a severe performance drop) by using maps that
// are VISed accordingly. You can visit the official Water VIS site at
// "" and download the vispatch program along with the patch
// data files which you would use to update the VIS data for all of your game maps.
// There are also map packs available that contain VISed versions of the original
// ID maps.
r_novis "0"

r_skycolor "40 80 150"
r_skyname ""
r_slimecolor "10 60 10"
r_telecolor "10 10 10"
r_watercolor "50 80 120"

// Texture Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Disables support of alternate 24bit textures
// Default: 0
gl_no24bit "1"

// Enable reducing memory held by textures on cards that
// support it (but textures loaded slower and may have less quality).
// Default: 0
gl_ext_texture_compression "1"

// Disable loading of external 24bit textures for
// non-world .bsp models (any .bsp that isn't the
// actual map. Ex. health and ammo boxes).
// Default: 1
gl_externalTextures_bmodels "0"

// Disable loading of external 24bit textures for the
// world .bsp model (i.e. the actual map).
// Default: 1
gl_externalTextures_world "0"

// Faster loading maps (not more fps), lower texture quality
// Default: 1
gl_lerpimages "0"

// Turns using of luma textures (named *_luma) ON when set
// to 1 and allowed by server.
// Default: 1
gl_lumaTextures "1"

// It is essentially a GL 'equivalent'to d_mipcap in software.
// It has no affect when loading external 24bit textures.
// Default: 0
gl_miptexLevel "3"F

// This variable determines the the level of detail for textures
// used on walls. You can use this variable to lower the texture
// detail used on walls thus increasing the game's performance.
// Default: 0
gl_picmip "5"

// Determines the level of detail of player models. This variable
// is useful if you are experience game slowdown during multiplayer
// games when there are lots of players on your screen by shrinking
// the texture detail, but this will make the player models more blurry.
// Default: 0
gl_playermip "5"

// Zero disables scale model textures.
// Default: 0
gl_scaleModelTextures "1"

// Zero disables gl_picmip/gl_max_size/gl_miptexLevel
// affect turb textures (lava, water, slime, teleports).
// Default: 0
gl_scaleTurbTextures "1"

// This variable sets the division value for the sky brushes.
// The higher the value the better the performance, but the
// smoothness of the sky suffers.
// Default: 64
gl_subdivide_size "1024"

// GL_NEAREST Point sampled (software-like). Lowest quality, highest performance.
// GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST GL_NEAREST but with a bit more quality for far objects.
// GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR GL_NEAREST but with even more quality for far objects.
// GL_LINEAR No blending.
// GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST Bilinear interpolation.
// GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR Trilinear interpolation. Highest quality, lowest performance.
// GL_NEAREST* modes are often used with gl_miptexlevel 3
gl_texturemode "GL_NEAREST"

// This variable determines the detail level for loaded textures.
// When set to "1", the objects and walls will be textured with
// 1x1 pixel textures.
// Default: 2048
gl_max_size "1"

// True textureless map textures, but preserving original colors.
// For custom colors - look for r_drawflat.
// Default: 0
gl_textureless "1"

// Disables textures and walls and floors them with a solid color
// (/r_wallcolor or /r_floorcolor) depending on the angle.
// 1 Use a solid color for walls and floors
// 0 Use textures for walls and floors.
// Default: 0
r_drawflat "1"

// Changes color of walls when r_drawflat is set to 1.
// Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_wallcolor "128 128 128" goes for gray walls.
// Default: 255 255 255
r_wallcolor "1"

// Changes color of floors and ceilings when r_drawflat is set to 1.
// Enter RGB value here, e.g. r_floorcolor "128 128 128" goes for gray floor.
// Default: 50 100 150
r_floorcolor "10 25 100"

// 0 Off.
// 1 Blend map textures.
// 2 Blend map textures and bsp entities (ammo, health etc.)
// Default: 0
r_max_size_1 "0"

// Turns on/off fine detailed textures.
// Default: 0
gl_detail "0"

// Skin Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Determines the fullbright percentage of skins. Fullbright skins can always
// be used during demo playback. The f_skins response will indicate the brightness
// level being used as a percentage.
// 0 Being 0% fullbright.
// 0.5 Being 50% fullbright.
// 1 Being 100% fullbright.
// Default: 1
r_fullbrightSkins "1"


// OpenGL Rendering
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Makes texture rendering quality better if set to 1
// Default: 0
gl_affinemodels "0"

// This variable will toggle the clearing of the screen between each frame. This
// can be helpful when specing a game and flying out of the map or during map
// development when the map maker must fly outside of the map to look has his map
// from the outside. Enabling this command will clear the areas which are not
// rendered outside of the map thus preventing the flickering effect when images
// repeat themselves repeatedly. However it causes problems when playing and
// going through the surfaces of a liquid (for example when diving into liquid), as
// you will see a red flash where the liquid texture would normally be repeated.
// Default: 0
gl_clear "0"

// Sets clear color (gl_clear 1)
// Default: 0 0 0
gl_clearColor "0 0 0"

// This variable toggles the use of internal OpenGL functions for removing covered
// objects. When this variable is set to "1" the game will depend on the OpenGL
// driver to use it's culling functions to remove certain objects from the
// calculations because they are covered up and would not be seen anyways. It is a
// good idea to leave this toggle enabled because it will increase rendering
// performance.
// Default: 1
gl_cull "1"

// Misc trails that appear on objects that frequently move, such as TF grenades,
// caltrops, etc. Railguns in TF also leave behind unique trails.
// Default: 0
gl_extratrails "0"

// This variable toggles the calling of the gl_finish() OpenGL function after each
// rendered frame.
// Default: 0
gl_finish "0"

// Changes speed of gl_inferno missile trail.
// Default: 1000
gl_inferno_speed "0"

// Changes type of gl_inferno missile trail.
// Default: 2
gl_inferno_trail "0"

// Zero turns off coronas on lightning beams
// Default: 0
gl_lightning "0"

// Adjusts size of ligtning particle beam.
// Default: 3
gl_lightning_size "0"

// If enabled adds sparks fly from walls when hit by lightning gun.
// Default: 0
gl_lightning_sparks "0"

// When enabled, flags and keys leave behind a kind of after-image.
// Fiends also leave trails when they pounce.
// Default: 0
gl_motiontrails "0"

// Same as gl_motiontrails but works for all players and creatures.
// Default: 0
gl_motiontrails_wtf "0"

// If enabled adds a white trail onto nails as they fly around.
// This feature wont work on servers not running with sv_nailhack set to 1.
// Default: 0
gl_nailtrail "0"

// If enabled adds a blue plasma trail to nails.
// Default: 0
gl_nailtrail_plasma "0"

// Switches between two type of bubbles nails leave behind in water.
// 0/small 1/large bubbles
// Default: 0
gl_nailtrail_turb "0"

// 1 Don't use top/bottom colors.
// 0 Normal.
// Default: 0
gl_nocolors "0"

// Zero does not smooth the textures on models.
// Default: 1
gl_smoothmodels "0"

// Triple buffering of head up display graphics.
// If you have problems with screen graphics, turn this on.
// Default: 1
gl_triplebuffer "0"

// If you don't care much about the graphics you can turn this setting to 0. The drawback
// is that sometimes you will see some pixels where they do not belong especially in gaps
// between ammo boxes and the floor or where the water surface ends.
gl_keeptjunctions "0"

// This variables toggles the use of a trick to prevent the clearning of the
// z-buffer between frames. When this variable is set to "1", the game will not
// clear the z-buffer between frames. This will result in increased performance
// but might cause problems for some display hardware.
// Default: 0
gl_ztrick "0"

// Can be used to overcome vision being limited to 4096 units in GL clients
// (good for xpress2 etc).
// Default: 4096
r_farclip "4096"

// Anisotropic filtering. Basically improved texture quality.
// 0 and 1 means turned off, 16 is usually the highest quality
// Default: 1
gl_anisotropy "0"

// Screen & Powerup Blends
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Controls weapon and item pickup flash.
// Default: 1
cl_bonusflash "0"

// This variable sets the percentage value for palette shifting effects
// (damage flash, powerup blend). (needs gl_polyblend 1)
// Default: 100
gl_cshiftpercent "100"

// 1 Hardware palette changing.
// 0 OpenGL routines.
// Default: 1
gl_hwblend "1"

// Controls a short burst of screen tinting on various events. Variables
// to look at are: gl_cshiftpercent (controls overall palette shifting)
// v_damagechisft v_quadcshift v_pentcshift v_ringcshift v_suitcshift.
// Default: 1
gl_polyblend "0"

// 1 On (palette shifts when you're in liquid).
// 0 Off (no palette shifting when you're in liquid).
// Default: 0.33
v_contentblend "1"
v_damagecshift "1"
v_dlightcshift "1"
v_pentcshift "1"
v_quadcshift "1"
v_ringcshift "1"
v_suitcshift "1"

// System Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// Disable winkeys from alt-tabbing you (only works in
// NT/2K/XP, and only when the client is in focus).
sys_disableWinKeys "1"

// -1 Sets process to low priority.
// 0 Sets process to normal priority.
// 1 Sets process to high priority.
sys_highpriority "0"

// Prevent freeing of CPU when the client is minimized or not in focus.
sys_inactiveSleep "0"

// 1 Less CPU power is allocated to ezQuake.
// 0 More CPU power is allocated to ezQuake.
sys_yieldcpu "0"

// Video Settings
// OSF's Config Feb '09

// change to your monitor hz refresh speed
// Enable this only if you are using a CRT make sure you change the
// vid_displayfrequency to match your monitors refresh rate. If you
// use the wrong setting on CRT it will give an error or it just displays
/// black screen with "out of range" message. But if you have TFT
// it just messes up your graphics, making them look dark and 8-bit -Renzo
//vid_displayfrequency "150"

// Determines the color mode. Highest quality is "24"
vid_colorbits "16"

// Turn-off vertical synchronization
// Default: 0
vid_vsync "0.0"

//vid_nopageflip "0.0"

// Will restart your video renderer. Needed for some changes to take affect.

vid_ignoreGLErrors "0"

vid_showfreq "1"

// This command will print out useful information about your video card, GL version, and
// refresh rate, video mode (width/height resolution and color depth) to console. Useful
// to make sure everything is right, and also to screenshot to show other people.
2009-03-07, 19:22
1265 posts

Jan 2006
on the ezquake menu options, graphics, you can choose "fastest" from the preset list. looks very fast
never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
2009-03-08, 04:05
252 posts

Dec 2006
gl_texturemode gl_nearest VS gl_linear_mipmap_linear

Using gl_nearest has NO performance benifit
1. best case (in combination with low gl_max_size): identical fps
2. worse case: less than half the fps

gl_linear_mipmap_nearest vs gl_linear_mipmap_linear

1. best case: 3-4 extra fps
2. worse case (in combination with low gl_max_size): identical fps
'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin
'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin
[i]'i shoulda won all
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