
Member 11 posts
Registered: Mar 2009
Hello! I'm new on QW and I begin to feel some good sensations, I really enjoy this game.
1st question: I was wondering if I'm doing right to jump with my mouse. Because I read that some people are using the spacebar and I never tried. What is the best way for jumping to improve his game in QW?
2nd question: I'm using ezQuake and didn't try nQuake. Are the servers the same? And if yes, what is the best client?
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
1st question: I use space for jumping - but I'm certain that mouse2 is better/easier, at least thats what I have learned when doing tricks. It's easier to perfect the rocketjump if you are using mouse2. 2nd question: The nQuake site might need more info about this, as i hear that question a lot. But just to make it clear "nQuake is a package" - It's an online installer that has everything you need to get started with QuakeWorld. ezQuake is a QuakeWorld client, and it is included in the nQuake package. So if you have installed nQuake you are as default using the ezQuake client. So there is no difference exept that nQuake includes more content than what you get when downloading from the ezQuake site.
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Welcome to the world of qw, enjoy your stay, couse its almost impossible to quit. Regarding jump it dosnt really matter what key you bind. Me for instanse using shift for jump and wasd for movement. Its all about what you get used to.
Member 11 posts
Registered: Mar 2009
Great, thank you. I'm going now to read all what I could on this forum about QW.
Good day!
Member 34 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
imo, the jumpkey, is a tastething. if u like the mouse2, stay with it, if you like space, stay with it, i´m using space, but have tried to use mouse2, its impossible to just change keys like that. Thats just my opinion.
Member 80 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Welcome Pepsy!  I use mouse1 for rl, mouse2 for lg and mouse3 for grenade launcher. wasd for movement and the space bar for jumps. Never get used to jump in mouse buttons 
Member 26 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Welcome Pepsy!  I use mouse1 for rl, mouse2 for lg and mouse3 for grenade launcher. wasd for movement and the space bar for jumps. Never get used to jump in mouse buttons  you got it almost 100% right. gl has to be on shift 
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I use space for jump but I've thought for ages that it's not as good as using mouse2... just haven't been able to get used to the change. So I'd recommend you start with mouse2
Member 21 posts
Registered: Mar 2009
Like zalon said... mouse 2 is better if you want to be able to move about easier and get you rocket jumps perfect. i use mouse2 and i tryed space bar.. .... i sucked at using space bar. But use what you feel most comfortable with +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++  http://euroquake.webs.com/  ++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
It depends on the keyboard how good the feel is on spacebar. Usually it's the worst of all keys. If I was starting now I would choose something else.
Same goes for WASD. It's better to have a finger for each direction, so you dont have to move a finger around.
Member 64 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
I know having +forward on mouse2 was popular a while back. Anyone still going strong with that setup?  I tried the above and also a +jump on mouse2 but I guess I'm just too set on my setup: ESDF for movement, space jump, rockets on mouse1, gl on mouse thumb and all other weapons on mouse2.
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
ASDF movement (thanks foe), mouse1 - rl, mouse2 - lg, thumb button gl and SPACE +jump.
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I know having +forward on mouse2 was popular a while back. Anyone still going strong with that setup?  Yeah Ego does.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
imo, the jumpkey, is a tastething. if u like the mouse2, stay with it, if you like space, stay with it, i´m using space, but have tried to use mouse2, its impossible to just change keys like that. Thats just my opinion. I might be wrong, but from what I can gather, most of the people that still use space for +jump are those that started on keyboard in 1996/1997 and simply got used to having a shitty setup. Most people that got into QuakeWorld later (when nobody was playing keyboard-only anymore) seem to use mouse2, and I find that a lot easier especially for trick- and rocket jumping. _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Soma I don't entirely agree. There is no best setup for Quake imo. I used mouse2 for 10 years. And yes its easier to rjump compared to SPACE as you said. Finally last year I changed to SPACE. My reasons were: 1) I have very unusual movement key requirements. I use 4 fingers for movement not 3. 2) With mouse2 I had to manually change all weapons. I noticed over the years that people who used weapon scripts always had a small advantage in fights even if I was a better player. Every now and then they would get a "free" frag on me just because they pressed 1 button instead of 2 (me). With SPACE as jump key I can finally use MOUSE2 for weapons. If you are trickster stick with mouse2 Look at Reload, Mortuary, Sting and Foe. They all use SPACE and their movement doesn't suck. In fact they all have very very good movement. Its far from a "shitty" setup soma.
Member 42 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
I went from keyboard to mouse in late 1997, with keyboard i had jump on space. When i went over to using mouse i tried to use mouse2 for +forward but it just fel soo wrong to have movement on the mouse, so it was quickly rebound to keyboard and +jump was moved to mouse2. Now 12 years later +jump is still at mouse2. As many other players i tried to move it to space for testing purposes, but daamn what a strange feeling that was, i guess im stuck with +jump at mouse2  I still suffer from what Terrorhead describes, i have to push two buttons to change weapon and +fire. I guess i could rebind some of the other mousebuttons to change that, but strange to have like +shaft on a sidebutton. Well well, we'll see what happens. http://www.rocketz.se - a quakeworld blog in the 21st century
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I tested +shaft on a side button. It just didn't work. You lose heaps of acc.
Member 252 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Same goes for WASD. It's better to have a finger for each direction, so you dont have to move a finger around... This is what I believe. As of recently I'm using z for back with pinky finger, and s,e,f for left, forward, right, and space for jump. I think my dodging has become more deft with four fingers dedicated to each movement direction. Thanks terrorhead, though my movement is not yet as good as it used to be, since I halved the mouse sensitivity I'd been using for the past decade  . 'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin 'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin [i]'i shoulda won all
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Same goes for WASD. It's better to have a finger for each direction, so you dont have to move a finger around... This is what I believe. As of recently I'm using z for back with pinky finger, and s,e,f for left, forward, right, and space for jump. I think my dodging has become more deft with four fingers dedicated to each movement direction. Thanks terrorhead, though my movement is not yet as good as it used to be, since I halved the mouse sensitivity I'd been using for the past decade  . Heh and my rocket jumping is so nooby. You have no idea how hard it is to rj with space after 10 years of using mouse2.
Member 100 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
everybody has his induvidual style, so bind ur keys like u want it. all bindings have advantages and disadvantage. If u bind just weapons on ur mouse u can get maybe a better aim (weapons with delays), if u bind movmentfunction on ur mouse u can get maybe a better movement. just get a good ping, it will compensate all, for the most of the players 
Member 230 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I agree with Runamok.foe and Kalma that it's better to have a finger for each direction. When it comes to altering your setup e.g. from jump via mouse to jump via keyboard or similar I guess everything is possible if you have the time and patience to do it I myself made a radical change some years ago and even though it took a lot of time before I had the same control as I once had, it sure was rewarding afterwards. Nowadays I have h, j, m and space for movement (this is dependant on keyboard layout though) and attack, shaft and jump on mouse. My advice would be if you’re sure that you’re held back by your setup in any way, make the change but keep in mind that it will probably take time before you can see any improvements.
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I can't agree with statement that mouse2 jump affect your weapon handling. It's a matter how well you plan key bindings, nothing else. I'm left handed, so my left hand is on the mouse and right hand on keyboard. I use:
i - forward j - strafe left l - strafe righ / - back space - +shaft k - +ssg o - +gl ; - +axe mleft - +rl mright - jump
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
that reads like a nice and efficient layout, Herb. wish i was left handed, i could copy it 
Member 21 posts
Registered: Mar 2009
Well i have mouse 2 jump, mouse 1 rockets, mouse 5 ssg, space shaft and shift grenades. and i have mouse 6 for all other weapons,
if you got a mouse with a lot of buttons ( WELL ARRANGED BUTTONS ) then it is great. you dont need to worry, and mouse 2 is best for movement (IMO) which is critical in QW +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++  http://euroquake.webs.com/  ++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Member 100 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
im also left handed! j - strafe left l - strafe right k - back shift - jump space - shaft mleft - forward mright - rl nobody has forward on mouse without me  ahje and my second keyboard for my feet: ALT LEFT: gl 0 on numpad: ssg and the mousewheel change ALT-LEFT between sng and gl  im sure nobody has this configuration! 
Member 100 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
so if i use gl i want kill u with my feet  there is a order too, if i have no shaft there is the ssg too etc...
Member 11 posts
Registered: Mar 2009
Really impressive some of your key binds.
for me, I'll keep my wasd for moving, and mouse1 +attack, mouse2 +jump, mouse3 ? I don't know what to put, in some other games like quakelive I use the zoom, but quakeworld is long far more too speed to get the time of zoom-aiming imo. I'd bind something like a rocket jump if the config allows this stuffs.
Now I spent most of my time today of understanding the config, I got the base, now it became easier, I smoothed the game with some good advices like fps and hz config. Much more confortable. And I'm still astonished how many people are still playing this game, this is fantastic.
Good evening!
Member 92 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
MOUSE1 "+attack" (just can't fire with anything else) MOUSE2 "+jump" (most comfortable for me) MOUSE3 "impulse 3 else impulse 2" (BS or SG, usefull for all kind of buttons and low powered targets) These are TP commands: MWHEELUP "_status" MWHEELDOWN "_point" Rest: WASD movement, space gl, shift  , q rl, e lg, and so on... About RJ scripts: Maybe usefull when you have a really low sens or can't rj at all. Never tried. It's a pleasure to do them manually  . P.S: My ranking of QW clients is like: FuhQuake, FTEQW, all the rest i know..., EzQuake. 
Member 252 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
...ahje and my second keyboard for my feet: ... Ahah that's awesome man! 'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin 'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin [i]'i shoulda won all
