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2009-03-31, 13:55
226 posts

Mar 2007
One suggestion to crew, along EQL/NQR/whatever

Finals of whatever tournament/event are always covered but the result is almost never. Ie. I see Quake Nations Cup and Aerowalkage finalsn annoynced at but I can't see results posted/covered. Imo that's not very good thing.
2009-03-31, 15:27
793 posts

Feb 2006
qnc results are there, aerowalkage finals haven't been played yet. i think people are lazy especially if it's about a tournament from the past. why don't you write a nice coverage post next time an important match has been played?
2009-03-31, 15:38
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
true deus and PEKTOPAHKY
2009-03-31, 17:06
1435 posts

Jan 2006
in qnc i compensate this by providing i think quite good website with results, stats and links to demos + players always have the chance to write short report by themselves. and also lots of base group matches were covered by me, during playoff i didnt have so much time
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