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2009-04-09, 20:05
87 posts

Oct 2006
Doing Win7@64bit here on a 8600GT and fps is slashed in 3rd or so (600 vs 2000 fps).

Anyone having similar experiences?

EDIT: On second note, I migth not be comparing the same resolution, but fps still seems
quite a bit lower than on WinXP. Maybe it's just my alzheimers..

2009-04-09, 22:11
1329 posts

Apr 2006
Download and install 185.68 beta drivers from NVIDIA site (under vista drivers, use advanced driver search, they will work with W7) and you'll get nice performance boost in games that have been running slower than from XP. I can't confirm OpenGL performance though, but D3d performance is almost 50% up in certain games compared to official W7 drivers (181-series).
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