
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
Hello quakeworld.nu community.  I have been working on a map named Two Towers and it's capture the flag (CTF) type of level that has two towers (suprised?) on islands that are connected to middle island by a bridges. Screenshot will propably explain it better so here it is: Im planing for Team Fortress (TF) and ThunderWalker Capture The Flag (TWCTF) support but i dont have entity definition files for neither of TF or TWCTF. If anyone has information on TF and/or TWCTF entities i would like to know. Anyway all and any feedback (critisism or praises) is highly anticipated and needed. :cool: - Timpuktu ps. This is my first post so ill hope you are gentle.  Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Looks cool, albeit a bit blocky (especially the thing in the middle). Good work.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Quake is blocky  But the map looks cool. Regarding the TF/TWCTF, can't you just find a map and extract a .ent?
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
Hi again. Thanks Zalon and raz0 for comments. Its still very much an work in progress but im adding more detail as i go.  I didnt know that i can extract entity info from bsp file.  Do i need different some special program todo that? Anyway i have been working the map more and here some new screens to admire. :cool: I also tested the map with night time settings and i think it looks better but ill let you deside. Screenshot 1: Top of a cliff where players cant get. Screenshot 2: In a doorway at red tower. Screenshot 3: Inside red tower, third floor. Screenshot 4: Lift system in middle tower. Also i would like to ask about r_speed? How high it can go before map is unplayable? Back at when quake was released i heard something like 500 for mp map but on modern client like ezQuake, i have no clue. - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 116 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
you can try these ent files
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
Thanks for those files Batman!]ZFA[.  I have the ctf map ready for beta release but i havent been able to test it on TWCTF. :/ I have the necesary files for it from twctf.com (quake-aio.rar) but i cant get it work localy. Quake console just says that there is no spawn function for info_player_team1, info_player_team2, item_flag_team1 or item_flag_team2. I also tried it by creating QW server (mvdsv.exe -mem 64 -game ctf -zone 2048 -port 27500 +map ctf2tow_b1) but it didnt work either. Basically what it means is that i cant take cool loking ctf mapshot with flags visible at both base. Flag spawns at the round pillar top of the tower(s).  But i have made version of it that sould work on FFA, TDM, Duel, Arena and Clan Arena.  So here it is finaly, i hope someone has time to test it and as always, all feedback (good or bad) is needed. Also if i can find information how to create waypoints for frogbot, ill make fb support. :cool: Here's the download link: FFA, TDM, Duel, Arena and Clan Arena (466Kb) http://www.quaketastic.com/upload/files/multiplayer/maps/2tow_b1.zip 2tow_b1.txt Map name: Two Towers BSP name: 2tow_b1.bsp Author: Timo "Timpuktu" Lindén Email: Read the 2tow_b1.txt from zip file. Date: 02.05.2009 Build times Qbsp (bjp treeQbsp 2.05): 3 sec Vis (bjp 2.31 | -extra4 -light 75): 26min 45sec Light (bjp 1.43 | -level 4): 21sec Description: Too bored to write about the map, so check the screenshots at Quakeworld.nu (http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?id=3743 Direct link to topic) or better yet, play it.  It's beta so ill add real description when i release final. Entity information: deathmatch spawns: 32 shells: 16 nails: 16 rockets: 12 cells: 10 Super Shotgun: 3 Nailgun: 3 Super Nailgun: 2 Grenade Launcher: 2 Rocket Launcher: 2 Lightning Gun: 2 Quad: 2 Pentagram: 1 Enviroment Suit: 2 Mega Health: 2 Final notes That's about it, any and all feedback can be send to me either email or through my maps quakeworld.nu forum topic (link above). And here is the latest screenshot.  Taken with gamma 1. Previous night shots was with gamma 0.8 so they where bit too dark. :lol: - Timpuktu Edit: Spell checking, grammar, added zip size info. Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
I found a bug in my map and im not sure if can fix it. It has something to do with vis. Here is a screenshot to explain: On a left side of image doors and all items on blue tower is invisible. On right side about 3 feet forward, doors and items are visible. Im pretty sure that it has something to do with vis distance but increasing it with -visdist attribute has no affect. Ill propably have to make my map little bit smaller if i cant find any other way to fix it. - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 116 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
my local server command line is H:\qwmvds\quake\mvdsv.exe -mem 64 -game ctf -zone 2048 -port 27500 -log +map twctf1
my email is batman.zfa@twctf.org if you need more help
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
It sadly seems that i cant fix the visibility bug but i found out something. The map works perfectly on darkplaces and the bug occures only on ezQuake (havent tested it on any other client). Maybe its possible that ezQuake dosnt support big maps or something malicious is happening. I still try to fix it but if i cant, then i release the .map file so someone else can take a whack at it. (or maybe just sort it into what you sould not do pile :lol  . - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 17 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
Running thru the map (in EZQuake), I see that the red base does the same thing. I suggest making a copy of the MAP file and try an experiment by blocking off the middle section to where players will have to either go thru the middle building or over the top of it. I believe this would enhance the gameplay more and may help eliminate the problems you are having. Give it a shot. Old Age and Trickery Will Always Overcome Youth and Ambition
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
Thanks for suggestion dregs. I have blocked that area you suggested already but i has no affect on the dissapearing entities problem. One (maybe only) solution is to shrink the map size but it will require alot of work. At the moment whole map takes an area of 2668, 4606, 1984 (width, depth, height) so it's propably why ezQuake goes crazy with it. - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
No, it's an entity thing. Looks like ezQuake's "too many entities, I'll just not render some and not show a message" to me.  The map is way too open for standard Quake limitations.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
The disappearance of entities is due to QW's protocol limit of 64 visible entities. While it is possible to increase it (although not all clients will support it), I believe it would be better to modify the map to avoid the problem. There must be a reason why the entity limit is never a problem on vanilla Quake maps or any of the popular multiplayer maps.
You can block off certain parts of the level with walls, or reduce the number of items in large areas. Note that the algorithm for determining the visibility of items, in mvdsv at least, is rather crude: an entity is considered potentially visible if any part of any of the leafs it touches is visible from the player's view point. This means some items will be sent even when no part of them would be visible to the client anyway.
You might want to walk around the map in an NQ engine with r_drawworld, r_draworder or any sort of variable that lets you see items through walls.
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
Thanks all for the help. Both Spirit and Tonik were right about map having too much visible entities. It works perfectly when i removed some of my entities. Im sure i can make this map fully playable but it will have less weapons and items that i had originally planed.  So ill say it again, thanks for all the help. My handicapped love child almost comited an suicide (erased itself from hard drive) but you saved it, maybe now it has a change for long life. :lol: - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Why i dont have this problem? http://img12.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=ezquake023.jpg I see all items always o.o
but note that fps are around 200, when i have cl_maxfps 300 "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
Finaly i got working FFA version of 2towers.bsp Here is the link: http://www.quaketastic.com/upload/files/multiplayer/maps/2towers.zip 2towers.txt Map name: Two Towers BSP name: 2towers.bsp Author: Timo "Timpuktu" Lindén Email: timpuktu@hotmail.com Date: 02.05.2009
Build times Qbsp (bjp treeQbsp 2.05): 3 sec Vis (bjp 2.31 | -extra4 -light 75): 27min 6sec Light (bjp 1.43 | -level 4): 26sec Description: Two identical towers on small island and one big building in a middle (ctf style layout). This is an FFA/TDM version of my upcoming ctf map two towers (name witch may change to twin towers). Entity information: deathmatch spawns: 24 shells: 6 nails: 6 rockets: 6 cells: 6 health: 16
Super Shotgun: 2 Nailgun: 1 Super Nailgun: 2 Grenade Launcher: 1 Rocket Launcher: 2 Lightning Gun: 2 Quad: 2 Pentagram: 1 Enviroment Suit: 2 Mega Health: 2 Final notes That's about it, any and all feedback can be send to me either email or through my maps quakeworld.nu forum topic (link above). Now i only hope that someone would put it on some ffa server map rotation.  Also just noticed small error on the 2towers.txt. The commands for vis and light are, well up-side-down? dont know how to explain it better). - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
Member 364 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
New builds of ezQuake and mvdsv will support up to 256 visible entities
Member 228 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
New builds of ezQuake and mvdsv will support up to 256 visible entities Cool, what was the old limit?
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 228 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Excellent, I see issues in Painkeep in old maps where the authors added way too much stuff.
Member 228 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Bonus item fell out of level at '-240.0 -1392.0 6.0' Bonus item fell out of level at ' 80.0 -1520.0 198.0' Bonus item fell out of level at '-112.0 -1072.0 198.0' Bonus item fell out of level at '208.0 -1200.0 6.0' Bonus item fell out of level at '-240.0 1168.0 6.0' Bonus item fell out of level at '208.0 1360.0 6.0' Bonus item fell out of level at ' 80.0 1040.0 198.0' Bonus item fell out of level at '-112.0 1488.0 198.0'
I ran through this map real quick, nice so far. Server messages above about ents out of the world though.
Member 9 posts
Registered: May 2009
5h17h34d: Thanks for comment. Bug concidering falling entities is fixed. I havent posted any updates here because i have been working on it with guys at twctf. I also desided to have only TWCTF version of this map because i dont think it would work very well as TF or FFA level, unless someone proves me wrong. Here is couple of the newest screenshots: The map is still in beta stage thought. - Timpuktu Life is a waste of time. Time is a waste of life. Get wasted all the time and you have the time of your life.
