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2009-06-01, 08:03
35 posts

May 2009

1. running into a magic floating sign (signpost) and knocking my tooth out
2. opening an umbrella into my eye
3. telling my mate 'red light means go' after we'd both taken two drops of liquid lsd
4. got arrested after failing to realise i was doing grafiti (i was 16) right next to the police station
5. cheated on my hot g/f with a fat chick

the list goes on and on...
2009-06-01, 09:27
100 posts

Mar 2008
1. sleeping on the road (bus woke me up)
2. Police woke us up while we slept in the bush
3. Running with a knife in Croatia and shouting i kill u son of a bitch
4. my friend tried to escort me home when i was in a shopping cart, we just didnt notice the police car, and i dropped next to it
5. i took a dump to somebody's doorstep, and puked there 2
2009-06-01, 09:28
35 posts

May 2009
2009-06-01, 09:43
100 posts

Mar 2008
im an average hungarian guy, i have to learn a lot to reach this level(practise, practise practise):
2009-06-01, 10:56
705 posts

Feb 2006
1. flipping over a car frontally with my bicycle
2. mistaken the police for a taxi
3. let a girl dress me up in her clothes
4. bah don't wanna continue =(
2009-06-01, 11:43
518 posts

Jan 2006
1. Fall asleep next to police station
2. Jumped in some bushes that turns out to be full with needles (i still have some in my arm which i can't get out, happend like a year ago)
2009-06-01, 12:19
891 posts

Jan 2006
hahaha murdoc nice, that reminds me of when me, lurifix and molecule camped just outside the police hall in Västervik (small town where xero lives fyi):

we we're about to get arrested for it, but lurifix successfully persuaded the policemen that we we're part of the Swedish Dart Team and needed to go practise before an important tournament...
Join us on
2009-06-01, 12:49
80 posts

Mar 2007
Falling in the bar stairs and thinking I was fighting with the bars bouncer and/or other people.
2009-06-01, 14:18
164 posts

Apr 2007
I take it reallly easy when im out drinking, almost fell of a chair once, but thats about it :>
2009-06-01, 14:41
35 posts

May 2009
chilling is all good :]
2009-06-01, 15:56
171 posts

Jan 2006
1. Hmm, so many memories... this is one of them:
Don't remember how it happened, but was when I was walking home from a party, fell somehow hehe. Should have sewed it, now when I think of it. Have no beard there anymore

2. Another time, sprained my foot at a rave party with old quaker Orajjon in Halmstad, Sweden. First pic from day 1, second pic from day 2: I couldn't walk proper for a week or so :p

3. Hmm, what else? When I was drunk in Copenhagen a few years ago, I threw up in the urinal. I like to keep things clean and shit, so... what did I do? I began CLEANING UP my vomit, in the urinal, at some danish low life drunkards-hangaround-place, gg. Pretty nasty when I think of it now.

4. Oh, I can go so on and on. For example, me and Znappe (old quaker) and some other dudes were going on a cruise to Åland, a cruise which normally takes about 8-12h or something, don't remember exactly. But we passed out on the sun deck. So when we got to Åland, we "forgot" to take another boat home, and ended up going all the way to Åbo in Finland. Our cruise, which were supposed to be like a day, ended up being 24h and we had no were to sleep at Party on yey! Mongopic from that trip:

5. Another time me and Znappe was at a party at some place near a beach. We "accidently" drank up all our money, so we couldn't get home with taxi, as we intended to do from the beginning. Had to sleep on the beach, here's the result: That was the most painful sun-BURN I have ever had. But it was a nice party! Ah just remember, my watch dissapeared that night too. I can recommend you not to throw your watch away at the beach at 3 in the morning. Quite a lot of sand where it can dissappear in! What don't you do for a good ol' night of drunken swim?!

Can go on and on 8)
2009-06-01, 16:19
35 posts

May 2009
nice nice partying rules! i could go on forever too lol
2009-06-01, 17:45
518 posts

Jan 2006
haha that first pic flinthear that reminded me on some stupid thing i did when i was totally wasted, it was with euro 2008 nl won vs italy and we all went to the city and I did some nice chest diving like they do on the field after they scored, only thing different was that I did it on the streets :E and ended up with a cut in my chin
2009-06-01, 17:49
171 posts

Jan 2006
haha, nice one murdoc! must have looked really funny, since you're like 20000 feet tall ;DD
2009-06-01, 18:16
35 posts

May 2009
ok you were being sarcastic locktar weren't you, hehe :p
2009-06-01, 19:44
48 posts

Sep 2007
pissing on a copcar while cops are in it..
jumping on one.. no cops in it at the time.. parked at the policestation with witnesses
trying to break into the policestation while a scared shitless receptionist is watching
having a contest with myself on how long i can stand upright in a big ass fire
stagediving on low tables (stunt) to impress ppl.. (from bookshelves with some height to them)
spit some cop that was off duty in the face and saying i will kill him, ended up chasing him a few hundred meters.. he got away and i never heard anything more about it. weird since i was known to the police.. however he was not sober aswell and he deserved it for generally being an asshole..
jumping thru a big plastic window instead of walking 3-4 meters extra to get to my table at the pub when they had tables outside..
on several occasions throwing up just beside the toilet into a bin or on the floor, wall, door whatever.. just having the toilet in front of me.. deciding not to go there..
randomly giving wedgies to ppl i dont really know..
haha list goes on..
i am today a sober alcoholic..
2009-06-01, 20:45
793 posts

Feb 2006
2009-06-01, 23:47
100 posts

Mar 2008
omg nice DDD u rock
2009-06-02, 09:29
188 posts

May 2007
Rille \o/
2009-06-02, 10:12
398 posts

Feb 2006
I've had quite a few weird drunken incidents, but this is the one I remember the most since I was both young, stupid and about to get lost in Turkey The story is quite long, so grab some snacks!

Went to Alanya, Turkey with a bunch of friends when I was 18. First couple of days it really felt like I couldn't get very drunk despite the fact that I was drinking more than I normally do. Must've had something to do with the 40 degree heat or something like that. Then I got food poisoned for two days and couldn't do much more than lie in bed all day while my friends were partying away.

With only one night left I decided to really "go for it". I had finally started to feel better and I decided to drink some vodka instead of beer that I normally drink and I hadn't been drinking much spirits before this.. My stomach was pretty empty since I had been puking for a couple of days and I started out by mixing the vodka with Fanta. As we ended up being in a hurry (two lovely blondes were waiting for us) I ended up putting more and more vodka in my glass, and much less Fanta Can't ever remember that we left the room (which we did at about 19) to go out to grab a bite to eat. The rest I only know from what my friends told me afterwards.

During the night I continued drinking and in a bar I started acting out all crazy towards people. Later on in a club I fell in a really big stair (diving style) and landed on my head. This resulted in an enormous bump on my forehead. Apparently a big muscular guard in the club just lifted me up like I was a piece of paper and then we got thrown out. My friends kinda had enough of partying after this since we were leaving early the next day. Instead they wanted to go to a chilled out bar to smoke some waterpipe, something I wasn't very keen on since I was still in crazy party mode.

I ended up leaving them and then I have no clue what happend. Was woken up the next morning far outside of the city by an old man (my saviour!) who was taking a morning walk with his dog. I couldn't even see the ocean despite being at higher grounds, and by the ocean were where we lived. Looked at my watch straight away since I knew we were leaving early in the morning and it was 7:30. The bus that was gonna take us to the airport left in just an hour from our hotel. I didn't have a phone on me since I didn't even bring one. My shoes were gone, the big bruise in my forehead freaked me out since I didn't have a clue what had happend, and when I looked in my wallet it was empty (despite being very full before we went out) The only thing I had was a 5 litre tank of water in my lap.

After the chock had settled I knew I had to make it to the hotel directly and kinda started to freak out. The turkish old man had left and there was noone else around. I ended up running around the streets in my socks and my new friend, the 5 litre water tank (somehow I decided to keep it) not knowing what to do. The goal was just to find someone that could help me with directions, a taxi or just a sign that could be useful. After minutes of running around I found a gas station where there was a cab and I entered it despite being moneyless (and I didn't even have a credit card with me). The next problem was that I had no clue what the name of my hotel was and the taxidriver didn't really speak any english. I kinda just pointed in the direction of where I thought the beach would be (away from the hills I was on and down to lower grounds) and he took me there. After quite a long cabdrive I started knowing my surroundings a bit and we found the hotel just a few minutes before the bus was left. My friends had been very worried and they had been up pretty much all night. They had been in contact with the turkish police (which were more or less unwilling to help them, probably had enough of lost tourists), and of course also with our parents. My mum really freaked out and tried to book a flight for a couple of hours (luckily she didn't succeed) and I must say I felt a bit ashamed when I came home. Especially since all my friends parents were happy that I was going on the trip. Since I'm usually the calm one they thought I might be able to calm everybody else down, so nothing crazy would happen At least I finally got home and except the big bruise in my forehead, a lot of lost braincells and the lost of quite a big of money, I was back home
2009-06-02, 12:07
133 posts

Sep 2007
I never ever forgot what happened during the night. No matter how much I drink... I can clearly remember the night I was sitting against a wall with 2 pools of puke next to me and being unable to get up at all. I remember all the great comments people were making when they passed me. Ofcourse they didn't help me, instead they all laughed (like I would do too!) and made fun of me. Then I remember my friends finally finding me and carrying me into a cab. Well I remember everything actually... so I guess the alcohol attacks the balance part of my brain more then my memory
2009-06-02, 12:36
188 posts

May 2007
1. Friend of mine knocked my 2 upper teeth out after each of us had almsot a bottle of Tequila. He still denies it was him. We both blacked out around 8 or 9 pm and there are no other witnesses.
2. Pucked and peed on the front door of one of my principles.
3. Felt butt naked in a refrigerated at a gas station.
4. Entered a taxi after a friends wedding and woke up in the middle of nowhere not knowing where I was. Everybody said they just let me out of their eyes for a few secs and I was gone. LIARS!! They kicked me out of the cab. I am sure.
5. When Germany reached the semi finals in 2006 I jumped barefoot from a car and hurt both heels so much that I had to walk on my toes for the next 1.5 weeks.
6. Scratched a policecar from front to back with my key before I realized that we were in front of the policestation and 2 cops were just coming out of it and going to the car.

Not that spectacular compared to terrorist Rille's story but anyway...

Oh and I felt for the oldest trick in the world. A real hot chick came over and said that her friend thinks I am cute and want to meet me and I went with her. We all know how her friend looked. I had to do some disgusting things till I got rid of her.
2009-06-02, 14:01
705 posts

Feb 2006
i have been powned by that trick also...
2009-06-02, 15:57
171 posts

Jan 2006
haha hilarious stories everyone! keep it up!

next thread will be about crazy chick score stories
2009-06-02, 17:20
1754 posts

Jan 2006
1.fell asleep under bps' kitchen table.. He'll finish that story
2.During a trip to Berlin with my class in last year of high school we went out for a tequila-round, took a street, every bar we passed: 1 tequila
worked out pretty good until there were like 3-4 bars wall to wall.. so then it hit us pretty hard, I smoke a pack of cigarettes in 20 minutes and run fast as fuck back to the hotel for no good reason.. THEN I puke so hard in the girls bathroom that it made the sink drain stop running(don't know how to describe it better, pipes just wouldn't take more) and made one girl cry with that.
2009-06-05, 12:41
164 posts

Apr 2007
angryfish wrote:
ok you were being sarcastic locktar weren't you, hehe :p

Heh, not at all! =) skämt o sido, im often to drunk to remember what I was up to. but lucky me i have some good friends with good memory so ive heard some things, but i choose not to belive in them for me and my familys sake.

nice reading folks!
2009-06-05, 12:54
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
atleast the topic is true, this was a load of stupid stuff
2009-06-05, 15:42
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
1. vomited on the car of the club owner, in his club's parking lot
2. gotten in fights with multiple bouncers and some of my friends (thankfully the bouncers were pros and did not fuck us up too much)
3. took the subway back home from a party in hell, at 10 in the morning, with rain outside, feeling extremely happy and sad simultaneously laughing and crying and holding a garbage bag with most of my torn/puked clothes inside it
4. walking around at 4 in the morning on a munchies-run for food, wearing my boxer shorts with my penis sticking out of the hole, and only realising it when getting home
2009-06-06, 12:35
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
I was living together with a girl and a guy, they where tigether but always fought alot when they drank.
One night we were all at a party and they fought like always and me and her were so damn drunk the whole night, this was a Thursday and was the local nightclubs party night (Club Hemlig flinta).
So they fought once again and me and here just drank and drank and somehow ended up in my bed because she said "I dont want to sleep with him tonight, stupid as I was I didnt figure it out that she wanted to have sex with me.
one thing led to another and I woke up around 5:45, drunk as hell thinking what the fuck happened when I saw her next to me in my bed. Took my close on and went straight to work.
I shut down my phone besides some phonecalls to mutual friends of ours to see if I did anything stupid out in public. But no, nothing had been done but I knew that she would say the truth to her BF etc. and my friendship with him would be ruined.
I came home at 15 and when I came home I went straight to my room and WTF!!!! My bed was all wet, wtf!!!!! Was it water? was it pee? it smelled like pee and now I found a plan to get out of this fucking mess.
Her bf was not home but she was sleeping, I went straight to her and woke her up and said, what did we do last night etc?
She started crying about this and that and that she has to talk to her bf about it, then I told her that "are you stupid, u just fucking pee'd down my bed and if you tell anyone about what happened last night I will tell everyone that you pee in your sleep"
That comment did it and she didnt say another word to anyone else + she stopped drinking which saved their relationship but 2 years afterwards she started drinking again and they ended it all
perhaps not the most fucked up I have ever done but this was a really good friend of mine and pretty sick turnout that she fucking wet her pants in my bed, WTF
2009-06-08, 16:17
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
the moral of sassas story is crystal clear: never go to bed with a guy from Iran
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