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Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
hi this is a new ffa map i've made, it should also be ok for 1on1,2on2 the theme is a metal futuristic base level, you can download the ts-bunker bsp and lit files from here..... you can download the screenshots from here..... if anyone would like to see the colored lighting, put the ts-bunker.lit into quake/qw/lits or just put the ts-bunker.lit with the ts-bunker.bsp file in quake/id1/maps or quake/qw/maps cmd to load the colored lighting is, gl_loadlitfiles 1 (then reconnect) cmd to unload colored lighting is, gl_loadlitfiles 0 (then reconnect) the map isnt massive hope you lot have some fun in it  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if you wanna hear some bangin beats while you look at the screenshots  ? why not check out my you tube jungle and drum and bass page, couldnt hurt cheers pete aka tiddles ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ edit: It's better to include the screenshots directly in the post.i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle -
Member 3 posts
Registered: Feb 2009
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I hate time! It's so short!
The map seems VERY dark to me. Looks gorgeous as usual and a quick play with bots was fun. Nice work! The teleporters are plain black for me, that looks weird. Is it wanted?
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
thanks m8  yeh the tele are plain black, i wanted it like that, its not a sky, its just black all the time my gl_gamma is 0.7, it looks ok on 0.7, maybe experiement with gl_gamma i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle -
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Spirit: lol? cant i post my opinion? some people can like some maps and some others not, the map layout is really good but i just dont like the textures used.
If you cant understand that different people can have different opionions, or if you dont think we can say whats good and whats BAD in our opinion, then you have a problem...
Respect above all! "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
thanks for adding the screenshots, i dunno how to do that i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle -
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
it's because you are teh stupido tiddles!!!!!
Map looks ok, but also me is not a big fan of metallic textures and stuff. Pew pew pew nonetheless <3 Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
The map does indeed look gorgeous, will have to test it out soon 
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I like your style man. Very original.
Member 228 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
thanks for the kind words  from a few people, before i made this map, i was trying again to get the doom3 map editor to work, without much sucess  it seems you need 3 years at uni and a degree to map for doom3, and as flepser said its cos (teh stupido tiddles!!!!!) so i gave up with trying to map for doom3, i love the single player style of doom3 maps  awwww so sexy!!! (from a level designers point of view) so i started to make "the strogg bunker" with my vision of how i wanted a doom3 map to look like, if i wasnt as stupid as shit i woulda made a mental doom3 map!!!! yeah baby  sorry if a few people (kill tiddles wonderful vision of a futuristic quake base level) dont like the textures  , i love the look of this map hehe its ok, you have to expect different opinions with maps, its all good  bigfoot, has emailed me, telling me, hes added the map to xs4all IT SEEMS I HAVE MISREAD FOOTS EMAIL, HE SAID XS4ALL AND NOT FFA , cheers again footy  SORRY MYBAD its on and not xs4all ffa, if anyone who can add it to xs4all ffa ?, that would be cool  sorry for the misunderstanding, its my dsylexias fault i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle -
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
For me, the looks of a map is important if i'm going to like the map, and you've always been good at texturing.  Looking forward to play it on xs4all!
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
I haven't yet seen the map cause I'm at work and the screens are too dark to really see much. But eh... you say Bigfoot is an admin for xs4all ??? Do you know if he's responsible for changing the mappool recently? I mean... a new map from you now and then is fine, cause they are easy to learn. But I was quite happy with the old pool... It's so annoying when you finally know all maps and then have to learn a whole bunch of new ones.
Oh and about Doom3: at least when you map for qw, people will actually play your map online and you can spec them while they play!!!! I'm not sure you can pull that off for Doom3...
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
and a quick play with bots was fun. frogbot support?? Or did you use normal quake with reaperbot or something similar?
Member 805 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
new map from tiddles, misa happy! - QuakeFiles
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Ok I walked around in it at home. Looks good here, not too dark at all, or did you change the lightning by now? I can picture you mapping tiddles... neatly lining up textures and then alt-tabbing to some porn, wanking ur pecker..... then back to some more lining up textures, etc.  That's really how you did it, didn't you? Serieusly, nicely done again! I kinda starting to like your texture industrial style.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
I haven't yet seen the map cause I'm at work and the screens are too dark to really see much. But eh... you say Bigfoot is an admin for xs4all ??? Do you know if he's responsible for changing the mappool recently? I mean... a new map from you now and then is fine, cause they are easy to learn. But I was quite happy with the old pool... It's so annoying when you finally know all maps and then have to learn a whole bunch of new ones.
Oh and about Doom3: at least when you map for qw, people will actually play your map online and you can spec them while they play!!!! I'm not sure you can pull that off for Doom3... At the moment Bigfoot is the big man behind XS4ALL, as Im traveling around the bloody globe once more. And yes, Bigfoot is most likely also responsible for changing the mappool. I had my share of saying in it (though very limited) and I feel that chance every now and then is welcome, even though it might require to learn some new maps which might or might not be very good at the start en might or might not become better over time. I dont know the mappool as it is now, but I hope it will not keep you away from the server =). Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
Hi Flepser, Yes, I know Bigfoot is responsible, cause I've had a chat with him online. He totally wasn't open to my whining though  To be honest, the pool is ok. Only two new maps that I don't know.... I think. Enjoy your traveling 
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
this map is now on the xs4all ffa server. thanks flepser m8  i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle -
Member 132 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Mine do no spaek engrish!
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
this map is now on the xs4all ffa server. thanks flepser m8  haha you cheeky bastard! I didn't get your mail yet though, slacker! Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 101 posts
Registered: Oct 2007
lo flepser m8 just to clear up maybe a misunderstanding ? i asked you if you could maybe please add ts-bunker to the ffa server, while we were both in qw, the email i mentioned, was just to say thanks for adding it  wich i sent after i saw the map in ffa bigfoot said i should just ask you on the server you was in i havent sent a map request email thanks again for adding it m8 THANKS!!!!!!!  a few people seem to think its alotta fun to play  if there wasnt any misunderstanding ? remember im a paranoid schizophrenic lol pete i feel like a bunny wabbit frozen in the head lights of life  ...Soundcloud Page - Hardcore Jungle -
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
Seems like a decent map, not too difficult to learn. I like the RA walkway where you can spam pines down below  The crates add a nice touch in terms of some opportunities for taking cover, or making creative splash damage shots. It's definitely better than some other maps in the pool e.g. hook, and for example blood-thirst which was there for a while.
