
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
for a flash game graphics are passable but for standalone not so much guys please upgrade the graphics noone is downloading this game when they see those awful screenshots. launch a new hidef trailer, do something guys there are almost no servers i am like almost the only noob playing this game.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
What screenshots are we talking about? the ones in the ezQuake gallery? You also have the teaser trailer on http://www.nquake.com which gives a feeling of temptation.  As for you being the only noob and there being no servers, my only answers are the #qwrookie channel on Quakenet IRC and http://www.quakeservers.net but i assume you already knew about those. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 252 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
I agree, the degrade of QWRP textures included with nQuake to .jpg is too much of a compromise IMO, and there are a few gfx things missing from nQuake IIRC. 'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin 'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin [i]'i shoulda won all
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Please write down what you want changed/added/removed in nQuake, empezar is very open to changes.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
is it possible to use quake tenebrae graphics?
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
eksy: youre not the only noob? "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
does tenebrae have a server browser, does it have qtv-support? etc etc.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
can you guys at least code in bump mapping, its all gpl right?
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
there's no code to paste right in ezquake if that's what you are suggesting. and by something being GPL you can't just add stuff to it easily just because you have the right too.
Member 271 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
does it have qtv-support? qtv kinda supports nq protocols, so yeah, tenebrae should be able to connect in order to watch qtv streams. Just not very well.
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Why add more useless crap to nq? Graphics are not the reason qw is less popular than CS or Halo 3. Adding bump mapping or some other shit to ezquake or some super high res textures to nq install will not increase player base. The only way to get more players at the moment is to make a huge 5 million dollar marketing campaign.
Member 113 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Why add more useless crap to nq? Graphics are not the reason qw is less popular than CS or Halo 3. Adding bump mapping or some other shit to ezquake or some super high res textures to nq install will not increase player base. The only way to get more players at the moment is to make a huge 5 million dollar marketing campaign. Waiting for ParadokS winning WSOP (main event) and make this dream happen 
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
noone is going to even bother downloading the game unless it looks appealing to an average player. you cant just put those awful screenshots of nquake to websites and say "go play this game its very fun, trust us", same with video trailer, people usually say "ew what kind of prehistoric shit is that". bump mapping is a must.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
LOL bump mapping! BLOOM IS TEH SHITS! Iif QW had bloom and crouiching it would be so cool! Also A SNiper rifel!
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Why add more useless crap to nq? Graphics are not the reason qw is less popular than CS or Halo 3. Adding bump mapping or some other shit to ezquake or some super high res textures to nq install will not increase player base. Because you don't like them? I disagree. Of course graphics matter to people who don't know the game. We probably wouldn't have a fraction of the new players we have now (and we do have new players, believe it or not) if it looked like 1996 software netquake. Gameplay is great and all, but a game that's actually visibly repulsive is not going to attract ANY new players, marketing campaign aside. Lots of people play with graphics on high, especially new players, except for the ones that see pictures of dag's setup and make legoquake configs because that's what made dag so good ;/. There's no reason not to as long as the particle effects aren't obscuring excessively and fullbright skins are used. In fact, not being forced to make the game bleached out and ugly as hell is one of the primary arguments for allowing fullbrights. If visibility is provided entirely by the player model, the environment doesn't have to be altered.
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
LOL bump mapping! BLOOM IS TEH SHITS! Iif QW had bloom and crouiching it would be so cool! Also A SNiper rifel! 1) QW already has bloom. LOLOLOL 2) Crouching and sniper rifles are significant, and ridiculous, gameplay changes. Pretty, shiny sparklies are not gameplay changes (depending on implementation, of course), so comparing them is ridiculous. No one is forcing you to use textures or bloom, and no one would force you to use bump mapping. Stop crying out in horror that people are ruining the game you love when no one's changing your experience at all. 
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
LOL bump mapping! BLOOM IS TEH SHITS! Iif QW had bloom and crouiching it would be so cool! Also A SNiper rifel! this is just stupid elitism, good game or not if it looks fucking disgusting no one is going to give a shit what you have to say about it "oh its very fun game you see it's all about gameplay its so fun and cool, nevermind it looks like a pile of monkey shit you'll get used to it", in reality if you keep thinking that way soon there will be no public servers and next thing you know quakeworld is fucking dead.
Member 85 posts
Registered: May 2007
I'm so happy the graphics of QW does NOT tempt your kind of players into the scene.
I dare you to stop ranting about this nonsense and go back to the oh-so-fabulous community of mediocre FPS games.
QW is about QUALITY, not the quantity.
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Eksy, maybe http://alientrap.org/nexuiz/ or http://icculus.org/alienarena/rpa/ are more after your likings? Alternatively you can use (and point your buddies) to FTEQW or Darkplaces which both come with * mapping and even realtime lighting. Stev: 
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
The point isn't for the graphics to be an active draw to tech-demo whores; The point is for them not to be an active dissuasion to everyone else.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
LOL bump mapping! BLOOM IS TEH SHITS! Iif QW had bloom and crouiching it would be so cool! Also A SNiper rifel! this is just stupid elitism, good game or not if it looks fucking disgusting no one is going to give a shit what you have to say about it "oh its very fun game you see it's all about gameplay its so fun and cool, nevermind it looks like a pile of monkey shit you'll get used to it", in reality if you keep thinking that way soon there will be no public servers and next thing you know quakeworld is fucking dead. I think the QW gameplay is too hardcore to new players. Even CS, which looks even worse than QW, has a massive player base due to its rewarding gameplay. On the other hand; graphics is something we can and perhaps would want to change (improve) upon though, while gameplay is most probably better left untouched. On another note i remind you all to use a friendlier tone in this forum and remember that any suggestions related to making the player base grow is that we all love this very game so much. So...let's now hold eachother's hands and sing "We shall overcome" together. (I guess only swedes will understand this :p) www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 85 posts
Registered: May 2007
Why not make qw 3D! All hail nVIDIA's 3d goggles. Also let's make fog and bloom mandatory. Hmm... What else? Maybe replace keyboard/mouse style to, say, joypad? Then we would also love these "achievements" like in xbla or psn. Wouldn't that be just incredibly kewl?
Let's hold hands, eksy, and chant a nice mantra for gruesomeness of qw! <3
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
in reality if you keep thinking that way soon there will be no public servers and next thing you know quakeworld is fucking dead. Don't get me wrong, because I really appreciate that someone from outside the QW scene takes the time to give us feedback, as this is something we rarely get. But the GFX really isn't what we should use to sell quakeworld, most popular games played at a high level today, does not look like crysis. CS, Q3/QL/wsw, and then the non-fps games; sc/wc3/dota - Saying that the gfx is what's holding QW back is simply not true. Compared to the games i mentioned, QW isn't lacking much behind, in some aspects it's even better graphic wise, especially compared to CS. The reason why CS, QL and sc/wc3 is so popular, even with it looking bad, is because a large amount of people is playing it, and because it gets the attention of tournament organizers. -Prior to ESWC 2008, Q3 was very dead, but the attention brought by ESWC, gave it a huge boost. Now QL has given the "quake3 scene" yet another boost. Those who will choose to overlook QW, is the same people who would /quit before even going /ready, as those who would want to use the time to become good at QW would want to play with picmip anyways. What we need to do is advertise the things that QW is good at, and the quality features it already has. Compared to the games i already mentioned, QW is way superior feature wise, with Q3 cpma coming in as a close second (I give that they have better presentation). Eyecandy is a just a bonus, we could choose to make QW look like wsw, just to get people off our backs?  Regarding your "no public servers" statement, I'm pretty sure they will still be there, also if you have trouble finding opponents atm, it's not that strange, as only 1/10th of the QW players are active during the summer period.
Member 401 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Why add more useless crap to nq? Graphics are not the reason qw is less popular than CS or Halo 3. Adding bump mapping or some other shit to ezquake or some super high res textures to nq install will not increase player base. Because you don't like them? I disagree. Of course graphics matter to people who don't know the game. We probably wouldn't have a fraction of the new players we have now (and we do have new players, believe it or not) if it looked like 1996 software netquake. Gameplay is great and all, but a game that's actually visibly repulsive is not going to attract ANY new players, marketing campaign aside. Lots of people play with graphics on high, especially new players, except for the ones that see pictures of dag's setup and make legoquake configs because that's what made dag so good ;/. There's no reason not to as long as the particle effects aren't obscuring excessively and fullbright skins are used. In fact, not being forced to make the game bleached out and ugly as hell is one of the primary arguments for allowing fullbrights. If visibility is provided entirely by the player model, the environment doesn't have to be altered. Well to be honest I do not know what current NQ install looks like but imo retexture project 24bit textures look better than Quakelive textures. You could make your qw look better than Quakelive if you add some super high poly models to qw. Its possible. Maybe NQ needs some high quality replacement models? But as I said if you want to get more players it needs to be advertised everywhere.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Using FTE, with highres textures, available md3 models and Q3 maps - you will be able to compete with QL graphics np. -We are still lacking a decent player model, but FTE can use Q3 player models if using some mods, afaik.
Member 34 posts
Registered: May 2007
Hmm qw looks great since 97  ,threw 98-(00-05 break) 05 i use software quake with picmip etc. look's ugly. Since 2005 i have hi res graphics, textures, 44 Khz sound's, AA filtering , new models , great HUD, qmb gl_part_* effects ,this things make quake look's great and very playable. I c better, I can aim better... (i have laser mouse and more that 500 fps, ping 20) Community did everything what was necessary to cope. And WOW they made this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkoOT7Ai-Pc&feature=related amazing what ppl do with this game 
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
A good goal would be to unify all the stuff that's being made. I am just a developer + a guy with no aesthetic feeling  so I always welcome people (and we had and still have such in the ezQuake project) who tell me "use this and this, don't combine it with this". There's never enough of such feedback. As Spike said, most screenshots we make were made only to demonstrate particular GFX features, not to show how the game can look in overall. Bump mapping is being worked on. What is the most repulsive thing IMHO is if QW looks like a house where one wall is build of wood, another of concrete and third is made of bricks, and there are iron patches all over the place. If anyone feels like making some nice screenshots that would show some nice "true feeling" of QuakeWorld, I'd highly appreciate that. As I said, I'm just a coder... What I'm also missing is some specific written description of how "true" QuakeWorld should look. Original Quake was horror/myth world of Lovecraft monsters, world from the dimension behind the teleporter, etc. But does QW stick to this? Does QW want to stick to this?
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Using FTE, with highres textures, available md3 models and Q3 maps - you will be able to compete with QL graphics np. -We are still lacking a decent player model, but FTE can use Q3 player models if using some mods, afaik. That's all nice etc, but even I would have to spend a couple of hours downloading all the stuff from teh internetz, turning on all the features etc. The guy was talking about how the "introduction to QuakeWorld" page - nQuake - looks. There is no page like e.g. already mentioned Nexuiz has, page that would tell "this is QuakeWorld, it looks like this, it is hot". We all just presume that everyone knows what's QW and everyone knows "you can have md3'n'shit". That was true 10 years ago maybe, not anymore.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
A good goal would be to unify all the stuff that's being made. YES! - but to me it seems that every time someone from different dev teams talk here, it always end in drama. For someone not involved, it looks like uniting qw devs is impossible. What I'm also missing is some specific written description of how "true" QuakeWorld should look. Original Quake was horror/myth world of Lovecraft monsters, world from the dimension behind the teleporter, etc. But does QW stick to this? Does QW want to stick to this? I've always dreamed about having a QW client with easy to use, but yet complex menu system, where you would be able to choose a Modern or a Classic look, each should be an option for maps/weapons/items/hud gfx. Like if i choose the classic look, I'll have a (still easy to use, but yet complex menu system) classic looking menu, a classic looking texture theme, a classic set of weapon/item/player models. All should of course be high quality, but still faithful to the original feel. If i then choose the modern look, I'll have a modern looking menu, Q3 version of the maps using shaders and round curves, modern large weapon models (like those in UT3, with the medieval ones replaced, like a plasma gun for ng), modern player models, items etc. And a more dynamic hud. This is all something that wouldn't change the gameplay, but would still give the game more appeal towards the younger crowd. Using FTE, with highres textures, available md3 models and Q3 maps - you will be able to compete with QL graphics np. -We are still lacking a decent player model, but FTE can use Q3 player models if using some mods, afaik. That's all nice etc, but even I would have to spend a couple of hours downloading all the stuff from teh internetz, turning on all the features etc. The guy was talking about how the "introduction to QuakeWorld" page - nQuake - looks. There is no page like e.g. already mentioned Nexuiz has, page that would tell "this is QuakeWorld, it looks like this, it is hot". We all just presume that everyone knows what's QW and everyone knows "you can have md3'n'shit". That was true 10 years ago maybe, not anymore. I know there isn't, I was just stating that it was possible, I've done so in the past myself.
