
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
it looks like uniting qw devs is impossible It is. But I think uniting the "mainstream" graphics theme in the "mainstream" client is enough. And it's a problem artists should solve, not devs.
Member 228 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
r_bloom should be called r_cataracts.
Member 55 posts
Registered: Jan 2009
In my humble opinion the thing that needs to be changed the most is the ezQuake's menus. They're just plain horrible and off-putting. I understand it might not be possible, but what we need is a simple, minimalistic menus popping in your screen when you first time (hopefully not the last) launch ezQuake. Just simple stuff like multiplayer, options, help and quit. All this with some nice picture in the background  Not to mention the in-game menus. I know they can be disabled, but how..? Quantum mechanics make more sense than that ever-changing, always-in-the-way piece of annoyance.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
But I think uniting the "mainstream" graphics theme in the "mainstream" client is enough. And it's a problem artists should solve, not devs. Well, it would help if the "mainstream" client would support the currently released full set of faithful models. In my humble opinion the thing that needs to be changed the most is the ezQuake's menus. They're just plain horrible and off-putting. I understand it might not be possible, but what we need is a simple, minimalistic menus popping in your screen when you first time (hopefully not the last) launch ezQuake. Just simple stuff like multiplayer, options, help and quit. All this with some nice picture in the background  Not to mention the in-game menus. I know they can be disabled, but how..? Quantum mechanics make more sense than that ever-changing, always-in-the-way piece of annoyance. Support for the Q3 menu system is what ezQuake is lacking, that and full MD3 support.
Member 344 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
CSQC support ftw.
as for your comments about super high gfx, look what happened to games like Quake 4. it has just about the same amount of active players Quakeworld has and Quakeworld is actually more active at night than Quake 4. advertising is the key, we must show off nquake on sites like moddb and anyone out there looking for a free fps game can be exposed to the nquake installer. I'm quite happy with the graphics, they improved greatly and aren't too overboard like most games.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Quake4 doesn't have a competitive scene
Member 344 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
yeah I know, but the fact is. the game doesn't need better graphics, the only reason CS 1.6 is as popular as it is right now is not only because it got bought out by Valve, but its been whored out everywhere.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
CS 1.6 is popular because of the support from tournament organizers, the eSports scene (coverage), and basicly... It's popular because it's popular - if you see your friends playing it, that's the game you want to play. Hell, me and raz0 got 3 CS players to play QW at DreamHack, just because they saw us playing it 
Member 115 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
the main problem with qw is its learning curve. get on a qw server as a noob and you wouldnt know what to point where and when to click to kill someone, and if you are lucky enough to find the attack button there is still the other guy who is spawnraping you. get on a cs server and the picture is totally different. everyone knows what a gun looks like and wich direction it should be pointed to kill someone, as proven by various people, and since the bad people always look like arabs its easy to know who to shoot in teamgames. altho that last one might been americas army and not cs. point is someone should do regular 'open noobs nights' or something where beginners can play other beginners so that they dont run into locktar on their first night. price money in torunaments wont help either, it will only make reppie and the other drewdz rich. building something similar to a minor league would help, specially if you manage to keep raket out of the roster. one of the good guys! so please don't ban - jogi.netdome.biz
Member 357 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
there's no code to paste right in ezquake if that's what you are suggesting. and by something being GPL you can't just add stuff to it easily just because you have the right too. Rich Whitehouse coded some normal mapping stuff in QuakeRoyale which is QUAKEWORLD, it seems to auto-generate normal maps of original quake textures, at load time, if the bump file is missing. Hmm would be worth looking into...
Member 228 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
The nQuake graphics are more than fine. Someone simply needs to start a "retro-gaming" fad. One thing that might help nQuake itself is more graphics presets in the menu. I tweak myself but I like that sort of thing but the typical guy switching from another game or feeling nostaligic and reloading Quake usually doesn't.
I see alot of this on my Painkeep server. The nostalgia returnees who love it then leave to tweak their cfg and never return.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
the main problem with qw is its learning curve. get on a qw server as a noob and you wouldnt know what to point where and when to click to kill someone, and if you are lucky enough to find the attack button there is still the other guy who is spawnraping you. get on a cs server and the picture is totally different. everyone knows what a gun looks like and wich direction it should be pointed to kill someone, as proven by various people, and since the bad people always look like arabs its easy to know who to shoot in teamgames. altho that last one might been americas army and not cs. point is someone should do regular 'open noobs nights' or something where beginners can play other beginners so that they dont run into locktar on their first night. price money in torunaments wont help either, it will only make reppie and the other drewdz rich. building something similar to a minor league would help, specially if you manage to keep raket out of the roster. While open noobs nights are good, i think that's a too slow way of getting more players into the game. A high stakes LAN $$$ tournament that is massively advertised is what's needed. Players who are new to the game will get attracted by the high level of play, join in themselves after the tournament and we'll get a multimillion player surge in the world of Quake (or something like it :p). In my opinion it's not impossible with enough effort from a dedicated team with a longer-term-goal. Setting up such a thing would probably need at least half a year, or even a year, of preparations in the various areas; setting up some sort of organisation, setting up website, getting a venue for the event itself, getting volunteers, making up rules and, most important of all, getting reliable and generous sponsors (this would be the most interesting task that noone within Quakeworld have done properly yet). I guess this thread is heading too much offtopic though. The question was more like how the nQuake default settings can be improved to appeal to the masses?  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
News Writer 254 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Would love to see what Ake Vader is saying come to life. A marketing strategy is whats needed to pull all the different strands of the game together and to help sell the game in the best way possible. Definitely not impossible.
One thing I noticed as well. If somebody hears about Quakeworld and does a look up of 'quakeworld' on google. The fist two results are for www.quakeworld.net
It would turn any prospective person away from QW. Its a static dead site. Also who owns www.quakeworld.com (has been in that state for years) and why is it higher on the rankings than qw.nu ? Surely nQuake and qw.nu should be getting a higher rank and more hits. Its a small thing but for some people looking to return to the game, they would think it is dead. Last news article Dec 21 2008. I ain't got no time for this jibber jabber fool
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Google bomb time? 
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Would love to see what Ake Vader is saying come to life. A marketing strategy is whats needed to pull all the different strands of the game together and to help sell the game in the best way possible. Definitely not impossible.
One thing I noticed as well. If somebody hears about Quakeworld and does a look up of 'quakeworld' on google. The fist two results are for www.quakeworld.net
It would turn any prospective person away from QW. Its a static dead site. Also who owns www.quakeworld.com and why is it higher on the rankings than qw.nu ? Surely nQuake and qw.nu should be getting a higher rank and more hits. Its a small thing but for some people looking to return to the game, they would think it is dead. Last news article Dec 21 2008. I would be very keen on participating in something similar to the thing i suggested in my post, as that's something that oneself could benefit from in ones personal life too. It's a project, something real and an experience, especially for someone who doesn't got very much job references in real life, to benefit from. The journey towards arranging such an event would be half the goal, so to speak, while benefiting the Quakeworld scene massively.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
But i guess you need to put some money for that, dont you? "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
But i guess you need to put some money for that, dont you? You wouldn't need to invest your own money into such a thing - but definitely your time. Even if you did need to put some money into the whole thing, would it be such a big deal? The kind of amount i imagine for prize money for a tournament like this would most likely not be possible to gather through donations from the community (or well, it might be possible, but not desired?), but the required funds to get there (whatever that might be) might not be ideal to gather from the community either. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 5 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Hey guys sorry for my ignorance ? but maybe you can explain it to me,why do you feel such a need for newbies to qw ?.I mean they are not even allowed to play 4on4 mixed games at wargamez (where 4on4 is the beauty of qw ? ) when i tried to play 4on4 there i had team say cfg from tvs i used them i didnt kill my teammates i let them take items before trying to play there i watched many 4on4 demos and still i was asked to leave after first map.How can i imporve if they dont let me ? all the players started to yell and cry that i ruin the game and when i was going to type observe someone already voted for admin rights and tried to kick me ? wtf man  From my point of view you dont need newbies and you dont give a fuck about them.Ohhh and i might add that it was the only time i had the chance to play 4on4,after this one map and warm welcome i said fuck i dont need this 
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
We need newbies for play 4on4 with newbies only and let the pros practice for LANs+leagues so no one complains, anyway playing in ungiven/different skills levels is not as fun as playing with people of your same skill level, still thinking we dont need newbies?  Edit: Anyway, forget the whines and tell the mixers -Nobody borns playing good, you played 99999+ games, let me learn this f*** game, i want to practice and learn, you only want to ego-win/be the top frager >>insert some insult here<< "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Hey guys sorry for my ignorance ? but maybe you can explain it to me,why do you feel such a need for newbies to qw ?.I mean they are not even allowed to play 4on4 mixed games at wargamez (where 4on4 is the beauty of qw ? ) when i tried to play 4on4 there i had team say cfg from tvs i used them i didnt kill my teammates i let them take items before trying to play there i watched many 4on4 demos and still i was asked to leave after first map.How can i imporve if they dont let me ? all the players started to yell and cry that i ruin the game and when i was going to type observe someone already voted for admin rights and tried to kick me ? wtf man  From my point of view you dont need newbies and you dont give a fuck about them.Ohhh and i might add that it was the only time i had the chance to play 4on4,after this one map and warm welcome i said fuck i dont need this  Sadly, no amount of publicity can stop people being ignorant, selfish cunts, and no gaming community has any shortage of them. Name some names when this kind of thing happens and see what the admins have to say about people being kicked from public servers because they're not very good. 
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hey guys sorry for my ignorance ? but maybe you can explain it to me,why do you feel such a need for newbies to qw ?.I mean they are not even allowed to play 4on4 mixed games at wargamez (where 4on4 is the beauty of qw ? ) when i tried to play 4on4 there i had team say cfg from tvs i used them i didnt kill my teammates i let them take items before trying to play there i watched many 4on4 demos and still i was asked to leave after first map.How can i imporve if they dont let me ? all the players started to yell and cry that i ruin the game and when i was going to type observe someone already voted for admin rights and tried to kick me ? wtf man  From my point of view you dont need newbies and you dont give a fuck about them.Ohhh and i might add that it was the only time i had the chance to play 4on4,after this one map and warm welcome i said fuck i dont need this  We need the new players to close the huge gap there is between a new player and the average players on public servers, so they won't get kicked when joining the server.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Let's stay on topic, shall we?
"nquake needs better graphics" 1) what textures / custom models / charsets / crosshairs / console background / skyboxes / skins should be replaced by what? 2) what existing gfx settings should be changed? 3) what new gfx features should be implemented in the client?
Moderator 1329 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I mean they are not even allowed to play 4on4 mixed games at wargamez I have said this a few times now ( 1, 2), I wonder if this will be the last. Anyone, whatever his/her skill might be, has EQUAL right to play on Wargamez as anyone else. If I ever see a newbie being kicked out of there because of his skill and not some retarded shitacting reason, expect consequences. Similarly, if someone complains to me about whatever reason, I'll look into it. If the complaint was justified, the same applies as with the earlier line above.
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
First thing to do in terms of QW graphic is gathering all the amazing stuff artist done in past years, catalog it, and put it on gfx page. There are many models and textures posted here, but it take to dig through dozens of threads to find them.
Unified look won't work in QW case, almost every player QW out there looks different. The key to advertise graphic side of QW is CUSTOMIZATION. That's the direction to go. Make QW even easier to customize, maybe in-game model browser, ability to switch map textures packs in-game, or something like that. Add system to download and install eyecandy assets directly from gfx site in-game and use them right after.
But eyecandy is minor thing imo. People who put graphics over gameplay never play game more than few weeks at max. They shouldn't be target of QW. Instead of them, community should focus all efforts on attracting players that find fun in improving their skills, and in complex gameplay.
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
for best graphics use default id models and textures with bump mapping, hopefully it wont look like shit, even if faithful work is higher res it still is no match for original artwork imho, better use some nice post processing on id stuff than trying to replace it. high eye candy mode should look something like this and without bump mapping and post processing (faithful mode)
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
l o l Try fov 120 in your first sshot and see how horrible it looks, almost worse than the second sshot "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 73 posts
Registered: Jul 2008
anyways quake tenebrae (top screenie) has the best looking q1 screens i ever seen and its still looks like quake.
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
are you going to write an eksy-quake-installer?
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
well, no one is forcing you to play with ezquake, or with 24 bit textures, you can download glqwcl.exe if you think it is "original quake", anyway, would be nice to write here specific gfx features for the future and stop commenting the work alredy done. "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 121 posts
Registered: May 2006
Unified look won't work in QW case, almost every player QW out there looks different. The key to advertise graphic side of QW is CUSTOMIZATION. That's the direction to go. Make QW even easier to customize, maybe in-game model browser, ability to switch map textures packs in-game, or something like that. Add system to download and install eyecandy assets directly from gfx site in-game and use them right after. damn i so agree to that!
