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Advanced Configuration
2009-07-12, 09:52
12 posts

Jul 2009
Hi, I downloaded nQuake yesterday because Quake Live put me into nostalgia-mode. Whilst I played Quake III competitively, I was still a silly keyboard-only kid when QW came out. I played around with the settings, got slightly used to the physics (never really played CMPA..) in botmatches and now feel rather comfortable except for the gunplay. I have enabled the option that automatically switches your weapon to boomstick/axe after use, but I don't know how to enable the following in the config:

Mouse 1: Automatically switch to and fire Shaft; if out of ammo, switch to and fire DSG instead; if unavailable, switch to and fire BS; if unavailable, axe.
Mouse 2: Automatically switch to and fire Rocket; if out of ammo, switch to and fire DSG instead; if unavailable, switch to and fire BS; if unavailable, axe.
Mouse 3: Automatically switch to and fire Grenade; if out of ammo, switch to and fire DSG instead; if unavailable, switch to and fire BS; if unavailable, axe.
Mouse 4: Automatically switch to and fire DSG; if unavailable, switch to and fire BS; if unavailable, axe.
Left Shift: Automatically switch to and fire SNG; if unavailable, NG, then DSG, BS, Axe.

Is that possible/allowed? Like I said, I have no competitive experience in QW - this layout just makes sense to me after watching a few demos and playing a few games vs bots. Are there any serious flaws that I'm overlooking?

Oh and concerning my display resolution...I read the widescreen guide and edited my config to the following:

vid_customwidth 1440
vid_customheight 900
vid_mode -1

Do I still need to play around with the aspect ratio?

2009-07-12, 10:15
1102 posts

Jan 2006
That is a perfectly fine and normal setup.

You will need to use aliases. For example your mouse1 would be
alias +lg "impulse 8 3 2 1;+attack"
alias -lg "-attack"
bind mouse1 +lg

There are configs and explanations in these forums. The usual abbreviations would be SSG and SG rather.
2009-07-12, 10:17
1329 posts

Apr 2006
SeriousSmiley wrote:
Is that possible/allowed? Like I said, I have no competitive experience in QW - this layout just makes sense to me after watching a few demos and playing a few games vs bots. Are there any serious flaws that I'm overlooking?

Oh and concerning my display resolution...I read the widescreen guide and edited my config to the following:

vid_customwidth 1440
vid_customheight 900
vid_mode -1

Do I still need to play around with the aspect ratio?


Like Spirit said, weapons scripts are ok.

For your resolutions and such, use widescreen guide. Or you could use ezQuake nightly builds and just enable vid_wideaspect.
Servers: Troopers
2009-07-12, 11:39
2059 posts

Jan 2006
Below you can see the aliases i use for this. I think you can figure them out with the info about the weapon numbers and the name of the aliases. A note is that the -SSG alias for example also includes switching back to weapon 2 (boomstick) and this is because you don't want to be caught killed off-guard, making you drop a pack with your rocket launcher in your hands so the enemy can get it in 4on4 deathmatch.

Weapon numbers
Weapon 1: Axe
Weapon 2: Shotgun
Weapon 3: Super shotgun
Weapon 4: Nail gun
Weapon 5: Super nail gun
Weapon 6: Grenade launcher
Weapon 7: Rocket launcher
Weapon 8: Lightning gun

alias +axe "weapon 1;+attack"
alias -axe "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +gl "weapon 6 5 3 2 4 1;+attack"
alias -gl "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +lg "weapon 8 5 3 2 4 1;+attack"
alias -lg "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +ng "weapon 4 5 3 2 1;+attack"
alias -ng "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +rl "weapon 7 6 5 3 2 4 1;+attack"
alias -rl "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +sg "weapon 2 3 5 4 1;+attack"
alias -sg "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +sng "weapon 5 3 2 4 1;+attack"
alias -sng "-attack;weapon 2"

alias +ssg "weapon 3 2 5 4 1;+attack"
alias -ssg "-attack;weapon 2"

Sample binds
bind mouse1 "+rl"
bind mouse2 "+lg"

Edit: Now i noticed that Spirit used the impulse command instead of weapon command in his post, but they should be pretty much the same when it comes to weapon handling.

Edit2: Welcome to the forum!
2009-07-12, 13:31
12 posts

Jul 2009
Thanks! Works just the way I envisioned I just need to draw my Quake III crosshair
2009-08-07, 09:30
685 posts

Jul 2007
SeriousSmiley wrote:
Thanks! Works just the way I envisioned I just need to draw my Quake III crosshair

To load the crosshair use "crosshairimage image_name" where 'image_name' is the name of the crosshair image you put in the crosshair directory. Example, if I have c:\quake\ezQuake\crosshairs\cross.png I'd use "crosshairimage cross" to load it.

So just extract your Q3 image in that dir and you can mess around with alpha (transparancy)settings until you're happy.
2009-12-23, 18:16
19 posts

Dec 2009
bind MWHEELUP "weapon 1; +attack; r_drawviewmodel 1"
bind MWHEELDOWN "-attack ;r_drawviewmodel 0"

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