
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
these are the settings related to skins in my .cfg:
noskins "2" r_fullbrightskins 1 baseskin "base" enemyskin "red" teamskin "friend"
I am trying to get a zquake set up for demo watching on os x. of course i am using oldman's software version of zqwcl for os x. strangely i am seeing both team and enemies as 'red'; which the enmy skin. my team skin is coloured white but i don't see it.
any suggestions would be appreciated.
respectfully, xhrl
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
fuhquake - sassa I use eQuake with equake skins
//Skin Settings teamskin "2white" enemyskin "2red" teamquadskin "" enemyquadskin "" teampentskin "" enemypentskin "" teambothskin "" enemybothskin "" baseskin "teammate" noskins "2" r_fullbrightSkins "1"
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
thanks for the reply sassa.
unfortunately that baseskin setting didn't get it going; i even using my teamskin name as well.
it is has to be a simple fix; ) this is such a n00b thing.
Member 54 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Have you tried setting your 'team' to be the same as what the players in the demo are using? IE if their team is set to red, set yours to red as well.. you had to do this with old MQWCL's if i remember correctly, so maybe zquake is the same.
Member 139 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i've been watching demos with zquake and remember having all models at the same color.. had to set color + enemycolor to make them look different..
maybe that can help, but dont remember that good..
Member 139 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
ok.. i have checked it again!
noskins "2" skin "red" baseskin "red" teamskin "red" enemyskin "enemy" r_fullbrightSkins "1"
zquake 0.17
at start all is ok, my team has got the red skin, enemy got the enemy skin (white in my case).
the only annoying thing is that when switching pov, the skins mostly not change, means that the povs team sometimes has the red skin, sometimes has teh enemy skin..
Member 129 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I use "2base" skin, it sets color to whatever is being used, dunno if it works with zquake, never used it.
noskins "2" r_fullbrightSkins "1" teamskin "2base" enemyskin "2base"
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i thought i fixed this in cvs a while back...
Member 248 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i use to have this problem when watching demos in fuhquake, when it changed pov it didnt change the color. Havent happened to me in a while thou
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Member 58 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
i thought i fixed this in cvs a while back... perhaps you did, oldman. I am using a zquake-sdl from 2005.04.03 So if there is a newer binary, could you link me up? I'd sure appreciate it  edited:> I found the newer release that fixes this  Anyone can dl it here: http://home.comcast.net/~frrtbkr/zquake.zip all respect to the oldman btw, oldman do you code much in c?
