QW262 JaM Menu System now available for ezQuake!
Example available
BorisU added to ezQuake hud elements which were in use in qw262 client.
I have decided to adapt JaM menu system for ezQuake.
To be able to see JaM menu you must have:
cl_hud 1
Unfortunately for unknown reasons cl_hud is write protected
if ruleset smackdown active.
Hope it will be changed in next version of ezQuake.
Instructions for testing (2 variants):
1)You can use my config as is. Because I use userdir for storing config
It will cause no harm to your config.
Start any of bat files provided (You may need to change screen resolution).
2)Copy jam_lib.cfg, jam_menu.cfg amd _ms folder to your config directory.
Start ezquake. Set cl_hud 1. Set ruleset default. Exec jam_menu.cfg.
Start new game or connect to any server.
Press right arrow. Use up, down, left, right to navigate.
Main aliases in jam_menu.cfg:
1) navigation:
bind UPARROW _ms_up // scroll menu up
bind DOWNARROW _ms_dn // scroll menu down
bind RIGHTARROW _ms_sel // execute menu command under selected item
bind LEFTARROW _ms_esc // go to upper level menu (hides menu if first tlevel)
You can change binds
2)folder _ms has some samples of possible menus.
Adding new menu item (already done in provided example):
a)add to main.mnu line:
_ms_item " Names > " "_ms_menu name.mnu"
_ms_item is alias that takes 2 arguments: caption and command.
b)create file name.mnu in _ms folder
c)add lines to name.mnu:
_ms_head " Choose Name "
_ms_item " bot " "_ms_off $smc name bot"
_ms_item " player " "_ms_off $smc name player"
_ms_head adds menu caption.
If you want to add command to item that consists of several commands you have
to separate them with $smc.
$sms is actually ';'
Have fun,