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LAN tournaments
2009-11-25, 00:22
1864 posts

Feb 2006
First step:
2009-11-30, 06:25
1754 posts

Jan 2006
fed wrote:
Now it's probably too late for a site anyway, they never learn...
Someone else who have the required time should step up as organizers really, to make something happen.

WHY is it too late? why is the website so necessary? the info needed is in the first post here, questions get answered in this thread, QHlan every January, doens't feel like the news gets outdated bc it's basically the same every year(atleast from my experience qhlan8-> so I don't see the point with posts like this..
thanks Zalon for that update, remember any questions can go via me, about sleeping there one more night is not possible I'm afraid, the venue is a school which opens @ 7th - yes that is weird - so we gotta clean the place up friday afternoon/night
anyway, we're quite positive about the LAN anyway because there won't be any problems. QH people will have enough time setting up the QW stuff thanks to GEv being there and doing much necessary work as keeping network going along with kiosk/entrance duty etc. I'm not counting on the QHcrew to be massive, I'm getting us to about 6 regulars, along with those who want to help(like zalon <3<3<3) we can make it even easier on our hands.

Trust me when I say, hearing the same stuff every time doesn't really want you to make things better for constant whiners. I have the most respect for those who come with consructive critisism and not like what happened about one two years ago when I recieved alot of crap from a certain person.

Biggest cookie goes to people like Reppie, all he needs is motivation to show up! others want fancy stuff we can't deliver and because of that, choose not to show up. If you want a signup-page just to be able to see famous QW-names on a list so you "might be thinking about going?" Sure there'll be a signups-list too but it never really goes along with the reality when 50% says in these forums they're not coming 1 month before QH kicks off...

I'm sorry for my tldr whinepost so here's something funny to end it all with:
2009-11-30, 16:45
370 posts

May 2006
Peppe, you know I lurve you for my awesome QHlan experiences!
Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
2009-12-01, 07:55
253 posts

Nov 2007
Jon Snow wrote:
one more night would be good for the hungarian guys also...

any update regarding this?
cheat 2 win!
2009-12-01, 09:35
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
Looks like the school must open the 7th Jon Snow

Maybe you can sleep in peppes basement? Ive heard he got a nice cozy place down there!
2009-12-01, 19:33
113 posts

Mar 2006
Is it BYOC tourney or?
2009-12-01, 20:23
News Writer
646 posts

Mar 2006
No tVS = no Phil. And even now if tVS would decide to show up, it would be too late for me to get any affordable tickets, etc
2009-12-01, 20:34
569 posts

Feb 2006
xpr wrote:
Is it BYOC tourney or?

it is. but if you would come, you can borrow a laptop
2009-12-01, 22:42
1754 posts

Jan 2006
we don't have a basement :F
2009-12-01, 23:25
253 posts

Nov 2007
then somebody pls offer a cheap hotel near to the lan for us
cheat 2 win!
2009-12-02, 06:58
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
there should be a lot of cheapish hotels/motels and such near by since it is the largest city in sweden
2009-12-02, 09:08
1754 posts

Jan 2006
this one is the closest and it has bus connections. You can see the QHlan venue southwest of that hotel
2009-12-02, 11:28
459 posts

Mar 2008
Looks like I'm getting the days off from work 4th -> 6th January. So if the dates works for Trygve as well, it looks like the two of us are coming to QH-LAN this winter!
2009-12-02, 15:41
21 posts

Aug 2007
Sure looks like we are going to qhlan.
2009-12-02, 16:39
889 posts

Jan 2006
Awsome, will be nice to finally meet Rikoll in person
Join us on
2009-12-08, 20:01
2059 posts

Jan 2006
Less than a month left now :F
2009-12-22, 11:44
253 posts

Nov 2007
2 weeks and 0 info...
maybe the guys are right who sais that they wont come cause they dont want pay for something what about they have 0 information
cheat 2 win!
2009-12-22, 11:45
705 posts

Feb 2006 :f
2009-12-23, 12:25
1864 posts

Feb 2006
Jon Snow wrote:
2 weeks and 0 info...
maybe the guys are right who sais that they wont come cause they dont want pay for something what about they have 0 information

Please explain "0 info"? For months info has been available here... During the last month a page with information about the location, dates, the venue (with pictures), tournaments, description on how to get from the airport, etc etc has been available. Also Peppe is available for any questions, regarding stuff not mentioned here.

What information is not available?
2009-12-23, 17:51
1754 posts

Jan 2006
Here's some info, potatoes grow in the earth, ice is really water, cows sleep standing up..
What do you need to know?
one more night is out of the question as I've said if I'm not totally lost..
there's a nice hotel nearby:
I'm a bit slow on the QHlan front right now b/c of work..
2009-12-24, 19:56
174 posts

Nov 2006
I probably know why some people think there has been "no info". The page has only the info of the place, while you actually have to add the ../qhlan13/ after it to get to the page. The is the adress that has been spammed a lot so I guess quite many haven't found the new qhlan13 page yet (there is afaik no link to the .../qhlan13/ page there).

*One spot left in car from Finland to QHLAN left* /msg me on irc, and if i don't answer, do it again!*

Coming from Finland: Me, Medar, Sidd (he gets there by plane so we have a spot in the car&ferry left)
2009-12-26, 11:48
4 posts

Dec 2006
I'm not a qw-guy but im coming as always. Bringing atleast 2 friends, hopefully 3-4. About the info people have been asking about i also think this is due to the website not having a link to which would have helped. Especially for people who goes to the LAN and doesnt even visit this forum (doesnt play qw). I think most people want to be 100% sure there is going to be an event before they make plans and take days of from work etc.

see you there

ps. Du får vara med och fånga medaljongen det här lanet Sassa!
pps. Se upp så du inte får stolen i ögat Trashie.
2009-12-28, 01:20
247 posts

Jan 2006
if I can see Kingpin, Essoid and Martin Valla at the same time at QHLan, I would show up :/
2009-12-28, 11:48
1864 posts

Feb 2006
A link/redirect to wouldn't have made any difference... Except that people would get a 404 instead of the info available on the frontpage. There is no new information on that page, compared to the one that was on
2009-12-29, 18:04
1025 posts

Apr 2006
Anyone going up from skåne??
2009-12-29, 18:40
1864 posts

Feb 2006
Where the fuck is skåne, and can you drive?
2009-12-29, 19:13
67 posts

Jan 2006
Think adde is going from lund.
2009-12-29, 19:22
1864 posts

Feb 2006
Yeah, I'm probably gonna be picking Adde up
2010-01-01, 09:14
174 posts

Nov 2006
Jfyi to the Qh crew, we will be there sometime during the morning tomorrow (2.1.10). Can you please post a time when you will be there so we can throw in our things and stuff so we know somewhat how much time we will try to spend during the morning/day. If I don't remember wrong there's "public computers with internet" on the ferry for a couple of euros, so I guess we'll try to check this forum out 21cet or later tonight (if it's possible).
And yes I know it says you can get in "all day" but just want to be sure if people are alive at 8 or 11

(I'll pickup Medar @ ~14cet so I guess if there's an answer before that we can read it then aswell)
2010-01-01, 20:30
705 posts

Feb 2006
Hello i am in need of a ride to QHlan. I live about 35minutes with car from Slussen. Also if possible i'd like to have a mate to go with me. So that's 2 seats. Reply if you can help out=)
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