
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I'm bored! Lets get some EQL10 discussion going. Here're the teams currently signed up:
Agility Apocalypse 2000 BaconMen boefje ChoseN Clan Cube Squad clan metally troopers Comfortably Numb Dark Abbots Demolition Crew Dies Ater Enigma Fallen Angels Firing Squad Fraggers United Fragomatic Fusion Hippushnik In a Blaze lamoboti Magnum 44 Mob of Oddballs Oblivion Osams Paras Puff Puff Pass Quinas refuse to lose Revolution Satanic Slaughter Clan Segfaulters Slackers SmackThatAss sNBa Suddendeath Suddendeath ll Teamkillers the Viper Squad USSR
Who's going to be in div1 this year do people think? I've not been playing the last season or two but I recognise these teams to be pretty hot, no doubt there are plenty of top class teams I've missed: Firing Squad, Fraggers United, Fragomatic, Revolution, Slackers, Suddendeath, tVS...
Great to see boefje, Osams, FS and Fragunit back!
And on a more selfish note, which clans will be good to prac against for ~div5 Mob of Oddballs? Comfortably Numb, Dark Abbots...
Who are: Agility, Puff Puff Pass, refuse to lose, lamoboti, Enigma, and any new clans? - showing my ignorance here...
I've just realised we can see the players on the teams now too:-
Fusion are looking hott: tom slabi skillah serox rikoll moltas desmo blsp
USSRs lineup should make for some ggs: zepp xpr unnamed gor glad B1aze
This kinda answers my question about who Enigma are: votary vizer mazer kingpin hlt
Firing Squad lineup: spoink reppie razor mawe mae lakso keyser goblin 1-2-3
Fragomatic lineup: xterm (lacsap) valla (nitram) riker nabbe (mekkanix) inferno (destrux)
Ahh its gonna be a good season
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I think by participating in nqr6-11 and eql1-9, At least Apocalypse 2000 is one of the teams being active for the longest period of time!
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
My three main questions: Will nabbe play + will fragomatic prac more? Did TVS lose some of their pracs against SR and SD on purpose? What will be the main lineup for firing squad?
I'd add: "Will there be drama?" but I won't coz there sure will be!
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
http://stats.quakeworld.nu/index.php?a=4on4_ScoreBoard&matchId=6343  finally they could won even if milton played in tvs (before this they won several times, but then milton did not play)
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
tVS are favorites this year as well I reckon, but Fragomatic looks like the team with most potential to challenge them. If they prac ofc. Top 4: tVS, Slackers, Fragomatic, Firing Squad.
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Fragunit have been praccing tons, will be good to see if that pays off. I'd say tVS are my favorites to win but Slackers are deffo in with a chance... if FS strike a chord then they could be formidable at the top too, and I wouldn't put anything past fOm either. SD have a good chance of breaking into the top 4 too.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
I'm gonna give a go at dividing the teams into divisions.
Div1: SR, TVS, FS, f0m, SD, Enigma, USSR, Fusion
Div1 or 2: Hips, DA, Oblivion and Revolution. (I think they all should be div2, but maybe that puts too many in div2.)
Div2: A2k, boefje, Chosen, CMT, DC, m44, Quinas, SSC, tks
div 2 or 3: In a blaze, since they got fix. And if fix will play definately div2 since iab is allready top div3.
Div3: CCS, CN, Dark Abbots, FA, Mob of Oddbals, Paras.
div ??: Puff puff pass.. no idea who they are? If newbees then ofcourse div3, if not.. well we have to figure out who they are I guess. div ??: sTa.. div 2 or 3? I have a hard time putting them in 1 of the 2. I only know a few of them and well...I think they should be div3 based on that, but they would be a titlecompetitor. Since I don't know 60% of their team it's hard for me to judge.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Anyways it's great to see f0m in the list and I do hope they will play their games. If they get some playing time they could easily cause some upsets.
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
agility is stickman, rocketz, me, locktar
Member 793 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
maybe we will see 4 Divs this time? could be a good balance between diversity/size and equality of skill levels. Ahh its gonna be a good season yess
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
http://stats.quakeworld.nu/index.php?a=4on4_ScoreBoard&matchId=6343  finally they could won even if milton played in tvs (before this they won several times, but then milton did not play) Did u miss this one?  Would say tVS is clearly favourites as usual, even though we have been able to put up a fight lately. Teamplay starting to work really nice now, even so that ParadokS made this comment after a game: "damn this almost felt like real teamplay, like old days", so beware! 
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
Para plays again??? i mean... with his real nickname? :E
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
If only pracs would count.  Big divs again plz, looks like officials are the only way to get tdm games anymore, so let's at least have more of them.
Member 135 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Magnum is not a div2 team... just unactive players who came back to qw and played only few pracs...
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
Magnum is not a div2 team... just unactive players who came back to qw and played only few pracs... You are still div2 id reckon, Note that this is assuming that the divisions will be as big as last season where almost div1 = div1+2, div2 = div3+4
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Magnum is not a div2 team... just unactive players who came back to qw and played only few pracs... That's like every team these days?  Chosen - m44 prac went 1-1 so there isn't a big difference at least.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Magnum is not a div2 team... just unactive players who came back to qw and played only few pracs... That's like every team these days?  Chosen - m44 prac went 1-1 so there isn't a big difference at least. That proves that both are div2  Really both of you will likely obliterate most div3 teams.
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
If only pracs would count.  Big divs again plz, looks like officials are the only way to get tdm games anymore, so let's at least have more of them. Well I certainly hoped you guys tried to play your best during that prac. No offense but it would be bloody fantastic if sr vs tvs would be a thriller. Don't care who wins, aslong as you guys get some competition 
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Well I certainly hoped you guys tried to play your best during that prac. No offense but it would be bloody fantastic if sr vs tvs would be a thriller. Don't care who wins, aslong as you guys get some competition  At least one dm3 I was dragged into straight from bed and I was in total coma.  I'm just saying that pracs are pracs and real games are real games and there is a difference. 
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Well I certainly hoped you guys tried to play your best during that prac. No offense but it would be bloody fantastic if sr vs tvs would be a thriller. Don't care who wins, aslong as you guys get some competition  At least one dm3 I was dragged into straight from bed and I was in total coma.  I'm just saying that pracs are pracs and real games are real games and there is a difference.  True true. I'm just hoping that tvs gets some resistance. I can imagine that it's something you are looking forward too.
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Losses are losses and wins are wins. That is how I see it. 
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
Well I certainly hoped you guys tried to play your best during that prac. No offense but it would be bloody fantastic if sr vs tvs would be a thriller. Don't care who wins, aslong as you guys get some competition  At least one dm3 I was dragged into straight from bed and I was in total coma.  I'm just saying that pracs are pracs and real games are real games and there is a difference.  I was away for several minutes that game due to phonecall  Yeah of course you are right, feels like you guys put in a higher gear at official games.
