
Member 45 posts
Registered: Oct 2009
This part of the forum seems a bit dead, let's make some predictions! Division by division, the top 5 teams - the 4 teams you think will make it to the playoffs, and the one team you think will "bubble"  ! (fumurdoc!!) div1:1 tVS 2 f0m 3 USSR 4 SR 5 fs div2:1 oblivion 2 boefje 3 rev 4 hipps 5 agility div3:1 tks 2 cmt 3 ssc 4 m44 5 in a blaze div4:1 SNBA 2 CN 3 NO IDEA  (((((( GO!
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
topic starter should start!
Member 119 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
div1: 1.tvs 2.sr 3.fom 4.ussr 5.enigma/fs div2: 1.b. 2.[o] 3.da 4.hips 5.agi div3: 1.tks 2.cmt 3.ssc 4.sf 5.csn (cba actually trying to rank my team, so #1 ;pPpPP) div4: 1.snba 2.fa 3.cn 4.mofo 5.pipedope
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
USSR has good players but they won't win SR. div1: tvs, sr, f0m, ussr. No idea about other divs. 
News Writer 169 posts
Registered: Dec 2007
blaze they play kenya, they already have a map won there. Then as we all know SR sucks on DM2 so decider will either be dm2 or kenya and in both cases USSR is better.
Member 462 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
SR crushed Fusion in cmt1b prac, and seems to be much better in dm2 this season. I'm not sure how much USSR has played cmt1b. SR is also very good on cmt3 so they could win USSR's home map.
Administrator 1025 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
..Then as we all know SR sucks on DM2.. Compared to whom? tVS? Yeah we had a couple of really bad games last 3 weeks on dm2, but did you watch any other prac before that? Perhaps missed the dm2 we won over tVS (with Milton)?? Div1: tVS, SR, fOm, F, USSR Div2: O, Boefje, Rev, Agility Div3: CMT, CSN, SSC Div4: sNBa, CN
Member 5 posts
Registered: Apr 2007
Just out of curiosity people judge sr over last practice games yet there was no ParadokS playing.Is he not going to participate ? otherwise sr will be much stronger with him obviously 
Member 518 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
change of paradoks playing is close to 0%
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 386 posts
Registered: Apr 2006
I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring and make a few wild guesses. Div1! tVS > fOm > SR > USSR (Too many important names missing from the russian side?) > FS (Too rusty? None of them praccing?) Div2! O > B > Hipps > Rev > FU Div3! TKS (Well I'm not going to put my own team anywhere else, am I?  ) > CMT > SSC > .44 > CSN Div4! sNBa (No chance of losing this at all. I guess they only slipped in to div4 because of the name changes) > CN > FA > sTa > Pipedope? As usual, I think it all depends on the activity of the clans, especially with the unfamiliar maps in the pool being a big factor during the playoffs. Prac if you want to win! Work pays off and idling gets you knocked out.
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
tVS > f0m > SR > USSR > FS > Engima > Fusion > SD
boefje > hippu > oblivion > rev
cmt > in a blaze > chosen > tks
snba > cn > sta > fa
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Div1 tVS ending first is as 100% sure as sNBa winning div4. tVS > SR > f0m > USSR Div2 Oblivion > Hips > boefje Div 3 CMT > CSN > SSC p.s. will div3 ever start playing their games?  Div4 sNBa > CN > sTa > FA
Member 1435 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
div1: tvs, sr, fs (or f0m, if active), f0m (or fs if f0m active), sd div2: o, hips, da, agi, a2k div3: tks, csn, quinas, ssc, sf div4: CN, sNBa (no idea who they are), sta, ccs, mofo
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
sNBa (no idea who they are smala and ryzzen and a few others who are really div4.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
sorry for fucking up peoples predictions 
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Yes Zalon... Not only moving sNBa up, but also FA failing :/ You guys really that rusty as lastnight or do we need to get moved up to div3 aswell?  I guess we'll find out after playing sTa. btw div3 what's going on? Play your games ok? 
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
div3 is resting their way to shape!
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Yes Zalon... Not only moving sNBa up, but also FA failing :/ You guys really that rusty as lastnight or do we need to get moved up to div3 aswell?  I guess we'll find out after playing sTa. btw div3 what's going on? Play your games ok?  You might not have noticed, but the team we played with yesterday was a brand new lineup. Last season our lineup were: IBA, Peppe, Whimp and me - Then we had Karnage as a solid 5th and raz0 filling in when needed. The team we played with yesterday consisted of Bigfoot, Memo, ncp and me - Bigfoot have very little 4on4 experience, as little as never having played e1m2 before  Ncp played his third 4on4 game yesterday vs you guys, and Memo haven't played 4on4 since 2001(?) afair. So we're not really in the shape of last season. However Peppe and Whimp are registered for EQL, so depending on Peppe's WoW affairs we might be able to field him sometimes. IBA is playing aq2 
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
Well I did notice a few name changes, but I was unaware of their skill except for bigfoot. Who is atleast as good as me, but 4n4 experience is ofcourse very important. If peppe and whimp play you can guys can certainly put up a nice game. Anyways goodluck with improving! I almost started doubting we were misplaced as well as that would be kinda sucky since i've whined badly about sNBa. I'm sure sTa is atleast as good as us and DA can actually field a pretty damn good lineup which im kinda afraid of. Also ccs is a team to keep an eye on specially when zlt plays.. as zlt is a very good q3tdm player he obviously has the talent. p.s. My call to leave you alone irc failed I guess? Since you yelled something like FUUCCKK YOU kwibus during the first minutes of dm2 
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
p.s. My call to leave you alone irc failed I guess? Since you yelled something like FUUCCKK YOU kwibus during the first minutes of dm2  Highlight on 16 channels with 3-5 seconds delay had it saying *DING* *DING* *DING* for a minute 
Member 133 posts
Registered: Sep 2007
p.s. My call to leave you alone irc failed I guess? Since you yelled something like FUUCCKK YOU kwibus during the first minutes of dm2  Highlight on 16 channels with 3-5 seconds delay had it saying *DING* *DING* *DING* for a minute  Hahaha obviously.. silly me.. 
Administrator 384 posts
Registered: Dec 2006
STA have a lot of experience so I can see them doing well in the bottom div.
