I tried watching the DH QTV streams today and yesterday, but both times (and after several /qtvreconnects) the streams were corrupted.
For the first second I saw (choppy) action, but after that it screws up, often placing the player outside the world, the ping increases to 999, the gameclock counts seconds as minutes etc.
I tried using vanilla config, no difference. Occasionally after that the view will jump to another position or angle, but it generally does nothing, no activity of any sort. The console is left at "Downloading skins/locktar.pcx"
I'm not sure what the problem is, I can play online fine and everything

I'm using 2.0-1 stable, package from AUR (Arch Linux repository)..
Anyone had anything like this before?
EDIT: It also crashed a few times when I /qtvreconnected, but I haven't managed to reproduce it to get an error code/message.