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Graphics Discussion
2009-11-30, 12:50
2 posts

Nov 2009
Hi, thanks for reading

I'm playing on a widescreen monitor (2ms 24" hdmi 16:9 aspect ratio) and I'm mostly satisfyed with it, except I have a hard time finding a good fov.
I'm using vid_wideaspect and it actually squeezes the picture a bit too much, ending up with an oval crosshair image (using a cirkle) at a 4:3 resolutions.
I get the opposit if I turn it off - it's still oval, but horizontal instead of vertically oval.
It doesn't actually matter if I use a widescreen resolution or not, it really never get "right".

So, I'm looking for other players with widescreen monitors that are willing to tell me a little bit about their setup,
and perhaps give me some advice on how to make ezquake comfortable with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
Resolutions, settings, and other information is useful as I'm currently in a brainfreeze and a complete standstill.
I'm also interested in custom widescreen resolutions, prefferably adjusted for 16:9 aspect ratio.

Thanks for your time and input!
2009-11-30, 12:57
705 posts

Feb 2006
read ?
2009-11-30, 21:47
228 posts

Mar 2007
"ending up with an oval crosshair image (using a cirkle) at a 4:3 resolutions."

Does this mean you are running a 4:3 resolution on a 16:9 monitor? If so, why?
2009-11-30, 21:48
76 posts

Oct 2009
adjusting font also adjusts screen proportions (kinda gay)
for me the best setting is by using formula:
vid_conwidth = vid_customwidth / 2
vid_conheight = vid_customheight / 2

with 1680x1050 because I was not satisfied with vid_wideaspect 1 results
and using fov 110

but your experinece may vary.
2013-01-17, 07:14
10 posts

Jun 2011

also I bought a new monitor (LG W2363D-PF) i use 1920x1080, conwidth 960 conheight 540 and vid_wideaspect 0 @fov 125 / looks better than with wideaspect 1 for me yet. I tried with wideaspect 1, but the screens looked horizontally stretched... so I think conwith/height should be set to the half of resolution that is set and no wideaspect. If I am wrong, please tell me With wrong i mean DO I have to use wideaspect 1 is it better/worse...Suggestions ladies. The wiki Guide says wideaspect 1, fov gets recalculated...

le thx!
2013-01-17, 07:49
1025 posts

Apr 2006
achi wrote:

also I bought a new monitor (LG W2363D-PF) i use 1920x1080, conwidth 960 conheight 540 and vid_wideaspect 0 @fov 125 / looks better than with wideaspect 1 for me yet. I tried with wideaspect 1, but the screens looked horizontally stretched... so I think conwith/height should be set to the half of resolution that is set and no wideaspect. If I am wrong, please tell me With wrong i mean DO I have to use wideaspect 1 is it better/worse...Suggestions ladies. The wiki Guide says wideaspect 1, fov gets recalculated...

le thx!

My suggestion is to not use wideaspect in ezQuake, its pretty bugged. In my coming client you won't need to change fov etc, it keeps the same no matter your monitor aspect. ezQuakes wideaspect also calculates thing towards a fixed aspect ratio 16:10. If you've already changed conheight/conwidth to a 16:9 ratio, wideaspect will break that.
2013-01-17, 08:07
10 posts

Jun 2011

thanks, thats good to know. 1920x1080 and 960/540 width/height @fov 125 seems to be the best choice then - although fov 125 looks "zoomed in" for me, maybe i try 127 or are there any recalculated fov values for 16:9 screens? like From Old FOV: 1.3333333333333:1 aspect = 125 (FOV horizontal)
To New FOV: 1.7777777777778:1 aspect = 137.34613835603 (FOV horizontal) - solved
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