Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Anyone tried this AMAZING game? It's ZX Spectrum tastic, ridiculously hard puzzle-platformer. And it have one of the best soudtracks i've heard recently. I don't remember when i've played something so simple in mechanics , yet so addictive and hard to master. It cost around 10 Euro (or 15 USD), but it's well worth it! Also, it reminds me Monty on the run, a bit, and that was one of the best games i've played on 8-bit computers. (NES and SNES weren't popular in Europe that much, and honestly i don't feel like i've missed something ;P ZXSpectrum, Atari and Amiga beat these two easily)
Check out trailer:
And demo:
Member 685 posts
Registered: Jul 2007
So I guess time traveling IS possible As much as I like to see videos of certain classic games, this goes a little too far back for me.
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
NES and SNES weren't popular in Europe that much Lies! Well even in my petit village lots of kids had them! And the golden ZELDA was WTFPWNAGE still one of the best games I ever had the pleasure of playing!!! NES BABY YEA!!! Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I agree with flepser, almost every kid i knew had NES and later SNES (some even had n64 but that sucked ass with the exception of golden eye)
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
Yea we had plenty of NES (duck hunt) and SNES (mario kart) consoles over here in England too... I was more into the Amiga though; Cannon Fodder, The Settlers, Lemmings, Gloom (Doom ripoff), Dune II (c&c red alert predecessor), Speedball 2, Sensible Soccer...
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Ah yeah, cannon fodder was great. We played that one on some sega console tho. Extra points for those who had "Jools" and "Jops" survive all missions!
Member 247 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
if You like vvvvv they You all should try BRAID (available through STEAM)
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
NES & SNES with their amazing games are probably the reason im still playing computer games today. I even now sometimes dust off the old NES, shoot some ducks, speedrun through SMB1 or even play a semi-lengthy 2-player session of SMB3
Member 129 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
That game looks amazing, love the music too.
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
By "weren't popular in Europe that much" i mean "not as popular as in US or Japan". I knew plenty of people who had nes and snes too, but most of gaming was on home computers, especially in eastern countries. I had N64, but those were different times already! (then i switched to PC and never regret my decision ). Console gaming never dominated EU market, and that's why "horrible gaming industry crysis caused by Atari, their poor PAC-man port and broken ET game" wasn't big deal in Europe and almost killed gaming in US. Also, oldschool home computers > consoles for one big reason: they had amazing demoscene, even today there are people who do art on ZX Spectrum, C64 or Amiga... I frequently listen to chiptunes ppl composed back then, these are better than 99% of what "electronic music" is today. I won't agree that N64 sucked - it had fever games than PS or Saturn, but better quality, while Playstation was filled with cheap trash-games that should never see daylight, and Saturn was even worse. Funny thing that Saturn Quake port was better than N64 one in terms of atmosphere and faithfulness.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Well i guess after nes and snes a lot of ppl expected a miracle from n64. It didnt really live up to the hype but on the other hand, what does?
Member 1102 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Since you guys are cheap bastards who won't buy the game anyways, just try Cave Story: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_Story
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Yup, Cave Story is another amazing retro-style indie game.
About "cheap bastards" bit - many people says vvvvvv price is a bit too much for such short game, but think about it. It's 3h game that delivers pure fun, something unusual in the flood of mass-market games released recently. Compare it to slap in the face for pc gamers - MW2 - that cost 60 USD. Sorry, i'd rather pay 15 USD to support guy who did amazing job, than 60 USD to lazy-ass studio for their crippled overpriced and overhyped game. And so should everyone else! Sadly, vvvvvv is already on torrents, like World of Goo, Braid and many others before...
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I bought World of Goo as WiiWare, unfortunately the wiimote is crap compared to a mouse :/
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Heh, im a cheap bastard, and the "cave story" was really nice. Very good tip Spirit, thx. Think ill play thru this game again sometime in the future.. Hooraytio, about n64 i can really recommend "perfect dark" One of too few nice coop games. But except that and wipeout64 the n64 has really shitty games :> regarding that vvvvvv; looks amazing yea! gonna get that one
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
Just finished vvvvvv hmm, pretty fun with sweet music. Felt shorter then "portal" if possible, but weirder gameplay(if possible:> . Almost got killed 1000 times in 2h D Half of those in just 2 stupid "bonus levels". Which i still didnt make.. Very repetetive, and very fast controls with a feel of "cosmo" for those who remember that annoying old game. Feels abit unpolished and short which make me think price is too high to buy it, but i will recommend some to play it :> good fun!
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I like! vvvvvv is good, always been a spectrum fan, world of goo is just "ok" braid is cool also, and hard
ive downloaded Frets on Fire, its really cool!! For those who don't know, its Guitar Hero for pc. Inverted keyboard works really well. there's open source version, called Fofix: http://code.google.com/p/fofix/
its great fun! never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Very repetetive, and very fast controls with a feel of "cosmo" for those who remember that annoying old game. You should try Demon Blue on Amiga... that was annoying game. Fixed jump distance and platforms that require per-pixel accurracy... add almost impossible to dodge enemies. That was hell. But i finished it! Also, one of my greatest achievements in gaming: beating Fire Force with knife-only! I actually had no idea how to change weapons xD Man, that was both hard and annoying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIOzxlBVI38
Member 137 posts
Registered: Sep 2006
this sucks, first i downloaded an amiga emu. Then had to find some "kickstart files" which was a real hassle, after that finding the game was pretty ez, i thought.. After putting everything in order it still wanted the original floppy Tried finding demon blue on some torrentsites but all gamepacks were rared so couldent see the content :.( And too slow connection to just get em all. So no Demon atm sigh. Thought it looked pretty nice and worth a try and havent played that many amiga games, had a pc back then.. Funny as my first "real" quakeklan was clan amiga and all had amigas to play on except for me. But that was was netquake and soon after a tried qw for the first time, vs sandyman and i had no clue about bunny or how to play dmm3, was an eyeopener on dm2.. (thought i was playing a co-worker who then let nussi take his place, and i had to get nussis qwpack to get on a server as my netquakeclient wouldent connect) Lots of funny binds in that old pack Never changed back, to netquake that is, nussis ugly software cfg was unbarable Btw, this is great! -> Spelunky
News Writer 283 posts
Registered: Jan 2007
I found in amiga emulators that sometimes you gotta go to the menu and 'insert' the floppy disk file into one of the virtual drives or whatever