
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Hi, this thread follows the comments in zanne's "article" which is here: http://qw.fragzone.com/eql/comment.php?id=17
As i said in the comments, I think qw can "steal" some players from other games and that would be great for the future of qw. Ake Vader came up with the idea of making a real-newbie league. a league for newbies only that come from other games (as qw is hard to start playing and most of players have no fun being ass-kicked), seems a good idea to start a campaign of "player recruiting".
Imo the type of league to start is 1on1, to get some players. or else start 1on1 and 2on2 simultaneously.(4on4 would come later) advertise on main game-news sites. maybe lauch a small promo video also. lets do this right. maybe put online some "newbie servers" around europe just for them
what do YOU think? and i suppose it isnt that hard to get a new league starting with admins controling the player's signups
over never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Moderator 383 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I wonder how many 14-years-old div2-div3 players would sign-up under fakenicks just to get excited with winning over total noobs.  I wonder how many 14-years-old players playing in div2-3.
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
I used to play alot 96-98, and also had a few months playtime around '03.
Whenever I think of trying again I usually give up because I simply can't find a server with players of my level... Sometimes I manage to get a few frags on chaotic FFA/DM servers, but it would be really great if I had somewhere to play with (at least some, if not exclusively) below average players.
Just my 5c.
Member 1011 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
might be a good idea to have ktpro that auto-redirected people between a set of duel servers based on how badly they won/lost the previous match
Member 8 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Less serious leagues requiring less commitment than NQR/EQL/DM would be good. Matches can take hours in those competitions and you have to schedule it and arrange the servers yourselves, which is pretty difficult if you have limited knowledge of the qw scene or limited time to commit to it. Its not uncommon even for the negotiations to go bad etc as everyone knows, which makes it 10x worse. Maybe you don't even speak the same language. Those things are a *much* larger barrier than any fear of 'getting owned'.
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
what about a FFA tourney?
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Although i'm not too fond of 1on1 or FFA, i think those two modes are the ones to consider. It doesn't require players to learn teambinds or anything, just pure gibbing against other new players.  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I have a pretty good idea on how to do this. TheBeats thought's are also with me (#37): http://qw.fragzone.com/eql/comment.php?id=17 as he said it and i quote: " Work to get all these points finished. Until then, don't news/release make them ready, and then launch the campaign, not earlier" without thinking any further, email me if you're interested in helping in this campaign. doesnt mind if u're from usa, eu or au or whatever. Location doest matter in this campaign. just drop me a mail, k  never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
While i agree with him, i think those steps have already been done. There are already like 9999999999999999 movies out there (mostly fragmovies though, but people should know what "QW is all about" already) and i noticed some days ago that ezQuake has a quite thorough guide (in XML format) already. If you add all the online stuff and the personal knowledge to that you've got quite a nice and sufficient source. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 139 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
im playing qw since october 05... i had my final push from the movie "mortuality" posted on the german quake site "planetquake.de". since then i left q3 cpma behind, getting my balls squashed about 9999999999 times in duels, pov etc... team defs have finally got me into teamplay, mostly 4on4, and actually they even give me the opurtunity to play in nqr/eql. teamaply + teambinds + tactics are pretty hard to catch up.. but it makes me learn all the time! so even even if i got pwned that much etc, i still consider qw to be the best part of the quake "releases"... just needs something to make them curious.. the rest will come then 
Member 248 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
welcome nylon! bring friends!
Member 1 post
Registered: Mar 2006
i started playing qw december 05 i think. at first i played only vs ppl i knew from cpma, and they were about my skill level. it was alot of fun. unfortunately they dont play anymore or very rarely. so after a break of a about 2 month i jumped on a random server last weekend and got bashed 40+:0. why not make a newbie channel on irc like #cpma.na, where you can ask for lowskilled duels or team games? a small tournament only for beginners might be a good idea too.
Member 104 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I love all your ideas. But I still want to stress that one very useful way to advertise this campaigne is to do it in 1on1 situations: brag and praise quake to your friends and give them the addres to eQuake/newbieturne a.s.o.
And clans really should do what defs have done: take care of newbies, allow them to pracc with you, show them binds, your cfgs.. in the end you've a perfect player for your clan.
How about FFA server with teams and autobalance? I'd love to play on that kind of server.. It takes too much time to organize decent mixed game and regular FFA is just.... FFA.
I did suggest this kind of a server to ParadokS once.. But it never happened.
Member 23 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
A newbie channel would be a good idea, with some people in charge who simply would not allow "non-newbies" to idle and bash the "real newbies". The idea being that newcomers could find people of their own skill level to play with, and as soon as they got good enough be kicked out to play with the big boys (and perhaps form a clan with a few of their praccing partners from the channel? 
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
I've thought a bit in the past that some kind of 'QW School' could be a fun idea. I think a few people were a bit disillusioned with Q4, so might be able to steal some of them. Also it would allow me to act like a pushy father and tirelessly coach the youngsters to achieve the accolades that in my youth, I could never quite reach myself 
Member 68 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Hehe =) Wow  _________________________________________________________________________________ There's so much stupid ppl in this world, I tried to figure out why there's so much of them and came to realize that t
Member 811 posts
Registered: Jan 1970
Also it would have to be called "Skool" becaue kids like that sorta thing.
Member 693 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Yeah and when you graduate (gradu8?) you could be awarded the "2cool4skool" badge.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Ake Vader: Yes, most of the info is on the net already. what we need to do is gather the info in a compreensive format. yes Ezquake has a good xml format readme. yet I think we got to re-do it to make it clearer for newbies and add some basic stuff... So here are some simple topics imo should be done in a near future: Modify eQuake + proper readMe Make newbie ladders Make at least a short but outstanding promotional video (to make them curious) Get some newbie servers Newbie website What is needed? a good movie-maker willing to make the movie a good gfx-maker ppl to gather info server admins to run/modify existing servers league head admins that can put the ladders up for the website: this is going to be harder. anyone who's willing to help If you want to help, drop me a mail. i don't care if you're from China  in reply to other posts: (hi nylon!) In 2000 i made a qw school in pt. it was called OPTJQWA (OrganizaĆ§Ć£o Portuguesa de Jogadores de QW Activos) (Portuguese Organization of active qw players). It was like a clan, we had a webby with some tweak stuff and tutorials and cfg's.... Was nice. but the best thing to do imo is, when a newbie shows enough interest in qw it should be recruited by a clan. Defs did that with Nylon and it is working out great! he has improved sooo much (just check defs nqr games). we at defs are happy, feels good! anyway, just take nylon's example. he started in qw by watching a movie! he installed qw and started playing. some weeks later Defs recruited him there's some minor things to do and i have a pretty good idea on how/what to do. Drop me a mail... yet the whole community must do their job in this one! never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 36 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Ages ago I saw a FFA mod where your weapons were restricted based on the number of consective kills you made. So like after 5 kills, RL didn't work, then 10 for LG, and gradually on until you were left with axe or sg. Then consecutive deaths added weapons back in again. It was quite a fun mod as it allowed people to learn different weapons and stopped players dominating the server. Could be an idea.
Also how about the quake wiki, does anyone update that any more?
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Modify eQuake + proper readMe modify how?
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
change the structure: -Remove all unuseful programs and create a add-on equake pack instead -Add some others -re think the bonuses stuff -re-do the documentation, making it more "readable" to a newbie << mainly this convert the documentation to xml format and make it more user-friendly.
thats about it for eQuake
manny: seems pretty nice! do you know where to find it ? never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 79 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i started to play quakeworld seriously in october last year. i actually played my first 4on4 prac one week before the first eql season. what made me interested was the QHLan Video II (which i still think is one of the best, if not the best qw movie out there) and some chats about fps where onosendai always said quakeworld was the ultimate fps because of it's freedom in movement and speed. so obviously i tried it out and got kind of hooked. what i recall was the most annoying stuff at first: - setting up a proper config (didn't find any good reference out there for all commands) although, thanks to onosendai and mst i got almost all my question about the config answered, but if they wouldn't have been there i might not have played 'til now. also got alot of help of the googlemaster biomass who basicly can answer any of your questions by his expert googling  - get a good overview of the teammsgs i got onosendais cfg with all those teammsgs but didn't really know what commands to prioritize and when to use them. these questions where answered again by the same guys as before. - servers? what servers are frequently played on? i used The All-Seing Eye to find them but didn't really know what servers that were popular enough to be able to join and wait for an opponent.. - finding players on the same level i started to play some 2on2s, but at start i had no real sense of the game so what happened was something like people started whining when i was on the same team as them. same thing happened in 4on4 mixes, which is one of the only way to learn the TDM if you're not pracing frequently with your clan. so how can we solve these problems for the newbies in the community? the above posts sounds really good. some websites with good guides, movies or whatever can enlighten people about the game, not everyone has the same patience that i had  however, it's important to not divide the beginners and the "normal" players that much, the beginner might get stuck in the beginner-wheel otherwise and never move up.
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
thanks for your statement zaiko. its true. and thats what we're trying to fix here never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Member 59 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
In the UK there used to be a league(?) called "Quake Academy" which was specifically set up to teach players. Maybe someone remembers how it worked.
In my opinion any project like this just needs one basic thing: tutors. Noone wants to read pages and pages of documentation. Since there are such cool things as eQuake new players basically just need someone who can answer them their individual technical questions that will come up and who is willing and able to give them more information about gameplay, tricks, servers to play on etc.
Just get some tutors (experienced and nice persons knowing qw in and out), put them into an irc channel, add some students and get going. Also some exclusive (password protected?) servers would be quite handy.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
what about a qw help channel?
#quakehelp or something? which sole purpose is to answer player's questions about quake
Administrator 1265 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
#help.qw yeah, that also. it will be subject of discussion never argue with an idiot. they'll bring you back to their level and then beat you with experience.
Administrator 2058 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
i'm gonna snatch #help.qw also since it's more logical (#help.script anyone? ;P) and we can select one of them later with a big vote! 
Member 36 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
That was what got me sorted on teamplay, before that 4on4 meant ffa but only shoot half the people.
(It still does a bit)
Can't find anything about that FFA mod, it was a long time ago.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
#qwhb (Quakeworld Hillbilly channel) is another channel dedicated to not-so-good-players and of course total newbies. There is another called #newbieqw or something too. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
