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Maps & Textures
2010-02-13, 23:13
357 posts

Nov 2008
Maybe speed up automatic doors and lifts.

Edit: That first mix was really fun
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
2010-02-14, 09:56
130 posts

Jan 2006
I think trying out bigger amount of spawn points is worth it.

Sure 8 spawns points makes the start of the game easier, but it also makes it more static. You don't need to communicate with your teammates as much. On many spawns you do the same thing no matter what happens. Having something like 16 spawns could be interesting for sure, and I don't want to get rid of interesting to make things little bit easier to learn.

If it doesn't work out, then sure, revert back to good old safe 8 spawns.
2010-02-14, 13:19
133 posts

Sep 2007
Watched the demo for 15 minutes and it looks very cool imo. Also the open areas seem fine atm.
The gameplay also looked pretty good. The doors could be seen as something that breaks the qw flow, but then again it prevents someone from racing through the map in 10 secs which will probably hurt the map. It also adds some tactical options.

It looked pretty damn good imo.
2010-02-15, 08:01
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
Doors cant be speed up only triggered earlier. But lets wait for some more opinions. Lifts are atm 3 times faster then in dm2 or dm3 so I think they are fast enough atm.
2010-02-15, 08:07
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
cool that you have played a mix 4on4 already, ill try to participate soon as well!
2010-02-15, 10:28
133 posts

Sep 2007
anni wrote:
Doors cant be speed up only triggered earlier. But lets wait for some more opinions. Lifts are atm 3 times faster then in dm2 or dm3 so I think they are fast enough atm.

Doors don't have to be faster. I like them. Allthough I expect that some people might whine about them hurting the pace of the map. This didn't happen so far so I might be wrong Lifts are fine atm.
I really liked watching the demo. I think the map might be really really good for qw. I could be wrong tho
2010-02-15, 11:05
459 posts

Mar 2008
Another good thing about basing maps from other quake series (specially q3 / ql since thats the most popular) is that it could be easier to attract players from those communities if they somehow ever get curious about QW. Sure the gameplay on those maps is totally different, but I know switching game would be more appealing to me if I saw some similar things within the new game I wanted to test out. This maps also looks really promising in terms of team- and gameplay. Maybe a custom map 4on4 tourney isn't so far away? If so this map would be a good candidate.

If I had to point out one negative thing about this map, it would be that some places got quite boring textures. Of course not a big deal at all, since most QW players don't seem to care much about graphics anyway :-)

edit: a typo which made one sentence a bit too confusing
2010-02-15, 11:18
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
Rikoll could you name those places, so i could improve that in final version
2010-02-15, 11:27
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
Flintheart is working on locs right now so next prac could be more organized
2010-02-15, 12:05
171 posts

Jan 2006
Ok, so I just made a loc file for the map. You can download it here, along with the latest official updates of all other qw loc files there are.

EDIT: Made some changes, don't know if anyone allready downloaded it... but it's the same adress, just d/l the .zip again :p
2010-02-15, 12:57
459 posts

Mar 2008
anni wrote:
Rikoll could you name those places, so i could improve that in final version

I guess I could :-). It's not really the textures themselves that is the issue when I think about it. But somewhat more flavor to some areas, specially the YA/Mega area would nice. As it is now, that area looks a bit like it was designed in a rush, with the massive walls and no other objects around it than the ones you can actually grab (imagine that area when LG/YA/Mega are all gone). Something like a few boxes or just some random objects on the walls would be enough. Guess the YA area of CMT4 could be a decent indication of what I would like it to be like. The overall feeling of "clean" is what strikes me. That it lacks some licks here and there to make it look a bit more carefully designed.
2010-02-15, 13:21
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
try putting some boxes on the ground and some windows and other stuff on the walls
2010-02-15, 15:25
1102 posts

Jan 2006
If you will keep the base style (noooo, damn base maps (((( ) I would highly suggest only using textures that have high-res equivalents by Starbuck:

That way you could get replacement textures that do not look like ass (well actually, ok, like super hot ass in this case!).

You can make doors open faster, I think it is the "speed" key (but they seem fine to me).
Do you use lifts instead of pushing for a reason?
2010-02-15, 18:42
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
added 2 more demos of today
2010-02-15, 21:11
100 posts

Mar 2008
my favourite 4on4 kenya
2010-02-15, 22:59
119 posts

Sep 2007
plays decent so far, and like spirit said have the doors open faster and maybe make them damageable so you can open them from afar.
it may be a good idea to simply remove the bridge all together since you can jump into it just fine from the bridge where the button is.
2010-02-16, 07:09
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
Played the map 1 time last night and it felt allright. I liked the narrowness of the map and the fact that the larger rooms wasnt like oceans of air... Something should be done about pent tho as it is a waste of time to be in lava for 30secs if you fall down. Could pent die instantly for example? ok98 was down there twice and that was fun tho

I know the map isnt done but some textures didnt feel ok. It was a little inconsistent with the base style in some rooms and then bricks and stones in other. Also the floor under megahealth in ya-room was hideous and the transition from that to the green outside and the other floor inside the path didnt work (these are probably temporary anyway) The green patch above stairs at ya/mega was kinda off too, perhaps keep the green to the main floor at ya and do something else above the stairs

good work
2010-02-16, 11:17
459 posts

Mar 2008
You can get up from pent if you fall in the lava with RL and enough rockets. At least the time I checked it out.
2010-02-16, 11:41
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
wouldnt it be easy for an opponent to stop that move tho? (like shoot a rocket or 2 while the pent is trying to rj his way up)
2010-02-16, 11:55
459 posts

Mar 2008
If that is how the other player wanna spend his time, then sure, why not? If you at that point wont get any backup from your mates either, you might as well deserve to not get anything out of that pent? Don't see a reason why it should be easy to get away to important areas after a pent grab anyway. Plus this area add something unique and interesting to the map.
2010-02-16, 13:36
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
q1anni-beta2 available! Grab new locs here


- Speed up the doors (3x faster)
- rised lava level (possible to rj out or at least someone can bore a rl to lava)
- exchanged ya with ga @ lg (lg had to be less strong)
- fixed boxes at quad
- add four nails packs (2x near pent elevator, 2x near sneaky pent entrance)
- decreased pent elevator waiting time to 3 sec (5 sec before)
- fixed some textures
- added windows @ lg area
2010-02-16, 13:38
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007

a. falling down into lava wont kill the pent
b. you can rj up
c. an opponent can shoot you down
d. it would be useless spending time shooting the pentguy into lava?

I think that reasoning of yours is a little off

1. I dont want to remove the pent area
2. I think that area is indeed fun and interesting
3. I agree that it shouldnt be easy to escape from there with pent. I dont think you should be able to escape from lava with pent at all, period
4. I just dont think that the pented guy, if he falls down, should have to wander around in the lava for 30secs. yeah u can get up (or use kill, but come on?) but seriously, an sg enemy can shoot you down and that is indeed time well spent if it prevents pent from coming up...

maybe it is a little clearer now what I asked about?

"Something should be done about pent tho as it is a waste of time to be in lava for 30secs if you fall down. Could pent die instantly for example?"

*edit* Nice anni, looking forward to play it again later *edit*
2010-02-16, 14:43
357 posts

Nov 2008
"Something should be done about pent tho as it is a waste of time to be in lava for 30secs if you fall down. Could pent die instantly for example?"

I was down there once, and i just killed a guy, and then /kill. Fair enought
IMHO pent area was better, now is just too easy to get out with pent. That zone in q1anni-beta1.bsp was way better if you ask me.
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
2010-02-16, 15:19
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
Flintheart reworked the locs for beta2 so its recommend to update and not just to rename!

2010-02-16, 15:19
News Writer
1267 posts

Jun 2007
Yeah, the pent area made the map more unique. I was just against having to spend time in lava doing nothing. Im not sure it was the best solution to let pentguy out more easily.

Anyway, some more playtesting will do the trick!
2010-02-16, 16:00
357 posts

Nov 2008
Maybe make it "void" instead of lava? I mean, like in travelert maps, or around skull area, so if you fall there you die instantly instead of losing life with lava. I don't know what happens if you fall there with pent tho, but i guess you should die instantly aswell.
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
2010-02-16, 16:12
459 posts

Mar 2008
Yeah that is a good idea, time. But then we would miss out on all the funny moments of RL/pent dude struggling like hell to get out of the lava, and some annoying fucker who keeps harassing him with rockets, sg, axe or whatever. At least I would find such harassment both entertaining to watch and do myself
2010-02-16, 16:25
News Writer
438 posts

Jan 2006
Pent makes you invulnerable. So this "void" thing like in skull dont work...
2010-02-16, 17:18
793 posts

Feb 2006
make a big tele down there that takes you to a cage in the ra room. with rl you could still do some damage until pent runs out.
2010-02-16, 19:10
85 posts

May 2007
It is actually satisfactory in a twisted way to shoot an nmy pent down the lava. Also very fkn annoying if you're the on with the pent.

ps. At first I hated this feature, now it's making sense to me.
Str8 Outta Ritoniemi!
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