
Member 115 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
j0n why is win7 64bit a problem? one of the good guys! so please don't ban - jogi.netdome.biz
Member 357 posts
Registered: Nov 2008
Jogi: I think the problem is "a router too far away from the computer sad"  "the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
Member 231 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
j0n why is win7 64bit a problem? I don´t know. So it does work flawless with qw then?  I'm not very updated on ezquake anymore. I mean, no accel, 500 hz etc etc... Hoora: Yepp thats me alright!
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
speaking of coca cola, in blind tasting everyone prefers pepsi, but when tasters are told one observes the conscious/cognitive part of the brain light up on an MRI and most people pursuade themselves that they like cocacola better. Advertising and other conditioning is very powerful.
Same results for taste tests of beer vs beer with a few drops of balsamic vineger. (prefer balsamic vineger laced until told) Bring it on! Skins here: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cdyikl Also, notice that it looks like one of Pepsi guys is peeing on a grenade 
Member 370 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Oh my god, those are the BEST skins I have ever seen...
Place them on http://gfx.quakeworld.nu/
Member 245 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I vote for coca cola commercials in quakeworld.
Member 253 posts
Registered: Nov 2007
Imho superb idea. I know that Phil tried something similar on youtube but it would be even better with big matches and in VOD format commented by the player itself and post them onto esrality.
Member 226 posts
Registered: Mar 2007
Hello everyone!
I've to agree with Jon Snow.
I haven't been 'active' for 2-4 years but I do check eql/nqr/qw.nu quite often, especially if I know there's big games going on. Something that always suprises me that finals are basicly never covered. There're commercials like "Finals are here!" but then there's hardly never any posts about who's the winner. YouTube videos with commentary of the final matches would be priceless.
Quakeworld Hall Of Fame would be cool.
To bad people dont play FFA anymore, because Duelmania winners could've special unique skins as a prizes so people could notice them on Death32c. :-)
Member 303 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
Imho superb idea. I know that Phil tried something similar on youtube but it would be even better with big matches and in VOD format commented by the player itself and post them onto esrality. +1 I've watched this commentary and it's superb. Good explanation of rules, and what QL is about. It also shows how complex are classic-style DM fps, compared to games like CS. Something like that with QW matches would be even more justified, as QW is more complex than QL - unbalanced weapons, tiered armors, backpacks etc. not to mention the campgrounds is slower map than almost any duel map in QW, and QL in general is slower than QW. To bad people dont play FFA anymore, because Duelmania winners could've special unique skins as a prizes so people could notice them on Death32c. :-) About everyone uses forced enemy skins, so that kind of prize won't be anything special. And people play FFA, just less often 
Member 1026 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
1. "official" YouTube profile with great matches in HD (default NQuake graphics, no low settings - unappealing to viewers) classic matches will be saved for "posterity" and we can review them anytime or recommend them to friends.
2. QuakeWorld Live accessible in seconds: http://www.quakeworld.nu/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4328
3. live streams (tournments, exhibition matches) @ Ustream, Justin.tv
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Something like this?
Member 459 posts
Registered: Mar 2008
Something like this?
http://www.youtube.com/user/QuakeWorldnu Perfect. Then it just need some advertising on big game sites, and more videos like that. Like other demos from big tournaments. At least some 2on2 and 4on4 demos as well would be nice, but the more the better.
Member 123 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I know I've said this before (and got ignored) but I highly suggest a draft league so you can end up with teams made up of multiple skill divisions of players on the same team.
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Member 125 posts
Registered: Jan 2008
I don't know if theres any swedish player here that used to play Quake2 DM. And I don't know if I remember all the details correctly. But...
The swedish Q2 scene a long time ago used to have something called "gibblördag" (saturday gib) Which was a one day tournament that everyone could sign up for (32player limit) that started like 19.00 on saturdays (duh). 8 captains got selected by the admins, order and brackets got setup, and they then drafted players 1 by 1 from the signup pool until all teams had 4players. So it was single elimination: quarterfinals > semi > third place / finals.
The entertaining thing with this was obviously for less skilled players to be able to play a tournament (even if just for one night) with higher skilled players and also for a little prestige. But also, those times that many really good players singed up, great matches between team setups not usually seen.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
I think that could be worth a try. One night only is far better than putting together random players for a 5-9 weeks tournament.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I think that could be worth a try. One night only is far better than putting together random players for a 5-9 weeks tournament. Would defeat a big part of the purpose i think; getting the lesser good players to improve with help from the better players (who would do this, because QW is all about winning as we all know). Might aswell play mixes on Wargamez then instead. :p www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 347 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
PROtip: make it happen That's my new favourite quote. 
Member 485 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I know I've said this before (and got ignored) but I highly suggest a draft league so you can end up with teams made up of multiple skill divisions of players on the same team. Doesn't work. Many "real" clans have trouble getting enough people to show up for games. So if you make teams of 4 random people, there will be loads of walkovers. If you make bigger teams, the worse players wont get to play much (and who decides who gets to play anyway?).
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
cmd rnd player1 player2 player3 player4 player5 player6 turns out player 3 was selected cmd rnd player1 player2 player4 player5 player6
and then go on until 4 have been selected but i agree, it probably would be _alot_ of WOs
Member 123 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
PROtip: make it happen PROtip: NA QW is dead. I play in a draft league for ZD and it works great, that is why I suggested it. Since the clan scene died in NA ZD we moved to a draft league. You could say it's just the same as a mix team but it really isn't since you are together all season long and generally the captain is of high quality. The captain does all the draft picks and builds his team so he generally is the most important part of team success. I wanted to do a draft league in NA QW before it died but basically AG/Boss guys refused to play in it. Also you'd make teams larger than just 4 players, for a 4v4 TDM league I'd say you need at least 6 players on a team to ensure enough players at match time and practices happen often. The basic way a draft league works is you make sure you have awesome captains (this is actually the hardest part) then everyone signs up and there is a big draft. Captains take turns picking so if you have 8 captains it goes 1-8 in order then the order reverses, etc. After a season you can move the draft pick order around if you want based on how successful the captains were. Of course there are lots of various ideas you could apply to a draft league too.
Member 123 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
I know I've said this before (and got ignored) but I highly suggest a draft league so you can end up with teams made up of multiple skill divisions of players on the same team. Doesn't work. Many "real" clans have trouble getting enough people to show up for games. So if you make teams of 4 random people, there will be loads of walkovers. If you make bigger teams, the worse players wont get to play much (and who decides who gets to play anyway?). Granted I don't know the EU QW scene well so I don't know if it'd work, it was just a suggestion that has had great success in ZD. You seem to be overly negative saying people won't show up then suggesting if you make bigger teams the worse players won't get to play. That doesn't make sense, if good players don't show who do you think is going to fill in for them? That's right the lesser players. Also bigger teams serve a purpose for practice. It is still a competitive league so likely the best players will play always if they can but often at least in the ZD league many lesser players end up playing more than you'd think. One reason a league like this is good is because it mixes together the best and worst players for a long period of time. You also get to spend a lot of time with new people each season that you wouldn't otherwise. It also breaks up clan dominance and forces people to compete more. I know at least in NA QW you'd see good players always pair up in TDM tourneys and they'd do so tourney after tourney. As a new player trying to get better it is hard just because you can't play much with good people on your team unless you play mixes but mixes are a totally different level of seriousness than a real league.
Administrator 335 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
FFAAction creates more action. Noone wants to join an empty FFA server. xs4all is the _ONLY_ FFA server going on atm. simply because of it's history. Everyone knows it so there are always people on it. Problem is we got _ONE_ FFA server with lots of situations like dm4 with 16 players. The logical step for me is to have more FFA servers, but with bots on them. Simple setup really. Different FFA servers, with different map pools. have 4 bots start of the action, on 4 different skill levels. For every 2 real players that join, 1 bot leaves. Simple no? action 24/7 for more people. And maybe newbies wont be totally massacred then by div1 players all the time. Then you could do different themes.. FFA server with space theme, egyptian, caves, castles... there are so many maps outthere. And I also support some of the other suggestions made. For example let people respawn with more stuff. maybe armor, maybe 150hp counting down.. its up for debate. Changing weapon damage and stuff is a bad idea I think. Whole point of FFA is to get more players in and make them comfortable with QW physics and how weapons/infights work. PRO-XAnother nice thing was the Pro-X introduced at one of those Quakecon's I think. I loved that mod. It was like clanarena but better. You could join a Pro-X server and play 1on1/2on2/3on3/4on4 on special made arena maps.. I got totally addicted to that "ding" hit sound they took from Q3. Shafting someone.. dddddiididiiiidiing! mix@wg/draft-night?About the draft thing, I'm not sure I like it for a league.. but for a one day tournament I think it sounds awesome. 32 players, seed the 8 best players into captain group, make 8 teams and go straight to "quarter finals". Ok, I realize that teams won't actually be totally even, but they are not even in a normal league either. Often its impossible to make true fair teams on a regular mix server. But I like this concept  If it's too hard to find 32 players for this, go with 16 then as a test. shouldn't be more than semifinals + finals, so max 6 rounds. Should be doable within a single night. Make it happen!PS: Did anyone notice the axe does 75 hp on pov? whats up with that? and why isnt it implemented in regular games also? AXE is one of the only weapons I would like to see modified in QW for obvious reasons.. it's fucking kick ass =D It's so hard to use and imo should give you adequite compenstation in shape of more hit damage for example.
Administrator 1864 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
Regarding Pro-X it wasn't from QuakeCon but from QuakeExpo  -It was a cool mod, but people just didn't want to play it, there was numerous efforts to make it better/easier :/
